Race is only an issue for those who make it one. There is an importance to understanding the culture and people in which the Torah was first given to. This helps one tremendously in properly dividing the Word. As far as embraceing the Almighty race has nothing to do with it.  Spiritual Israel is what matters in the end.


However the Key of David like the Word is to be embraced Spiritually and Physically. The spiritual side is to embrace the Passover (sacrifice) and the Sabbath (rest) that Christians know as the Mesiah Christ. Without the Law there would Be No Grace (un-merited favor). / Spiritual Isreal are those countless people who inherite the promise of Abraham. (Gal.3:24-29)


The knowledge of the physical side of the Key of David to for the meat of the Word. (Rightly dividing the Word and muturing into the deeper levels). The begates in the Word are there for good reason. The Word is written about one man and his people and those they come in contact with (Spiritual and Physical) Gen. 3:15 /  John 8:37-47. The Word shows the emity between these two throughout the Word and one needs to recognise the two differences throughout the Word. This comes into play in many places: HOW, When, and where the Levitical priesthood became infultrated and infested (The enemy loves to work its way in among you). The physical blood (line) of Christ /Both of Judah and Levi/ Lord of lords King of kings, documenting birth and conception dates of Yeshua, tactics/ fruits, Marks of the enemy (Discernment) and  how to recognize the family, who or what nations originally represented (however a nation that embraces God can later rebel and a nation that rebels can later embrace YHVH), and many symbols................ Always interested in discussions and studies on such subjects;)


Within cultural understanding are many keys to understanding Scriptures addressed to and by them! We are also told how the enemy (during ancient times) infested the priesthood and how. The enemy still seeks to to do today and always has.


Sadly I have met people who started out in growth in the Word only to later make their priority one of claiming physical ties to Israel in vain. This only breeds division and stunts spiritual growth. Its all about an individual relationship with YHVH. Anyone who seeks to call one a spiritual Gentile need to look at themselves (Matt.8:11). Gen.1:31 /


After all what was the purpose of Israel? To be the people from which Adonai would bring forth the Word (spiritual and physical). Not only that but Israel was to serve as an example unto the nations of how to have a relationship with YHVH and to put him 1st. Those choosen to do so always gave credit to God and not themsleves. Their purpose was to edify others through the Spirit of truth. So now I ask you what good is a seed without ground? There is a many membered body in which there is no respector of persons.Matt.3:7-10


 There is SO MUCH within the KEY of Abraham, Issac, Jacob,YESHUA.....I just wanted to touch on what it was here.


Sadly often times the enemy knows more about these keys than the Family does.


Please lets avoid fruitless steriotypes and labels. Feel free to share studies on the physical tribes of Israel here!

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The 12 son's of Jacob:(listed in order of birth)
1-Reuben-/Mother Leah/Conviced brothers not to Kill Joseph/tribe also called Rueven
2-Simeon-/Mother Laeh/
3-Levi-/Mother Leah/Preist Line/ refused to worship golden calf-Ex. 32:26-29/ Not given personal territory yet had preistly duties and only priests were allowed in certain areas of the temple!The Lord was their inheratince- Josh 13:33
4-Judah-/Mother Leah/King line/ brought up the idea to sell Joseph instead of leaving him to die
5-Dan-/Mother Bilhah (Rachel's maid servant)
6-Nathtali-/Mother Bilhah/mighty soilders
7-Gad- /Mother Zilpah (Leah's slave)/ army troopers
8-Asher-/Mother Zilpah/fruitful
9-Issacher-/Mother Leah/men of learning
10-Zebulon-/Leah/soilders and perhaps sea-men
11-Joseph-/Mother RACHEL/tribes Ephrium & Manasseh
12-Benjamin -/Mother Rachel/ Right hand/

Rev.2:9/ Rev.3:9
*1 - Of the tribe of Judah
2 - Resident of Jerusalem
3 - More common and loosly used/ One who embraces Judaism

Northern tribes: Dan, Asher, Naphtali
Southern tribes: Reuban, Simeon, Gad
Eastern tribes: Judah, Issachar, Zebulun
Western tribes: Ephraim, Manasseh, Benjamin

Note we don't see Joseph in the territorial names: This is cause he was given a double portion and they are named after his son's -Manasseh & Ephraim, 1Chr5:1.

I think it's also intereseting to note that Mary went north to Ephesus after the crusifixtion and the land of Turkey (Asia Minor) played a major role in early role in the Messianic Church and bringing forth the Word to the nations as Revelations among other places clearly states! There is evidence that Joseph (uncle of Christ) often traveled to Europe. The mass of the Northern tribes (House of Israel) according to history went in the same direction, settling in Europe, and later in the Americas and in many places in between.



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