Deut.31:18 (KJV) "And I will surely hide my face in that day for all the evils which they shall have wrought, in that they are turned unto other gods"
According to the Hebrew, Even the concept that he is hidden is concealed. "When we are aware that G-d has “hidden” from us, He is not really concealed, because we realize that our hiding from Him has been reciprocated by His hiding from us. And so, we humble ourselves and return to Him, imploring his forgiveness. However, when the hiding is itself hidden, and we think that this is the way the world is supposed to be, then we are in big trouble because nothing awakens us to return to G-d."
There is an old saying that when the student is ready a teacher will appear. So to whom does G-D reveal that he is hidden? The beginning of knowledge (wisdom) is.... It takes honest humbled seeking to recieve true and honest revelation. A relationship takes two. When we stop making conclusions based on our own inclinations
Verse 21b
"For I know their inclination what they [are planning] to do today, [even] before I bring them in to the land which I have sworn [to give them]."
We have need of purifying our hearts (circumcision of the heart). This is evident in Repentance (or "returning" to HaShem/ Teshuvah) / ("hesteir panim" - hiding his face)
The parsha goes as far as to say that G-D concealing himself is in response to inner rebellion and as a result many calamities and troubles will come upon the people. How will the individual respond? There is an old saying that "Some have to hit rock bottom before they begin to look up". Some have to acknowledge their way leads to destruction and is vain before they seek out The Way.
Throughout scripture tribulation showed the true character of G-D's people. Some people have no motivation to do anything they are fine as long as nothing is expected of them and they have everything provided for them. How does that work in a relationship? Can we expect G-d to do it all? If so where is the Relationship? Is G-D to be a respecter of persons?
There are also those who recieve strong delusion, Spirit of slumber, stuper for good reason and the reason given is they have no love of the truth. Even if supplied with the truth they are rebellious at heart. Sometimes it takes the realization of bad discussion and self destruction before one beings seeking Life and blessings accordingly.
When I use to struggle with anxiety attacks I knew I was missing something (spiritual) that medical doctors couldn't help me with. It was only when I began to feed my Spirit with the Word of G-D that I was healed. Perhaps their are seasons in our walk where tribulations come that can actually work for the better if we honestly want better. On the other hand when one is always provided for and pampered do they ever learn specific lessons of responsibility?
Joel and Paul said whomsoever shall call on the name (and character) of the Lord shall be saved. What motivation is there to do good deeds if one is content to do something else?
HaShem didn't conceal himself cause he hated the people he concealed himself for the purpose of discerning who will seek him out. Traditionally the people also conceal our faces when quoting Shem as to separate our sense from worldly ones as well.
Gen.2:7 “formed” spelled with 2 Yods applying both inclinations.
1 Love
21 Now when Elohim fashioned man, he planted in him emotions and inclinations,
22 but at the same time he enthroned the mind among the senses as a sacred governor over them all.
23 To the mind he gave the Torah; and one who lives subject to this will rule a kingdom that is temperate, just, good, and courageous.
(4Macc. 2:21-23)
Last updated by William H. May 10, 2021.
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