LEVITICUS 23 - The feasts of The LORD



These Feasts represent God's appointed times. The Hebrew word for feasts (moed) Means appointed times!

Christ fulfilled The Passover and many embrace this with the feast of Unleaven Bread  1 Cor.5:6-8. When it comes to the Firstfruits we have a remnant throughout The WORD, and we have actual harvests. We are told that after the crusifixtion Christ rose and conquered death (Heb.2:14...), We also know that the elect will be sealed prior to Yeshua's return. The 1st advent was followed by the disciples becoming apostels (sent forth) and that this took place at Pentecost ☧ Acts 2 (compare to Ex.19:23-Ex.20:22)! However we are also told that such things will happen prior to his return. (firstfruits: Rev.7:3, 9:4/ 1 Chron.16:22/ Ps.105:15/ Eph.6:10-11)

Joel 2:28 The elect (firstfruits) have a job to do during tribulation of the Last days just as remnant throughout time were to be instruments of God's WORD: Lk.12:11-12/ Mk.13:11/ Matt. 10:19-20/ Lk.21:13-19/ Lk.17:20-21/ Lk.17:29-31/ Joel 2:28/ Lk.17:33/ Rev.22:12 /Rev.11:18/ Rom.10:6-10 (Deut.30:11-14) Eph.4:30

We are told of two resurrections (one at the beginning of The LORD's day and one at the end of The 1,000yrs / Lord's Day) Firstfruits and 2nd Harvest. Those who take part of the first fruits are considered the election and a part of the remnant that overcomes during the first resurrection. These are the same ones that are sealed and also found to be useful to The LORD (lead by The Holy spirit of truth /Example- Pentecost).

We are told of two advents when it comes to Messiah. The remaining Trumpets relate to action the seals being broken and the vials being poured out (during which one should NOT be found luke warm but rather be found with oil in their lamps and kindleing the fire (Rev.16:15/ Matt.24:46/ 2 Cor.5:3/ Matt.25:1-13/ Lk.12:49-51). Afterwards comes Atonement (judgement), and following that -the Marriage feast or feast of Tabernacles! All these feasts are spoken of in Lev.23.

I suggest that a believer embrace all these appointed times as God reveals to do so unto them. One who puts God first is found feeding their spirit with His WORD through his guidance. May the Lord Bless and keep you.^1 

ascension 10 days before pentecos


Last updated by William H. Dec 17, 2021.


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