I was once told there was no word for coincidence in Hebrew (The Holy tongue) Thus it (coincidence) doesn't exist...
צירוף מקרים
ziruf mikrim seems to translate to "a coincidence".
Perhaps it was a wrong or flawed method of presenting the topic
However I see a lot in Judaism rejecting the concept of "coincidence"(pt.2).
Ecc.3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
I revisited this after some self proclaimed "atheist scientist" kept preaching "happenstance" and how "unimportant and insignificant" we are when comparing our individual scale to that of the universe.When I googled happenstance it gave a 1 word definition - "Coincidence". and then I began looking up Hebraic (jewish) thought on the subject! We are to Humble ourselves for G-d is not a "receptor of persons" but the atheist while a turn off triggered a deeper look which became very though provoking! I even gave thought to his highlighting size scale to Importance a thought to myself about the saying that its the Small things that turn out to be the biggest things in life and how focussing on "the small" or "simple" things in life often help people to find peace and relaxation.
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
We just went through Rosh Hashanah (books of life and blessings/ death and curses opened) The days of repentance and Yom Kippur (the books closed). Thus determining what doors would be placed in our paths in the ongoing year.
It's always good to Align our (free will) to His Will.
We are defining our character everyday via the time events and choices we make everyday. When things line up in what appears to be an organized order against odds we tend to want to see it as some sort of sign of emphasis and yet is anything "randomly" happening? *(rolling the dice)* Those who don't focus on G-D during these events (waves) tend to use terms like Happenstance, Coincidence, or even fate, destiny and or déjà vu... others that Do keep G-d in their outlook (heart and mind) perhaps see it as a alert, *Calling or Divine providence or in Hebrew, Hashgochah Pratis. Either way the events that are given these titles tend to be eye opening. Such events tend to give the vibe that there is something to this.
(NT) Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Matt.6:21-34)
It is No mere coincidence that the first word of the central book of the Torah is vayikra, “and He called.”
"Proverbs 16:9 guides us, "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."
(KJV) Companion Bible
1 Companion bible special studies (Appendixes) Website currently DOWN
2 * C. Bible with Books /side margins (turn page), Appendixes,...
3 More on C.B. / :)
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Other study tools:
1 Smiths bible dictionary
5 Blueletter
6 https://biblos.com/
7 E-Sword download is full of good tools and sources.
8 combo of tools
☧ Other helpful links in the groups.
9 Numbers In Scripture (Bullinger)
- Hebrew "Old Testament"
- Hebrew / English Matt. -George Howard (translates Shem Tov's)
- Even Bohan/ Shem Tov's
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- Jewish . Encyclopedia- Septuagint /Sep.
-Hebrew/English dictionary
-Hebrew Interlinear
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- ><> library
- Jasher
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- netbible
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