Where is the Ark?


Ron Wyatt claims to know the location of the Ark and to even have a sample of Christ's blood.


I like a number of Ron's studies but on this particular one I see nothing but claims with lack of evidence.


(feel free to post vids of Ron's claims)


Correct me if i'm wrong but just from memory i seem to recall that Ron's claim on this subject is that the Ark rests under the temple mount today and yet has no evidence to support this claim, He goes on to claim that he has a sample of "living blood" that he claims is of Christ that lacks physical dna from 2 parents. I fail to see the evidence that the Ark has been found and further more that what anyone claims they Have found is really the Ark. I have failed to see the blood evidence and if it is indeed living, I would think that it wouldn't be hard to show this evidence to the public in support of claims through a microscopic documentary and to show that the blood lacks dna from both parents which wouldn't be possible with just any human blood. The lack of evidence speaks volumes to me about those making the claims. (A man should attempt to support his stance on such issues with more than chatter)


Some look for physical evidence of things they can see to strengthen their faith without embraceing the scriptural discription of faith.

Heb.11:1,3 Now Faith Is The substance of things hoped for, the Evidence Of Things Not Seen.


Without the physical evidence how does Ron's claims on this subject stand up to scripture?


I Do find myself considering Ex.16:32-33 alot however (Dore/ Hebrew- generations- being the key perhaps - 1 Kings 8:9/ 2 Chronicles 5:10/ only the two tablets remained in the Ark upon its return)!

"And Moses said, This is the thing which the LORD commandeth, Fill an omer of it to be kept for your generations; that they may see the bread wherewith I have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the land of Egypt. And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot, and put an omer full of manna therein, and lay it up before the LORD, to be kept for your generations."

As this to be for the generations leading up to The Passover Sacrfice only, will it resurface and when. These have been things I have considered.


I embrace Rev 11:19 as telling us where the Ark is (today and in the future).

"And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail."

This would mean that at sometime the ark would have had to have ascended (been trans-figured/ported).


I would ask those who seem to blindly claim it is in the temple mount, then when would be the appropreate time for it to be gathered up to the Father? Honestly I would think there is only ONE appropreate time and this is when the sacrifice was made! Notice what happened when Yeshua uttered "It Is Finished". The Vail was Rent that led to the Holy of Holies!


We know that men can and have faked Religious relics. Personaly I question those who seek the Physical Ark over that which it stands for and symbolizes. and with this Ron Wyatt's claim with the blood I think we can see the intentions and hopes of this stance that such a find wouldnt only give some security in their faith but would also serve as a super natural source of the Power of Christ for men to use which I see as an abomination and blasphamy. (God is still in control)


Finally we are told that during the tribulation of the antichrist that there will be an idol called the image of the beast (One World System). What greater idol could the anti erect other than a fake Ark??? Afterall that is the role of the anti to claim the throne (mercy seat). So even if one were to show me a "Ark" and claim it was THE Ark that isn't the foundation of my RELATIONSHIP with the Almighty Father.

Image of the beast:

Rev.13:14-15 / Rev.14:9,11/ Rev.15:2/ Rev.16:2/ Rev.19:20/ Rev.20:4

Abomination of desolation Mark 13 / Matt.24/ Jer.44/ Dan.9

The enemy likes to transform its self into "messengers of light"

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Daniel 9:27
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.



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