

I see the border problem as a sign of corruptions within the US. Throughout the Word we see nations walls and gates destroyed as they rebel from the Almighty. We also see walls gates and towers built and maintained during times that God finds pleasure in a nation or city (2 Chr.14:7). A nation(man) that stands as a light shall stand indeed! A earthly nation(man) is based off vanity (Prov.18:11).


Jobs are going over seas while people pour over the borders. Fewer jobs and population growth during a economic strain. Does anyone else see a problem here.

There is a spiritual and physical war going on. No better time for a nation to embrace security. However many are more interested in making border discussions revolve around race discussions as if there is a hidden agenda to allow unsecure borders, economics, and values. Could it be that certain powers that be are attempting to break down strong holds inorder to create a new order? Race is only an issue to those who make it one.


Where do you draw the lines? Share ongoing concerns and updates.


Sure, America was created by imagration. Don't ignore all the conditions that the US is facing. keep illegal imagration illegal! Either way, God's will shall come to pass and it speaks volumes of the order of the nations in the last days! Many have died for the foundation of this nation. Continue to stand for what is true and those who embrace a relationship with YHVH. His will shall be done and in due time The King of kings and Lord of lords shall sort it out and gather his sheep together!


Proverbs 25:28
He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

May our bodies be temple of The Holy Spirit though we may pass through pastures that are not always green.

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And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

Is.3:5 (leaders of the nations shall have the minds of children)



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