No two people are at the same stage of their spiritual walk all the time. No Two people will agree on all things all the time (Ps.118:8). The Faith being about an ongoing individual relationship we can also find solace, growth and edification in fellowship (1Shem, 1Love)
"The *Greek text of the New Testament gives five words which depict various levels of spiritual growth, understanding or status. 
LEVEL 1: Nepios; An infant not yet able to speak; simple-minded. A "Nepios" is one who cannot care for him/herself in spiritual matters, and must be "milk-fed" the very basics of the fundamentals by someone/ something else. A "Nepios" needs to have his or her spiritual food "pre-digested" or "broken down" by someone else in order to recieve it. (Matt 11:25, 21:16, Lk 10:21, Rom 2:20, 1 Cor 3:1, Heb 5:13) Strong's # 3516
LEVEL 2: Paidion; A young, half grown, or immature child at an age where self will is discovered, and is in need of constant watch and much discipline to keep him or her from getting into trouble. A "paidon" is able to handle a small amount of responsibility, but should not be given or assume any kind of authority in spiritual matters. (Matt 2:8, 18:2, Mk 9:24, 10:15, Lk 1:59, 2:17, Jn 4:49, 16:21) Strong's # 3813
LEVEL 3: Teknon; A child (as produced or adopted) who is of an age of accountability and responsibility. A "teknon" is one who is fairly grounded in the basic fundamentals of God's Word, and is adequately able to teach others on the lesser levels (1, 2, and 3) of spiritual understanding; but one who's eyes and ears have not been opened to the understanding of the deep, hidden mysteries of God's Word by the key of David (Isaiah 22:22, Rev 3:7). The veil which hides those deeper truths is not yet taken away from their eyes. (Lk 9:53-56, Jn 1:12, Eph 5:8, 1 Jh 3:10) Strong's # 5043
LEVEL 4: Huios; A son with whom authority is entrusted. A "huios" is well-grounded in the fundamentals of the Word of God. The "huios" are the "sons of Zadok", or "sons of the Very Elect of God." Armed for tribulation Strong's # 5207
LEVEL 5: Pater; Matured/ Father or parent; signifying nourisher and protector of the well-being of his children; advanced in knowledge and wisdom. A "pater" is one of the Very Elect, whom were chosen (predestinated) from before the katabole of the previous aion. A "pater" has been raised up in the understanding of the deeper Truths of our Father's Word. The "paters" or "fathers" have been given the key of David, (key to the Kingdom) and have had their eyes and ears opened to the deep, spiritual mysteries hidden to others.

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(Is. Lists 7 spirits of growth and given in order of greatest value first 7 Spirits, Spirt of: 1) Rest (Of the LORD- Comfort), 2) Wisdom, 3) Understanding, 4) Councel, 5) Might, 6) Knowledge, 7) Fear of The LORD (Reverence- Love with awe.....( "fear")) "Fear is the begining" this grows into a loving relationship......

The sages tell us that Torah can be interpreted in four different general ways:

peshat, remez, drush and sod./ ...

Pardes (exegesis)

1) Peshat is the simple interpretation of the Torah. When the verse says (Genesis 1:1) that "In the beginning G‑d created the Heaven and Earth," it means exactly what it seems to mean, in a very literal sense.

Within these four methods of understanding Torah, there exist countless possible avenues of understanding

2) Remez  the different "hints" or "allusions" the deep (allegoric: hidden or symbolic) meaning beyond just the literal sense. One of the methodologies the Torah employs to make these hints is gematryia, the numerical value of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. For example, the gematriya of "Bereshit bara" ("In the beginning He created)" is the same as "b'Rosh Hashanah nivra ha'olam" (on Rosh Hashanah the world was created)!"

Bereshit bara and b'Rosh Hashanah nivra are both 1116.

3) Drush (or Midrash) expounds upon the deeper meaning of the verse. The Hebrew word for "In the beginning" is bereshit. The midrash tells us that this word can be split into two words—b reshit. The Torah is telling us that the world was created for two ("b") "reshit"s ("firsts")—the Jews and the Torah. Although this is not the simple interpretation of the word, nevertheless it is a true and valid way of understanding the Torah.

4) Sod (secret) is the esoteric, mystical part of Torah. The Tikkunei Zohar (a book which gives seventy (!) different esoteric explanations for the word bereshit) explains that the word bereshit can also be split into "bara shis" (created [with] six). This is because the world was created through G‑d's six emotional powers: kindness, severity, beauty, victory, splendor and foundation.

Always keeping in mind Who What  Where When How and Why

4 Layers of understanding applied to a revelation in Judaism. Together spell out Pardes in Hebrew meaning Paradise. In the Septuagint (3rd–1st centuries BCE), Greek παράδεισος parádeisos was used to translate both Hebrew pardes and Hebrew gan, "garden" (e.g. Genesis 2:8, Ezekiel 28:13): it is from this usage that the use of "paradise" to refer to the Garden of Eden derives



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