"The terms "Ten Commandments" and "Decalogue" generally refer to the passages in Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21 (which are broadly identical). "
In November of 1860, David Wyrick of Newark, made this find in an ancient burial mound ten miles south of Newark Ohio, which has the 10 commandments inscribed in it and it. I haven't found any info on any carbon dating of these artifacts so
I am trusting that each individual do their own studies on this subject if interested in it. This find is rather new to me and I remain somewhat skeptic cause I heard of this from a mormon of which I THINK is a denomination that has views of even Christ traveling to America (while in the flesh)which I have seen no evidence of.(England Yes, but not America)
The stone is black to the eye, although it takes on a brown tone in all overexposed color photographs.
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