Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six (666)" using the Evil=48 Code of A=49, B50...Z74. He's the current Antichrist whose actions are the opposite of the Christ, e.g. he's a compulsive/pathological liar, extremely greedy and boastful, assists the uber-rich, doesn't help the poor, sick, and needy. He  wants to torture, etc. 

D52+O63+N62+A49+L60+D52 + T68+R66+U69+M61+P64 = 666

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well I certainly don't follow. in what world does A= 49?....  (the "evil code")... Honestly people can do anything with numbers (I sure can). I could create an equation and turn your name into 666. That's not how one discerns The Anti imv & if you looking for a name that = OMG the Bible in Hebrew Cleary stated that I beheld satan as Barach O bama! 

The anti comes with a false peace (apostasy) with observation , will be embraced by majority of people that identify as "Jews", "Christians & Muslims, he will deceive the whole world (worldly society) and be the head of the NWO. I think few people are at such a level that we would even consider them an option for Antichrist. However Trump is one of few that is a possibility. He has Great policies that I support but also had a Major hand in covid 19. Rabbis in Israel have already called him a messiah and he has great interest in the land of Israel as does the Anti. Im still looking for the Anti and the two witnesses to make themselves known. I once wondered if Trump could be the anti Or even one of the two witnesses but the trail of covid that highlights trump tends to make me think that's not the Shem of Moses or Elijah but could serve the Anti's agenda. 

Obama is also a strong possibility for the anti and hasn't become irrelevant over time Biden is basically His puppet and he has even eluded to as much.He also sides with our enemies while being accepted of us as a whole. 

Overall I see this as madness <O>

i cannot believe many in the church think Trump is slmost an "orange Jesus"....he rips off all his vendors when doing construction....he sent out a call to the militia to come to that speaking thing on Jan 6, 2021...they all came with guns and kept them in out perimeter...he wanted the "mags" turned off because they were not coming to shoot him.....he sits eating burgers or whatever for over 90 minutes and watches the captitol invaded....and even says it showed they cared and He said he loved them...and he stole over hundred secrets and some you can only view in a "Sciff"....he got false slate of electors prepared....and looke at the 2025 thing he is prepared to do if elected....He will be a King....and so many christians think he is so wonderful....shows how even some of the most faithful in Christ can be so deceived.....i must hold my thoughts captive in obedience to Christ because it makes my blood boil....the dudes has always been nothing but a Con Man...and he learned how to do that from Ray Cohne the disgraced attorney who had his license revoked....look at all the people around him that have to go to jail for him????....look at those who worked with him that would NEVER again vote for him and will testify against him in trial.....Never had a president in history such a Con man and only looking out for himself even Nixon looks like an angel compared to Trump
also dear friends---Trump initially tried to protest legally by filing the election was a fraud and lost 60 out of 60 court cases that did not even go to trial because there was ZERO evidence of any wide spread fraud that would have changed the outcome....i dont say these things because i rely on any "legacy" news like Msnbc or CNN or ABC or NBC...but there are honest news agencies where attorneys site court documents of court you must have evidence not wishful thinking and the evidence is so overwhelming against him....but 1/2 of america watches "FOX" or the other right wing news that never report true evidence against him....why is it not illegal to call yourself News when you do not report true News???....Trump has divided America against all our institutions.....maybe FBI or Justice System is not perfect but by no means is it fraudulent as Trump and right wing that kiss his boots out of fear he will post something bad about them and they will lose their own elections to stay in power.....i am yes happy roe vs wade overturned...but Trump is not a person to serve the people but to use position to "grift" and once if elected all the true evidence he will "Quash" assigning people in those positions to do his bidding...Trump told speaker to Quash the border security bill agreed upon by both dems and he can say how bad Biden is....if he cared let the bill pass and if it is not enough pass another bill when elected????....but if Trump wins i believe it is God punishing USA for decades of killing babies in the womb and other selfish stuff USA has done.....i pray the Lord truly saves Trump and all that may be lost....but dont watdh FOX to get news about him watch news sources that are not paid off by big donors....just look at our Supreme court one justice flying flag upside down signifying same the rioters did storming capitol....and Trump promises to let all those who went properly through court system and found guilty to pardon them because they are true patriotes????...what????...look Trump invites autocrats over for dinner calling them strong people because they are so harsh on their people keeping them in line.....i could go on and on of true evidence against Him....but people have made up their will be a miracle if Trump does not win and wields his power acting as a dictator which he promised he would do on day one....if he does it on day one you think he would then give up his power???...please wake up and smell the roses....please people....yes pray for Trump to be saved but he only wants to be elected so he wont go to Jail....he was found guilty of persistant fraud and ordered to pay almost 1/2 billion in penalty...he is an adjudicated rapist and defamer ordered to pay almost another 100 million....ajdudicated con man hiding truth and found guilty of 34 out of 34 felony counts by 12 jurors of his peers.....what more must you see????

You asked, "why is it not illegal to call yourself News when you do not report true News???"  Have you heard of the Smith-Mundt Act that made it illegal to psyop Americans but legal to psyop other nations, using the "News" as one form of it?  Do you know when it was changed to make it okay to do to Americans?  Do you know who made that change?

You said, "... and lost 60 out of 60 court cases that did not even go to trial because there was ZERO evidence . . . "  Is that true? Is that the true reason courts would not even hear the cases brought by Trump or others?

You said, "....he was found guilty of persistant fraud and ordered to pay almost 1/2 billion in penalty..."  Is this true?  Please site the source case number and documents for everyone to see for themselves what was judged and by whom.

You said, ". . . 12 jurors of his peers . . . ."  Is that true?  How do you define "peers"?  Can you state any case number for us to look at where the jurors were separated into 3 groups of 4 and given the same instructions from the judge, for us to review?  Is that how you would like to be treated in a court system if you were being accused by a political force opposed to you?  Is that how God set up courts?

I hope you've read the end of chapter 19 of Deuteronomy before you've made public accusations about anyone.  If you turn out to be publicly, falsely accusing, then God's Law is that you get the punishment you hoped to inflict on an innocent person and rape is a capital crime to God.  If you are confident in the current American court systems being just under God, then no probs, right?

You assume that people have not followed the court processes and documents?  Some people have followed the actual transcripts and have found many things to be questioned.  You appear to have followed regurgitation from people you think you can trust more than other people in the "News", which I've already shown to you is in a fog of an infowar since the Smith-Mundt Act was changed to include America.

The Bible teaches righteous judgment. 

Did you know there was a law protecting survivors of childhood abuse's ability to sue for damages decades later when they were adults who were finally in a safe place and could navigate a court system, as they were unable to do during childhood?  Did you know that, specifically for the case against Trump, that  law was changed to add survivors of crimes against them when they were an adult who chose to not file charges, as an adult, at the time, who chose not to present/preserve evidence, at the time, who chose not to have witnesses make legally binding statements, at the time? 

The changing of that statute of limitations to include adults who couldn't be bothered at the time of the alleged crime, is a mockery of children who are not able to even understand they have rights in the legal system and whose lives may be in legitimate danger due to being dependent upon people who may be involved or threatened themselves. 

As an adult survivor of childhood trauma, I can tell you with absolutely certainty, the changing of that law angered MANY Americans and MANY adult survivors of childhood trauma who had to pay for decades of counseling while trying to manage to heal from the trauma that the statute of limitations had run out on, so there was no hope of financial relief before the law changed for adult survivors of childhood trauma.  The adult survivors of childhood trauma fought to have the statute of limitations lengthened to help future abused children have time to recover, get safe, understand the legal process and their rights within it.  A political force changed the law specifically to aid a case against a political foe and set precedents that harm children, adults, the court systems, and America's faith in the judicial system being just at all.



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