Currently trying to figure out what caused the darkness (Matt.27:45/ Mk.15:33/ Lk.23:44-45) that came upon the land from the 6th hour to the 9th hour on preparation day (day of the cross)/ (Gave up the Spirit at 9th hour). Reading through some Christian commentaries so far they are saying its unknown. If a blood moon arose as the moon arose that following night then it couldnt have also been a solar eclipse in the day. Acts 2:19/Joel 2:30 (Is.13:10) seems to mention the sun "vapor of smoke" could this type of result have come in relation to the earth quakes the day of the cross? A storm?... Thanks in advance for any humbled/educated/ Spirit led responces! .....

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Searching through the (KJV) Companion Bible on the subject I read "no human eyes must gaze on the Lord's last hours" (quoted from the side margin of Matt.27:45). Not sure what led Bullinger to that statement. (as eyes were opened in the garden after partaking of the forbidden fruit perhaps the peoples perception of the cross in full revelation was clouded).;

In the synoptic accounts (earthquakes. darkness, lunar eclipse, people seeing the spirits of those who had passed over), the centurion in charge, witnessing these events, says: "Truly this was the Son of God!"[Mt. 27:54] or "Truly this man was the Son of God!"[Mk. 15:39] or "Certainly this man was innocent!"[Lk. 23:47]

We also know Yeshua (Jesus) said (Jn.9:5) "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world". We also know that the Glory of GOD was a cloud by day and a light by night for Israel in the wilderness. He also showed favor on temple dedications by a cloud of His glory. Perhaps His Presence alone (with his view upon sin) made it dark in ways we cant know.

(Historic writings)



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