Egyptian artifact with egyptian record of the plagues! (The Ipuwer Papyrus!)
For more evidence i suggest: http://friendsnchrist.ning.com/group/historyastronomyastrology/foru...
A picture of one of the pillars mentioned in the videos. One pillar one each side of "The Gulf of Aqaba", thought to be marks placed by Israelites to commemorate their deliverance. ( the words for pharaoh, death, Egypt, King Solomon and the sacred name of God, YHVH, are all present on the second pillar.)
....... This Link mentions "The Gulf of Suez" (vs "Gulf of Aqaba") in relation to a load of finds. (You be the judge, personally i see alot of *suggestion and things that don't relate to the culture or time frame.)
https://joeforamerica.com/2015/05/archaeologists-discover-remains-e... Egyptians uncovering evidence of The Exodus?
(KJV) Companion Bible
1 Companion bible special studies (Appendixes) Website currently DOWN
2 * C. Bible with Books /side margins (turn page), Appendixes,...
3 More on C.B. / :)
extra link
Other study tools:
1 Smiths bible dictionary
5 Blueletter
6 https://biblos.com/
7 E-Sword download is full of good tools and sources.
8 combo of tools
☧ Other helpful links in the groups.
9 Numbers In Scripture (Bullinger)
- Hebrew "Old Testament"
- Hebrew / English Matt. -George Howard (translates Shem Tov's)
- Even Bohan/ Shem Tov's
- Word study tools
- Jewish . Encyclopedia- Septuagint /Sep.
-Hebrew/English dictionary
-Hebrew Interlinear
-Greek Interlinear
- ><> library
- Jasher
- Didache
- netbible
- Josephus
- nexus
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