Though I guess I'm obligated not to discuss any particular religion or "branch" of christian faiths, I was wondering if this topic made anyone elses ears perk up? I make no assumptions about whether or not this could be the beginning of a "one-world" monetary system, but I have always wondered how the world would transition to a "faith-based" government worldwide (in which one would be required to worship someone in order to buy or sell) considering how important it is to most western societies to be "p.c." these days, and yet apparently all of Europe agreed with the vaticans proposal for economic reconstruction, any thoughts? 

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thanks scott, your points are valid :) trust me i can just look at a catholic mass or "worship" event and know there's something messed up about their version of "christianity".. pretty much everything God says He doesn't want, as far as prayer is concerned, they do. like chanting, and confessing to man, hardheartedness from teachers, and of course everything mentioned above by others. and it's apparent to me the influence the catholic establishment has on what i would call the four hidden dynasties, so if it sounds like i'm in support of them that's not what i mean to do. thanx for your responses guys you're a lot of help, love all the info i'm getting, praise YHVH :)



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