Anti in the greek is to say instead of. Thus antichrist is to say instead of Christ, We see in the scriptures mention of An individual antichrist (which is obvious to me is a role of HaSatan) in the singular and mention of antichrists in the plural.

Some of these mentions are based on the same role being mentioned without the title "antichrist" and some include it. Just wanted to post a few for my notes:

Singular- 2 Thess 2 (3-4, 6-10)/ Dan 9:26 lowercase prince (desolator)/ Dan.11(21-26,31,36)/ Rev.13/ Matt.24(23,26)/ 2 Cor.11:14/.....

Plural- Matt.24:24/ 1 Jn.2:18,22/ 1 Jn.4:3/ 2 Jn.1:7/ (Deut. 13/18)/...

Will probably look to continue adding to the documentation seeing as i know there are more. Feel free to post one or more.

Gal.1:8-9 seems to apply to the singular (and the plural) as im sure many others do.

We can possibly apply verses on false prophets as well seeing as they are Not anointed (which is what Mashiach/Christ means) of the Father as they claim to be. Much like HaSatan is directly related to the Lunar (moon/ months). All prophacy about him is in months where prophacy of Israel is done in days and or years (solar). The Hebrew calendar being neither Strictly lunar or solar but a combination of both). The moon is not a light source on its own it reflects light from the sun (son) and we are told he and his ministers come *disguised as angels of light.

Last updated by William H. Jan 6, 2015.

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