Everyone is given a measure of faith (Rom.12:3) and your faith is your reality. Biblically, "Religion" is basically your faith put into action (faith without works is dead). We are told you shall know them by their fruits (good or bad) and that G-d perfers you be either hot or cold rather than lukewarm. Are your works pleasing to G-d, afterall that is why you were created (Rev.4:11).
Jas.1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
"Religion" in & of its self can be either good or bad. Mankind has come to demonise "religion" but in fact its MAN MADE "religion" that is the problem. Fact is Your "religion" is simpley a Reflection of who You are (in your relationship with G-d). The Spirit is liked unto the wind throughout the Word. You cant see the wind yet you can see its effects (like we are to be known by our fruits). That which is unseen yet exsists and observed by its fruits (effects). Such things are Spirit(ual): Faith. Heb.11:1, Intelect, Humbleness, envy, depression, Love, hate,...
So how do you know your religion is true? Simpley cause its you (in your relationship with G-d) at any given time (Your reflection). Thats not to say that some peoples religion isnt in vainity (Jas.1:26) cause fact is thats is where some are. I personally dont look to agree with no man on all things all the time. (If that were the situtation one of us would be following the other). Nor do i exspect anyone else to always be in the same stage of their walk as I am in mine. Its When two or more agree In TRUTH that G-d is in the midst of them. Fellowship (in spirit and in truth) is a true blessing! All the members that make up the body of Christ know that comfort and seek it out! (Christ is The good shepherd who is worthy to be followed.)
We are not to boast of our own actions. Its The Almighty 1 who is righteous and "good" (and his divine judgement/authority is seen in the works He does through His people). His Word is The truth, The light and The way (His will be done). I am not "perfect" (good). The best a man can be is an instrument of G-d. A temple of the Holy Spirit. We all have need of G-d for it is only in him that we are complete. Its only by His Grace (righteousness) in connection with our faith that we can be justified.
There is a War that has been going on and everyone is playing apart in that war (while in the flesh). The war is inwardly and outwardly and is between Good and evil.
The Faith has always been about a (postive) ONGOING Relationship with G-D. "Now faith is the *substance of things *hoped for, the *evidence of things *not *seen." He has laid before us the ways of life/ vs. / death, Blessing /vs./ Curses, for we have all partaken of the knowledge of both Good/ &/ evil. So we need to put forth our hand and partake of the tree of LIFE to live eutnal (Gen.3:22). That is your part in a postive relationship with G-d. *Life is in the *blood and *Atonement is of the blood (Lev.17:11). The Life (blood) of Yeshua (Jesus) was sinless (it fulfilled Torah) and that is the "tree of Life". A relationship takes two. How is yours with G-D? (That is your religion, is it True?) Christ did his part! (blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD) question is are you doing your part in that you embrace G-d (put Him First/ Die of SELF) and reflect His righteousness in your actions. Those Born again are drawn unto good works. Your works cant save you (Yeshua- Salvation of G-d, he was the only one worthy of paying the price of atonement) but they do identify you weather you are in covenant or not. Going around claiming denominations, churches, theologys, and so on doesnt amount to a hill of beans.
Many shall say in that day Lord, Lord have we not........ and he shall say unto them depart from me ye works of iniquity i never knew you. But unto His he shall say "Good job true and faithful servant"! In every field there are tares in the midst of the wheat. So organised religious (denominations) shall have leaven within them.
So what road are you on?
How can you be useful to G-d today?
Peace to those who embrace it
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