hey ladys Pictures, Images and Photos

Peace be unto those who seek it!

I am not much into social status but feel its appropriate that i introduce myself here and invite you to do the same. I started FriendsNChrist  to help me document study and Grow in The Word. I hope this site helps you as much as it helps me. Identify as a nazarene (of the Vine) Forever after the order of Melchizedek, Of  the talmudim of Moshiach / Adon Yeshua (Jesus)  A friend and brother. 

Born to a blessed family, grew up in a humble home, Baptized around the age of 13, determined the way is non denominational, had seasons of worldly rebellion, rededicated my faith, drawn to the “messianic” movement, found myself in harmony with both candlesticks.

Truth is undefeated and should be absorbed regardless of the instrument used. I like a comfortable atmosphere with good company and aim for this site to be that for others. I am thankful for honest fellowship in truth and spirit. I believe real Jews and real Christians are both in covenant with HaShem. 

My cannon is Tanakh (ot) and The NT (Brit Chadashah).

I believe there is a generation among us that will be here unto the redemption day and unto that instant there is a spiritual battle going on between the good and evil inclinations within the soul (nephesh) and that the spirit’s (neshama ruach) character is being defined in its relation with The Almighty.

The time of trouble, Great Apostacy, False Peace is upon us and now is the time for the sealed of G-D to resist unto the blood like a good solider. Society is in need of someone who believes. Blessed be the martyrs and those to come.

Everyone has a gift and I believe we create world’s when we seek out the good in others no matter how dark they may seem and stress their good qualities and growth. When we bless or curse one person that effect echos through creation. 

Repentance unto Atonement = Yeshua (Salvation) 

This site is dedicated to the edification of The Body. Feel free to invite others!

I will be online often. Feel free to say what’s up! I enjoy invites to other chats, honest debates, services, and instagrams. 

If you have ANY CONCERNS please contact me. I have two profiles here both link to the other in the “HERE” option at top of each profile. Weather it be Technical issues with the site or social issues.

 1 Love - Will


Shot out to congregations I am thankful for (but may not agree with All they say)

Lion and Lamb ministries (Messianic),

Nazarene Space (Nazarene),

Shepherds Chapel (Christian),

Emunah.com (Hassid  Jewish),

Lighthouse Project (Seph. Jewish),.....

My instagram b.trill

paltalk His_WILL

His are blessed with what it takes to decipher the truth. GBU

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Thank you Dave and FriendsNChrist for the information.

Hello, I am Shanna, a wife of 15 years and a mother of 3.  I was raised with nothing more than there is a God and walked through life roughy with no instruction.  After many a mishaps, I found God and from there grew into a spiritual relationship that led me into the Messianic movement about 10 years ago. 

Recently, I have braved beyond the weekly torah study and have been in the NT reading the gospels beginning to end, over and over, studing and searching deeply into the words of Yahshua/Jesus. 

I dont want separation of family, friends due to differences anymore, I don't want others to be murdered by my tongue, or weighed down with the pounding of the commandments, the proper name and or the truth of the paganism in the holidays........etc..

I am seeking the Ruach HaKodesh the Holy Spirit to show me the way Yahshua the way Jesus wants me to walk, talk, and live today amongst my family and friends whether in the church or in the messianics or in the world, to show me how to live as an example for him in Love of Him and in love of my neighbors, how to edify another and not weigh them down, how does HE want me to celebrate the feasts of the Lord according to his way not mine or the messanic or the jew.....    I no longer seek the approval of man but of God in all things.... 

I found this page doing a google search for edifing quotes, Thank you and I look forward to browsing around!

Shalom and God Bless!

Hello,  I am new to this site but not new to Shepherds Chapel study. I found PM in September of 1993.  It was an answer to a prayer. I was raised in a hell fire and brimstone church. From a very early age something told me that this wasn't right. So i turned a deaf ear. I can't even remember how many churches I tried before breaking down and begging God to just tell me where I belong. To make a long story short. The very next day I found PM's broadcast and suddenly it all made sense to me. I live in Eastern Washington and there just aren't any students here that I can find. The days are getting short now and its time we found each other for continued learning and support.  Thanks for the forum to do so.  Kathy

Hey Shanna and Kathy, I'm pretty new to this site as well but I just wanted to say there's all kinds of great material on this site I hope you guys feel welcome to comment and ask questions, I know I've had such a great experience and received lots of help in better understanding the Word as it pertains to present day using this site.  I'm one who's still trying to figure out my exact "place" in all of it but I know with the help of God, SC and this site I've made great strides! Hope to see you around! :)

I suppose I should introduce myself, since I have utilized your site for a while. I haven’t spent too much time here, but I would like to change that. I’ve been busy in many other areas, but I would like to try grouping with some SC students again.


I live in northwest Indiana. I am a mother of one son (19) and married to a good man. I've always been a very sociable person, but I lived differently before I chose to follow our Lord. In October 2002, I was diagnosed with cancer for the second time. I was bedridden during most of it, and my husband mounted a television on the wall. I had watched the teachings of SC, and that quickly became my favorite. I ordered my Companion and Strong’s, and the studies began and increasingly became more passionate because of the battle I fought for years ~ to live.


The initial cancer treatment was chemo doubled down with external radiation, then internal radiation bombardment to kill the remainder of the tumor. The doctors successfully got rid of the cancer, and in January 2003 I was given a clean bill of health. While I was still healing, our family suffered another tragic occurrence. I was left alone for a while, and I sought fellowship in a local Bible study group. My husband joined us upon his return. I was anointed at that Bible study in March of that year. As the leader of the group made his way around the room, he was using the new season (spring) in his words. He would anoint someone, stating, “New season, new…” He would finish the sentence with what he saw for that person. When he got to me, he said, “New season, new devil.” It was offensive to me, and their teachings were different than what I had been learning from Pastor; so we made the decision to leave that group. Let’s say that I learned the hard way to be particular about who lays their hands on me!  


Within a week of that anointing, I was diagnosed with radiation necrosis. Everywhere the radioactive fluid had been during the 3 days of internal bombardment (in December of the previous year) had become necrotic…dead tissue that continues to consume the live tissue, ultimately resulting in death. It is medically incurable. Death, that devil, found his way into my body. I was once again bedridden. But, I didn’t give up the fight to live. I continued to seek Him, knowing in Him is where I would find LIFE!


In the fall of 2004, some friends, a couple from Poland who still belonged to that Bible study group, came to our home for a visit. His wife and I were friends, but her husband had never visited. He would not come into the bedroom, so my husband carried me to the living room. I was very near death at that time. This man, knowing very little about my condition, said, “You think you are going to die?”


I answered, “That is what the doctors are saying.”


He proceeded to tell me that God told him to share a message with me: I was not going to die; that God was going to heal me, and He has something very important for me to do…I was going to help a lot of people. His wife chimed in, “A lot of people, Becki.”


Weak, I was thinking and even mumbled, “Yeah, yeah, yeah…”, but I still knew in my heart that I was not going to die. For months, I had told my oncologist that I wasn’t going to die. He told my husband that I was in denial, and that he should prepare me. I wouldn’t give up. That strength came from what I had been learning in His Word.


Shortly after that visit, this couple introduced us to a man in Chicago, Ireneusz Stobiecki. He practices an alternative form of healing called Bioenergy. I went to see him three times in one month, and that is when something miraculous happened in my life. The death in my body went away, and my body grew new tissue to replace the dead tissue. Yes, reanimation of flesh! I have medical records to prove it all. The following is an interview we gave in October 2005 about our experience with this gifted man, and English speaking (me) begins at the 1:20:




Please note that the interview was to promote his gift, but we do credit our Lord with the miraculous healing I experienced! He uses whomsoever He will. 


Oh, that devil continued to attack…again and again. After the necrosis went away, I dealt with the physical dependence my body had developed on massive amounts of pain medication; which is an illness all its own! Our family continued to suffer more tragedies, evil attacking; and some of them with irretrievable loss. But, through all of it, He has never left me. I am still alive today, when I was given 6 months to 1 year to live in March 2003. My husband and I have done our best to recover and heal, and we’ve learned so much in that process; and we are still here, together in the service of our Lord. We overcame that devil, and we only did it because of His Love for us and our love for Him.


I have lived it, and I am a new creature in Christ.


Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. –II Corinthians 5.17  


Having become this new creature, I understand these words from Paul more:


For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. –Philippians 1.21


There are things that I have experienced, and continue to experience, that I can’t necessarily share; but I know them to be genuine revelations. I have seen things and heard utterings that I can’t share or reproduce, but I am wiser than myself because of those understandings.


Our God is One Awesome God! I can’t state that enough in discussions about Him. May He bless us with His presence again, SOON! Until then, I shall continue to sow to the best of my ability, for Him to reap. Life in Him is good.


For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. –Matthew 11.30


I have experienced that devil’s presence, up close and personal; and I can honestly witness to our Lord’s presence being so much more pleasant to have in my life. That devil is now barred from my life, in His Name! Amen and Amen.


I look forward to meeting members and joining discussions on your site, Brock. ☺  

Hello,  you are an insperation to me and all that read your story.  I know encountering things that i really can't discuss with others.  I truly understand that.  You must really have something to do for the Lord if Satan is attacking you this much.  You will be in my thoughts. God Bless you and yours.  Kathy

Thank you for your kind words, Kathy! His Work truly is inspiring, and I share my witness with no shame. I've never been able to write it all down in a book or something, not for lack of trying. I have come to accept that He only wants me to share on a personal level, and I'm okay with that because I love people! Most aren't so receptive, as to believe that He works miracles like I experienced; and it is always a joy to meet those who know that every day is a miracle in Him.


With that said, I do look forward to discussion with others who understand those things of The Spirit that we can't readily share with others. I've gone through the process of acceptance that I am not insane, with the help of the few who've witnessed this activity in my life. LOL! The revelations are always so encompassing and surreal, but reality proves that it is not my imagination. I have recently been encouraged to seek others, and I think it is to share and prepare; and we aren't the only students of SC experiencing this. We all have something very important to do, and we draw ever closer to that time.


Love In Yehoshua Messiah,


 Hello friends, happy to be apart of this group.  No one near me shares the same beliefs and teaching as I do so it is nice to be among fellow servants of God..





Hello everyone.  I've been studying with the Chapel for about 20 years now.  I went through some hard times and there has been times when I slacked off on my studies.  But, my heart remained true to what I'de been taught. I've never waivered in my belief in truth.  I was raised a preachers daughter and I can honestly say that when I was first introduced to truth (although I had a familiarity with scriptures) I found that I was actually biblically illiterate.  I was so hungery for knowledge I chose to open my heart and mind to more.  Having had a fantastic teacher helped too.  I know now, that Father opens eyes and ears if we are only willing.  This man and women introduced me to the SC and the rest is history.

What a privilage beyond privilages to be able to open my Bible and UNDERSTAND most of what I'am reading.  And if I cannot....I have the tools provided to help me to understand.

Thank you fellow believers and thank you Father YHVH

God bless you

Peace of Our Lord be with everyone of you. I've just recently become an "investigator" to this site. I do want to say hello to all. I don't socialize much on the internet....mostly just email, very seldom FB, don't know how to twitter (and don't want to).

My heart misses Pastor Arthur so I began an internet search for "like-minded" people to socialize with. I want to learn more about the site before I share. Just want to make certain I say "howdy" to all.


Hello Joyce,  Welcome to the site.  I too miss Pastor Arnold very much.  I have been studying with him since 1993.  Its almost like a bit of my heart is missing.  Even though he lives on in videos of lessons from the Bible.  Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for Dennis Murray.  He too is an incredible teacher.  However, there will never be anyone like Arnold Murray.  That being said.  Pastor Arnolds work here must have been finished. He taught us well and he got to go home to be with Jesus.  I am sure we will be joining them soon. I have not been very active on the site for a few years now but if you would like to talk,  I will be more than willing.

I don't do face book or twitter either.  Don't have time!  Nor do I wish to make time. So we have more in common than just the Chapel.  LOL

Good morning Kathy. It is my good fortune to have gone to my Yahoo mail this morning and be pleasantly surprised to see your msg. I too still watch Shepherd's Chapel daily M-F and study my DVDs on the weekend. 

I'm still wary of making friendships on the Internet, one reason is because I don't get on regularly and don't want anyone to wonder why I might be purposely ignoring them.

I do have one question. What happened to David Murray? I heard either Dennis or Arnold make comment to his going home to be with the Father a few months ago. 

I'm healing from the loss of Arnold through watching his taped teachings and constant communication w/the Father about our loss. It really does smooth the feelings of loss.

I look forward to future discussions w/you. Please don't think me bad if I don't get back to you quickly. I do try to keep in touch from time-to-time.



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(KJV) Companion Bible
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2 * C. Bible with Books /side margins (turn page), Appendixes,...

3 More on C.B. / :) 

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Numbers In Scripture (Bullinger)

HEBREW Tanakh/ Messorah

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Hebrew / English Matt. -George Howard (translates Shem Tov's)
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-Greek Interlinear

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