Here is a link to a site that documents Judea Christian roots in American culture and Government!
I wanted to share the link to a friends site and I will ask a few questions as well to see if a disscusion will follow.

What do you feel are todays obsticals to our values and faith? Do you see any organizations serving as our enemy? (N.W.O.), (illuminati), (Corporations), (Terrorist oraganizations), (a heathanistic self-justifying majority),..etc.
Do you consider the power structure in your location working for the enemy or God?
Do you feel the time will come when there will be a need for segregation in small communities inorder to hold to our faiths and morals?
God's will be done, stay in his Word and armed spritualy.

For those who follow the message 7/4 is the date of Independance for America and Dan.7:4 mentions this independance!
If not understanding i suggest the discussion "The Beasts of Dan7" in the "current events" group! - interesting mention of Untied States in scripture

Man sets up the One Word System, It recieves a death blow, the Anti revives it for is agendas. Dan.7/ Rev 13 (earthly and Spiritual Kings/ Earthly and spiritual armies) all this will happen during a (fig tree) generation that is among us today.

Remain watchful. Many already bare the mark of the beast and will be of those who will lay hands on us in the works of Their father, for those spirits who are to come are told not to touch us.
The War has been on and the other side is putting in work, are u and who are you working for?

The law of the land second only to God's Law ^1

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*not my post*

Ben Heath June 26 at 12:46pm

( It’s fascinating that The Great Seal of the United States and Revelation Ch.12 tell the same story. They both foretell of the destiny and purpose of God’s people, from their beginnings in Egypt all the way unto their “appointed land” in the wilderness – America. An appointed land that our pilgrim Forefathers fled to for refuge as they escaped religious persecution, and an appointed land where a remnant of God’s people will make one last stand for Christianity and Freedom.

Many people look to the Jews in Jerusalem as God’s Chosen Nation. But Revelation Ch.12 tells us to look elsewhere. In fact, Revelation 12 declares to us that in the last days God’s people would become a Great Christian Nation in a place prepared by God in the wilderness.

As it is written:

“And the woman fled into the WILDERNESS, where she hath a PLACE PREPARED OF GOD…And to the woman were given two wings of a GREAT EAGLE.” –Revelation 12:6, 14

This can be no other place than America. And the “woman” represents all twelve tribes of Israel, not just the small portion of the tribe of Judah known as the Jews today. You see this vast wilderness land protected by two great oceans and located thousands of miles away from the Old World and Jerusalem was destined to be the place for God’s people.

And it is America whose standard is the Eagle with outstretched wings. In fact you will find this Eagle along with other Israelitish symbols on our Great Seal. And on the reverse side of the Seal you will see a Pyramid similar to that of the Great Pyramid in Egypt with a capstone containing an eye within hovering over it, signifying God’s ever watchful eye over His people throughout their generations. For He has guided our nation’s undertakings from their birth in Egypt under the leadership of Moses all the way until they reached this land in the wilderness. Just pull out a dollar bill and look at the back side and you will see the words “ANNUIT COEPTIS” above the pyramid.

Meaning: “He has favored our undertakings”.

The 10 Lost Tribes may be lost to the world and to themselves, but not to God. He knows exactly who and where they are today.

So why would many people fervently support the Israeli nation in Palestine today when it’s not the wilderness place where God said He’d protect His People? And Jesus Christ himself even told us to stay away from Jerusalem in the last days because that’s where the Antichrist is going to appear (Matthew 24:15-16). Why would anyone want to be there to welcome the Antichrist?

The answer is that most people do not understand that the Jews only make up a very small portion of the tribes of Benjamin, Judah, and Levi, along with a mixed multitude of other peoples. And they do not understand that the rest of the untold millions from the other tribes of Israel migrated north over the Caucasus Mountains between 600 and 500 B.C after the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities, were later renamed Caucasians, spread throughout Europe and then later on to this Great Nation America.

So because of their lack of knowledge, they believe that the restoration of Israel is taking place in Palestine today beginning in 1948. Not realizing that they themselves are Israelites living in the land appointed by God for His people in the last days. And not realizing that God’s people are not prophesied to return to Jerusalem until “after” our Lord Jesus Christ returns at His second coming (Matthew 24:31).

Beloved, Jerusalem is no place to live in the last days. It is the place where God will gather His enemies to destroy them in the battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:16).

The appointed place in the wilderness is where you want to be.

It is a place of safety from all our enemies, as shown here:

“And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.” –Revelation 12:15-16

I believe this verse is in reference to the battle of Hamon-gog. A battle when God will destroy America’s enemies who advance against her from the north (probably through Alaska) under the leadership of the prince of Meshech (Another name for Russia). This is foretold of in Ezekiel 38-39 in which God’s divine protection will be displayed as He uses the earth to protect His people.

How will the earth protect His people? Well, because God will use natural things such as overflowing rain, great hailstones, and volcanic explosions, to shield us from our enemies (Ezekiel 38:22), just like He did when our people left Egypt.

And because this and other attempts to defeat God’s People will have failed, Satan will launch one last attack against God’s People in the Wilderness. As shown here:

“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” –Revelation 12:17

Beloved this will be the final stand for Christianity and Freedom. This will be the time when you are taken into captivity by Satan and his New World Order to be put on trial in front of the entire world. And you will be hated by most because they will believe that you have been the cause of the world’s problems, because you refused to go along with their Socialist World Government of peace and prosperity for all. It’s already leaning this way my friend. You see the only thing standing in the way of this tyrannical world government is Christians who love Freedom and Liberty.

So stand up and be a Christian Overcomer!

God Bless,
Pastor Ben Heath

Tribes of Israel 

The scriptures use 3 basic uses of the term "Jew"/ Paul demostrated this throughout the NT as well (identifying himself as a "Jew" and a Benjamite) Jew--
1) one of the tribe of Judah (Yəhuda)/ Some attempt to bunch all tribes under this label as well. (this can be done in that Judah was the kingline thus to identify people according to the kingdom you can call them "Jews"/ - a) one who belonged to the kingdom of Judah, 2 Kings 16:6, 25:25
-2) Locational/ geography (A) a resident of (Judea) Judah /or (Jerusalem / Yerushaláyim) / One who resides in the territory of the tribe of Judah (and or the kingdom of Israel)
(B) Israel once had to captials, this was rebellion and also lead to idol worship however those in the norther territories that still vowed that Jerusalem as their captial could be considered Jews according to this specific embrace as well.
-3) and today: One who embraces the faith delivered unto (the kingdom of Israel)/ Jewish ethnicity, nationality, and Faith(religion) are strongly interrelated.
Physical tribe/ Geography/ Faith
(a) one who belonged to the kingdom of Judah, 2 Kings 16:6, 25:25

There are a number of finds here in the states that the rabbi could have been mentioning many mentioned within theis group. Here is another example: (the bat creek stone) /
There is a documentary titled All that remains that speaks on some Very profound finds in the states/another is the Hebrew Hieroglyphics in Los Lunas New Mexico yet this one seems to be somewhat debateable because it has been defaced and itched over by modern vandals which makes it hard to qualify.

 Not responcible for all content here in. Posted for examples of change on principles of morality within the us.

A people unschooled about the sovereignty of God, the Ten Commandments, and the ethics of Jesus could never have evolved the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. There is not one solitary fundamental principle of our democratic policy that did not stem directly from the basic moral concepts as embodied in the Decalogue and the ethics of Jesus. -Florida Supreme Court, 1950

"The 10 Commandments stone near Los Lunas, New Mexico is possibly the oldest known inscription of the 10 Commandments in the world." Dating way back to a time long before school history books say that Hebrews were here.



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