I suggest one get the intense study from "Shepherd's Chapel"!
Currently have no link to documentary cause they are constantly taken down.
This stone was found in 1889 /oddly enough by a Smithsonian archeologist ( John W. Emmert).
It was unearthed in a burial site of 9 skeletons and with it were also found 2 bracelets. It was located in an area in which an local indian tribe is known to have created a written language for themselfs in the same time period of those who were buried. (The stone shows signs of someone not only familure with the mesorah of the Hebrew Priesthood and its sources of faith but was obviously one who was a practicing priest). This is extrodinary that one so grounded in the (Levitical) priesthood was in the states Long Before Columbus and was closer to the time of Yeshua. Levitical priests were more than capable of helping a people create a written language.
The site dates back to a ancient civilization in Tenn. USA.. The stone shows respect and praise to the God of Israel . Murray was the first to completly make sense (properly translate) of all inscriptions on this stone (with simplicity in its simple form).
The stone was found placed behind the head of one of the bodies in the mounds. This one is thought to have been the acting high priest.Those familure with Masoratic texts of the Paleo Hebrew know that it uses numerics that are seen as jots to place the texts into a numeric code. The message isn't complete without the complet code. The priest here used this concept to create a simple order to the inscription which was only seen with someone familure with how the Mesoratic text reads. others had a gap in their translations. This action fits perfectly with the message which is rooted in many scriptures. Few people could even make such a simple statement that is so rooted in The WORD and the concept of being of God's people.
Some basics shared here. However there is no greater documentary than the one from the chapel complete with video.
translated- "The Lion of Judah-May the voice of God, be the poker that gathers these firebrands" - Pastor Murray
( dated between 45 B.C. and 100 A.D. :) Great and interesting study.
Notice one of the letters are turned around to point to The Holy of Holies as the priests were exspected to do. The one with the stone placed under his head was facing a different direction than all the other remains.
A primitive root to inflame: - burn, kindle.
(Companion Bible note: Is.50:11 "that kindle a fire"= that are incendiaries; not the ordinary word for lighting a fire. /incendary- capable of producing fire, keep burning/)
A correction of the note (at Is.50:11) of the Companion Bible* (at least in mine, perhaps a slight typo)
"Only in "Deut.32.2"...... where it meant to say Deut.32:22.........
Other places where the term is used are Jer.15:14;17:4, Isa.64:2 "burneth"
(Lev.6:13/ Lev.10:1-2)
(KJV) Companion Bible
1 Companion bible special studies (Appendixes) Website currently DOWN
2 * C. Bible with Books /side margins (turn page), Appendixes,...
3 More on C.B. / :)
extra link
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1 Smiths bible dictionary
5 Blueletter
6 https://biblos.com/
7 E-Sword download is full of good tools and sources.
8 combo of tools
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