I'm sorry the enemy is attacking me on social media.

the losers who will Burn soon Forever in Utter Torment know this is important lol.

God showed me a sign once when I was searching. I tried to pick up my sweet cat i rescued once. off my railing. he cried.. me the one person who he trusted was betraying him in his mind.. like Jesus felt in His humanity on the cross..... how much more Infinately... did the Father feel Pain to do that to His Beloved Child..
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    His Innocent Lamb of God. It Hurt GOD SO MUCH Infinately more. to put our wrath on His Innocent Beloved Son.. the Lamb... more so than I felt when I tried to pick up my cat off the railing he cry. felt I was betraying him..

    Will you see the Love Story now of the Gospel.

    You as a Oneness have the "GOD Himself became a human and died on the cross in our place."

    The Greatest Act of LOVE AND HUMILITY in all ETERNITY.

    You have that part unlike unitarians yet you miss the other...
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      The Bible explicitly states the Father, Son, Holy Ghost.

      It literally mentions this..... all 3.

      How can you be Oneness beloved????
