Today we have religious people demonizing "religion" in general. How can we put this into context with any substance?
Religion is a set of beliefs put into action (ritual/worship). This is present in any definition(s) given in any dictionary of your choosing. EVERYONE has religion (yes even athiests). Anyone demonizing "religion" itself alone IMV doesn't know scripture (on the subject). The bible mentions pure and undefiled - religion (thrēskeia/ Jas.1:27/ a form of worship, rituals,again based on belief) and Paul mentioned he had a "religion" (Acts 26:5). Its MAN MADE religion that we were warned about not "religion" in and of its self. We are to have a ongoing relationship (religion) with GOD. Faith without works is dead and thats what i see people claiming of themselves when they say they dont have a religion/ (lukewarm). Be Doers. It begins when your journey begins. Stand for something and bring forth fruits!
Both the English and Greek words convey the simple meaning. I will say the confussion may come in with multiple (modern)definitions of the English word. Some may lean unto religion being related to a large group sharing a set of beliefs and doctrine. But even then we are told the body of Christ isnt to be divided and groups that all follow set man made doctrine are called denominations. Denomination means seperation and or division. Yeshua wants us to be a unified one just as he and the Father are one. God is spirit and they who worship shall worship him in Spirit and in truth. With that being said No two people are Always at the Same stage of their walks and (imv) No two people have All the same layers of truth in common understanding thus no two people agree on All things All the time (unless one is following anothers doctrine blindly and putting his trust in man and not GOD). That Would be a problem. Traditions of men make void the Word of GOD (Mark 7:13) in ones walk.
GOD's house is to be a house of prayer. Embrace your relationship with Our Father today. Yeshua (The Word) is the Way! Got "Jesus"? Jn.15:15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Rev.3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me./ Faith consists of evidence- Heb.11:1/ What an experiance! 1love
Seems everyone has their own definition of "religion". QuOxford estion is how does your definition apply to God's Word? Doesnt really make sense to apply modern uses of the word “religion” to The Word And it’s use of “religion” (thrēskeia)
Religion is often seperated into 1) "Natural religion" (which is based in reason rather than inspiration/ and 2) "Comparative religion" (which relates more to man made Religion)
Was recently in a discussion with someone who said I am against "organized religion". I responded with verses what "unorganized religion"? Im against Man Made religion but religion in and of its self isnt inherently bad. Even the Word speaks positively of "pure" (Organized) religion but against the leaven thereof. (She stated that she perfers that terminology that she could have worded it better!
People love to put us in boxes. Often times I am asked what religion are you. Sometimes I just want to say I'm a follower of "The Way" (demonstrated and fulfilled in Messiah). If I stray I immediately am drawn to return (do Teshuva/ Repent) to the path. If our lives reflect this I believe G-d has mercy on us. 1love
Here is a question i came across recently. "Which is more important faith or religion?"
My answer to this is: faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen (Heb 11:1) and faith without works is dead (Jas.2:17). Religion is a set of beliefs put into action. Many religions aren't based on the faith delievered unto Israel and man made religion is vanity but some do have a religion based on the faith delievered unto Israel and that religion consists of faith. Without faith its dead and faith without being applied is dead. I dont honestly see how you can have one without the other unless you are speaking of man made religion!
An ancient writer, Lactantius, said: "We are tied to God and bound to Him by the bond of piety, and it is from this that religion has received its name."
Oxford "preaching": the giving of moral advice in a pompously self-righteous way.
Faith / Ideology
Last updated by William H. Sep 30, 2023.
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