Ps.22:16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.
Between Rabbinic Jews and Believers in the Gospel of Yeshua there has been an ongoing debate in relation to the texts of this verse.
The debate stems from the way the texts appears differently in different sources.
From what I'm reading and hearing The Deads Seas Scrolls,& The Septuagint (LXX), use the term for "pierce" (כארו, ka’aru, “they dug,” and thus they translated the word with the Greek word ὤρυξαν, oruxsan, “they dug” or “they pierced.”).
However, in the Hebrew Masoretic text, the verse reads: “For dogs have encircled me, an evil congregation surrounded me; like a lion my hands and my feet.” (כאר, ka’ari, “like a lion”)
The view from The Dead Sea scrolls is sometimes debated its self.
Fragments containing Psalms 22:17[16] were discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS). In the first fragment, which was found at Qumran (4QPs-f; known as the Qumran MS, the word in question is not preserved.
In the second fragment, found at Nahal Hever (HHev/Se 4 (Ps); known as the Bar Kochba MS, the word is preserved.
KJV translates ka'ari correctly in other places that arent proof texts misquoted by the GT.
Numbers 23:24 (veka'ari), and I as a young lion
Numbers 24:9 (ka'ari), like a lion
Isaiah 38:13 (ka'ari), like a lion
Ezekiel 22:25 (ka'ari), like a lion
Psalms 22:17[16] the KJV translates it as "they pierced."
For me this is hardly an issue cause when i think of "like a lion" I think of the best weapon and defense of a lion his Bite (Pierce). Yet some "Jews" stress only the Messorah here and say hey look it says like a lion and not peirce in what i see as a cheap attempt to just shy away from and relation to the gospel. To them i say yeah, like a lion.... And whats that mean? What is the message of that? For me its the same as pierce as the other well respected sources state and thus I see Value to the verse in relation to many other scriptures (examples: Zech.12:10/ Jn.19:37/...)
Today we can have two separate words used to relate the same meaning/message. Example we can speak of the earth and cal it earth, the land, the planet,... (okay maybe not the best example but oh well). Anyway what I'm trying to say is that lets say for the sake of reasoning together we can all for a minute say "like a lion". For me that alone requires for a further interpretation (a Midrash). I think the only interpretation of what that could mean in any context would be pierce (bite/attack/ destroy) which relates to the profound message within scripture and the two words closely relate anyway! For me its not really a debate but I have heard it arise time after time between those in rabbinical Judaism verses those in Netzarim/Messianic Judaism, & Christians
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