Blessed are You, L-RD our G-d and G-d of our fathers, G-d of Abraham, G-d of Isaac, G-d of Jacob, the great, mighty and awesome G-d, G-d supreme, Who extends loving-kindness and is Master of all, Who remembers the gracious deeds of our forefathers, and Who brings a Redeemer with love to their children’s children for His Name’s sake. King, Redeemer, Savior, and Shield! Blessed are You O L-RD, Shield of Abraham.
G-d’s Might
Your might is eternal, O L-rd, Who revives the dead, powerful in saving, Who sustains the living with loving-kindness, Who revives the dead with great mercy, Who supports the falling, heals the sick, frees the captive, and keeps faith with those asleep in the dust. Who is like You, Almighty, and who resembles You, O King? Who can bring death and give life, and can make salvation blossom forth! And faithful are You to revive the dead. Blessed are You, L-RD, Who revives the dead.
Holiness Of G-d’s Name
You are holy and Your Name is holy, and holy ones will praise You every day, Selah. Blessed are You O L-RD, the holy G-d.
You bestow knowledge to man, and teach understanding to mortals. Bestow upon us knowledge, understanding, and discernment from You. Blessed are You O L-RD, Who bestows knowledge.
Return us O L-RD, to Your Torah, and bring us near, our King, to Your service, and bring us back in complete repentance before You. Blessed are You L-RD, who favors repentance.
Forgive us our Father, for we have sinned. Pardon us our King, for we have transgressed, for You pardon and forgive. Blessed are You O L-RD, Who is gracious and abundantly forgives.
See our affliction, and fight our battle, and redeem us quickly for Your Name’s sake, for You are a strong Redeemer. Blessed are You O L-RD, Redeemer of Israel.
Heal us, O L-RD, and we will be healed. Save us, and we will be saved, for You are our praise. Cause complete healing to arise for all our ailments. For You are G-d, King, Healer, faithful, and compassionate. Blessed are You O L-RD, Healer of the sick of His people Israel.
Blessing Of The Agricultural Year
Bless for us, O L-RD our G-d, this year and all the kinds of crops for goodness, and give a blessing upon the face of the earth. Satisfy us from Your goodness, and bless our year like the good years. Blessed are You O L-RD, Who blesses the years.
Ingathering Of The Exiles
Blast the great shofar for our freedom, and raise a banner to gather our exiles, and gather us together from the four corners of the earth. Blessed are You O L-RD, Who gathers in the dispersed of His people Israel.
Return our judges as at first, and our counselors as in the beginning, and remove sorrow and groan from us, and rule over us, You O L-RD alone, with devotion and compassion, and justify us in judgment. Blessed are You O L-RD, King Who loves righteousness and judgment.
On the righteous, on the devout, on the elders of Your people, the House of Israel, and on their remaining scholars, and on the righteous proselytes and on us, may Your compassions be incited, O L-RD our G-d, and give a good reward to all who sincerely trust in Your Name. Set our portion with them forever, and we will not be ashamed, for we trust in You. Blessed are You O L-RD, stronghold and security for the righteous.
Building Of Jerusalem
Return to Jerusalem, Your city, and dwell in her midst as You have spoken. May You build it soon and in our days as an eternal building, and prepare the throne of David within it quickly. Blessed are You O L-RD, Builder of Jerusalem.
Kingship Of The House Of David
Cause the Branch of David to flourish quickly, and raise his horn in Your salvation, for we hope for Your salvation all day. Blessed are You O L-RD, Who makes the horn of salvation to flourish.
Receiving Prayer
Hear our voice, O L-RD our G-d, take pity and show compassion to us, and receive our prayer with compassion and favor, for You are a G-d Who hears prayers and supplications. Our King, do not turn us away with nothing, for You compassionately hear the prayer of Your people Israel. Blessed are You O L-RD, Who hears prayer.
Temple Service
Be favorable, O L-RD our G-d, toward Israel Your people, turn to their prayer and restore the service to the Holy of Holies of Your House. And the fire offerings of Israel and their prayers may You speedily accept with love and favor, and may the service of Your people Israel be continually favorable to You. May our eyes behold Your return to Zion in compassion. Blessed are You, O L-RD, Who restores His Dwelling Presence to Zion.
We gratefully thank You, for it is You Who are the L-RD, our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers forever. Our Rock, the Rock of our lives, Shield of our Salvation are You from generation to generation. We shall thank You and relate Your praise: for our lives, which are committed to Your power, and for our souls that are entrusted to You; for Your miracles that are with us every day; and for Your wonders and favors in every season—evening, morning, and afternoon. O Good One, Your compassions were never exhausted. O Compassionate One, Your kindnesses never ended. We have always put our hope in You. For all these, may Your Name be blessed, exalted, and extolled, our King, continually forever and ever. Everything alive will gratefully acknowledge You—Selah! And may they praise Your great Name sincerely, O G-d of our salvation and help—Selah! Blessed are You, O L-RD; Your Name is "The Good One," and to You, it is fitting to give thanks.
Grant peace, goodness, and blessing; grace, devotion, and compassion to us and to all Your people Israel. Bless us, our Father, all of us as one, with the light of Your countenance. For in the light of Your countenance You give us, O L-RD, the Torah of life, and the love of devotion, righteousness, and blessing, compassion, life, and peace. And it is good in Your eyes to bless Your people Israel at every moment and every hour with Your peace. Blessed are You, O L-RD, Who blesses His people Israel with peace
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