I found this film interesting. It has much documenting in history. This movie is on the subject of the One World System (NWO). I know there are many conspiracy theories but this one seems to be a bit more supported! I can't say all of it is to be embraced cause I am still trying to find out if some quotes where perhaps taken out of context!

One thing I found interesting is that the U.S. treasury is under control of a private organization. The Federal Reserve Bank is far from federal but still uses the title. I think this movie can be a source of Discussion.
__________I suggest you watch______________

"The Obama Deception" *-->( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw&feature=fvw ) <--********************



From what I have been told, it has never been about presenting a "birth certificate". I am no legal exspert but i have been told that Hawaii goes by its on standards and only requires one to give basic info when Recieving citizenship which is then placed on a New LEGAL birth certificate. Such certificates being fruads are legal fruads.

If anyone can share the documentation in the law articles that relate to this, please do. Remember i am no exspert.

So why does Obama (BARRY) not have any character witnesses from (of) his youth??? Cause Barry before assuming citizenship lived a muslim life. When he was a college student he had ties to a well known anti american terrorist, and later an anti american "preacher".

(most recent updates to this forum are on later pages)

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HERE Obama disrespects and perverts the sermon on the mount(Yeshua Christ), and The Torah and the very roots of the Abrahamic faith. In short he has not shown great respect or understanding of either True Christianity or Judaism. Yet he Does go out of his way to show respect to Islam.

In the 2012 democratic convention the party of obama debated weather to even mention God in its platform. This speech above isnt the first time Obama basically spit on the longest single teaching of Christ in the bible.

Obama likes his economic plan unto the sermon on the mount (Deut.32:31)
Here while Obama's view on gay marriage was "evolving" he again points to the sermon on the mount
Notice he justifies his views in conflict with comparing scriptures by refering to Romans revelation as a "obsure passage" when Many verses show obama's stance on this to be a perversion, even more so when we know he later came out and said:
At a certain point, I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married,”

Islam seeks to be spread by the sword/ Taqiyya (deception)/ and has stages of Abrogation (peaceful- selfdefence- aggression (jihad/ sharia). True Islam in its complete form is aggressive jihad but is shared in layers of Abrogation. This way you have to study it to know it is a threat on humanity and society. Muslims are taught and teach islam in these layers (first that islam is peace this is REPLACED by deffensive jihad, this is replaced by Aggressive jihad) and are told to embrace deception and that their god is the best deciever. So you being unlearned in islam are easy pray in discussion on islam in the public arena.
Its important to draw a line between Islam and muslims! "hate the sin not the sinner". There is still an option of repentance for muslims and many muslims are ignorant to what islam even is and their quran and hadiths.
Muslims are the first victims of Islam (often at a young age) They (often) graduate from victim to aggressor. (a vicious cycle) God doesnt force reverance or Love. He finds no pleasure in it. Vengance is his and he shall bring the Sword of Truth (justice).
Not sure how America can stand against victimization from such filth with a Pres. (Obama) that disrespects The teachings of Christ 9srmon on the mount) and The Torah Laws (2 things true believers embrace Rev.12:17) as he is quoted in other vids in this section.Obama also says "some people haven't been reading their bibles" right after perverting it, At the same time Obama has the upmost respect for Islam. (It doesnt take much of a fruit inspector) As for islam, No message of God uses rules of Abrogation or Taqiyya.
Things are going according to the blueprints. False peace shall come but for those of a differ priority, May you be useful and devoted unto physical death. Num.6:24-26

what I heard on SC,Is,Those that vote for same sex marriage,That act will be besides your name in the book of life in heaven,So I just leave those people alone.Heres something else to ponder,Those catholics paying tithes to their church,Is Paying the Molested teens off,So,The church goers hands are just as dirty as the pedophiles,Why? They support the church,And knowingly!

Yeah I agree, to enable wickedness is to be partakers in the wickedness.

2 Jn.1:11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

Obama took the oath of a muslim as a teen. This is the Only standard and qualification of being a Muslim so by context he is muslim. Obama insulted and perverted the sermon on the mount and the Laws of God in a public speech. Obama has strained ties with Judah taking stances against ongoing settlements. Obama has no current stance against illegal imagrantion. Obama down played the National Day of prayer. The administration has been "Ditching Friends, Courting Enemies" - http://www.thetrumpet.com/index.php?q=6765.0.120.0

The law of the land comes 2nd to the Law of YHVH, last time i checked. God's will shall come to pass. We can't stop prophacy!
Man will set up the One World System, It will recieve a death blow, it will be revived and will serve the agendas of the antichrist who comes with observation and with the message of peace. Rev.13/ Dan.7/ The only ones considered a real enemy to the system shall be the elect. Will you stand if i means not being able to buy, sell, trade, or have health care?
YHVH provides for his.
Its common policy to created issues and play both sides so that hidden agendas are pushed through by those who can see further down the road. These same methods build and shape ideologies. (There the same ones supplying the options/ sure you can vote:)
Beware of the leaven of the system. As a nation drifts away from consulting God the nation will recieve effects. However each has an individual embrace! Spirit and Works. Keep a ongoing relationship with YHVH.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,/ that they are endowed by their CREATOR /with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Why refuse to mention The Alimighty? As a nation strays from YHVH the nation recieves the effects. (look around people there is a war being waged against The church.

Obama subtracted mention of The "Creator" from the Declaration of Independence TWICE in recent days. Obama- "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Sept.15 at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, the 2nd incident was during a speech to a fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Sept 22.
Recently there was a conference where the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy was distributing copies of a pamphlet with the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address and the Constitution.
When it comes to the area of mention of God "That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom." instead it reads :
that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.
The power structure is denying any affiliation with The LORD. Todays society is making it taboo to even mention Creation, or God. Anyone with ahead on their sholders knows this is a very negative SIGN.

Now a self-described "leading progressive legal organization" has dropped "under God" from the Gettysburg address.

Not only does Obama back the Ground zero mosque but he put the imam on his pay roll and sends him to Middle east in the name of islam (for "public relations"). Yes the same imam with ties to extremists and their funding.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf : "The US and the West must acknowledge the harm they have done to Muslims before terrorism can end" < sounds like he supports terror to me / What about the harm done to America and Americans (example 9-11)?



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