So the common claim is that Jews can pray in a mosque but not a "church". Which tends to point at a church as a building with a cross on it or a Building with idols in it (which is dishonest). For even Israel in the exodus (wilderness) was called the church. 

You can Pray Anywhere. is there a place and situation I can put you in which keeps you from praying to (your) G-D?

Anyway Jews that respect muhammadian places of worship are disrespecting their own order. Muhammad doesn't carry the Torah Prophets or the writings. Instead Muhammad hijacked the names of the prophets and the order of the prophets (and Judaism) to create his own prophethood and blasphemed (perverted, remixed) The Message The Prophets and The G-D of Israel.

Yet look at these claims:

(1172-1248-) reports nothing less than that the Rambam himself, on numerous occasions, voluntarily went to mosques to pray [1], under no compulsion and seeing no contradiction with his Judaism. 

[1] = Tarikh al-Hukama, p. 318, trans. Kraemer in Fine, 2001. 424.

Teshuvot HaRambam #448. The halacha of Muslims not being idolators is codified in Rambam's Mishneh Torah, Maachalot Asurot, Ch. 11, Halacha 7

Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef witnessed prominent rabbis who prayed in the Mosque at the Cave of Machpelah. (Abraham's resting place) He then determines decisively that in Mosques it is permitted to pray and learn there.

Didn't say to honor it as a mosque!

Notice in the reasoning given Machpelah is referred to. the grave of Abraham... which muslims turned into a "mosque". You can go there and pray without honoring Muhammad and his blasphemy (religion). if they call it a mosque you don't pray with respect to their religion (blasphemy) or to respect their order (or claim that its a mosque. If both can pray there in peace then so be it that in no way should be taken to tell Jews they can seek out mosques to go pray in or that Muhammads remix is covenant with G-D especially when you know his teachings disrespect G-D the Torah The Prophets The writings and jewish peace. 

interesting link

Chrislam isn't respected by real muslims or Christians, Judilam also isn't respected by Real Muslims or Jews. 

NOTE: if this were true among Muslims  and Jews then why do the Muslim Arabs FORBID Jews to pray at al Aqsa Mosque???????????????????????? The appeal to muslims with this backwards claim will only lead to problems.  Muhammad's perversion of "Islam" seriously contradicts The Tanakh (G-D and His Word, and the order of Judaism (the temple, priesthood prophethood,....)

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Responsa Yabiah Omer 7, Yoreh De'ah 12, paragraph 4......

Tarikh al-Hukama, p. 318, trans. Kraemer in Fine, 2001. 424....

Kenneth Seeskin, The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides




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