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JOSEPH's Friends

  • Godownsmysoul
  • mscatttt
  • Kathy Lynn Schultz
  • Becki Studer
  • William H.

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Welcome, JOSEPH

Profile Information

My interests:
Are many, from horse back riding to just enjoying the outdoors. I also enjoy working on old John
Deere tractors.
Faith description:
I am a christian and belong to Shepards chapel
and enjoy studying GODS WORD with Pastor Murray
Website (inappropriate=ban):
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Hello everyone,

I would like to know the views of folks concerning

this years presidential election.

Dose anyone have an idea who will win the election?

And what will happen? In these days we know they are

for the most part, run by people who neither believe

or do they care.

If you call yourself a christian they mock you.

what will take place in the very near future?

I am asking for your opinions, please don't take for anything… Continue

Posted on April 24, 2012 at 5:35pm — 5 Comments

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At 2:32pm on June 9, 2014, Kathy Lynn Schultz said…

If I don't get back to you in a timely manner.  Its because I am not real sure how to maneuver around this website.  One of the reasons I didn't stay on it  a few years ago.  I'm just learning it now.

At 2:25pm on June 9, 2014, Kathy Lynn Schultz said…

Sorry, I must have hit the enter button.  Anyway,  I have been fascinated by old Testament prophets since I found PM.. It is interesting to note that every single thing we see that is wrong with our present day world was told to us by all of them.  My favorite book is Isaiah. Which by the way a replay was just started  yesterday.  The time slot is 9am to 10am. Pacific time.  I was raised in a Church that taught that the old Testament is just history and does not apply today.  Somehow I just knew this was wrong so I ignored the teaching. Also there are the generations being 40, 70 and 120 years.  The generations Christ spoke of began in 1948 with the reintroduction of Israel as a nation. Now the 40 year generation is long past. The 70 year generation will end in 2018 and people just don't live to be 120 anymore. So that leaves us with 2018 or close to.  The World I live in I don't recognize anymore. Obama is doing all he can to destroy Our Christian way of live. Most all of the signs the Bible speaks of are happening today.  I have always had a sort of sixth sense when it comes to understanding God and how He feels.  I encourage you to read or listen to PM teach just the first chapter of Isaiah. It describes exactly how the end times will be and how God feels about it.  It will tell you how God feels about our political leaders of today. How God feels about the open border policy that Obama wants. I could go on and on but I'm sure you get the idea.  When ever I get fed up with the news and the ignorant politicians of the world today.  I just listen to Isaiah and once again am reminded that God is in control. Then I settle back down.  If I don't keep grounded in the Bible I go nuts.  I hate the way people are ignoring our Father and treating Him as they do. 

At 12:34pm on June 9, 2014, Kathy Lynn Schultz said…

We are in the end days now.  Since PM passed over I am sure it is just a matter of a few years left here in this era. Can't wait to see him again

At 12:32pm on June 9, 2014, Kathy Lynn Schultz said…

Oh, by the way.  I too luv horses and dogs and the great outdoors.  Don't have horses anymore. My daughter took my last one.  Just the dogs left now. Have been with the SC since 93.  PM was an answer to a prayer.  I had Quarter horses for 30 years.  Miss them a lot.  Once you have them in your blood they never leave..

At 12:27pm on June 9, 2014, Kathy Lynn Schultz said…

I see that you left a recent post.  I am just re-discovering this site. I joined a few years ago but am not very good at maneuvering around it. Still trying to figure it out. It does not seem to be a very active site.  Am I missing something? 

At 10:31am on April 15, 2012, Becki Studer said…

Hello, Joseph!


Thank you for accepting my offer of friendship, and I see how blessed you are in this world! You have no idea how long I have wanted property like that, with lotsa horses. My favorite are Fresians, and I dream of a field of them that are for me. ☺ 


I look forward to fellowship here, and your page alone presents you as an interesting person. You most certainly must have a lot of time to meditate in serenity. Do share! 


In Christ,




Super Admin


(KJV) Companion Bible
1 Companion bible special studies (Appendixes) Website currently DOWN

2 * C. Bible with Books /side margins (turn page), Appendixes,...

3 More on C.B. / :) 

(search Strongs )

extra link


Other study tools:
1 Smiths bible dictionary

2 Strong's/Concordance



7 E-Sword download is full of good tools and sources.

combo of tools
☧ Other helpful links in the groups.

Numbers In Scripture (Bullinger)

HEBREW Tanakh/ Messorah

- Hebrew "Old Testament"

Hebrew / English Matt. -George Howard (translates Shem Tov's)
- Even Bohan/ Shem Tov's


- Word study tools

- Jewish . Encyclopedia- Septuagint /Sep.

-Hebrew/English dictionary

-Hebrew Interlinear

-Greek Interlinear

- ><> library

- calculator

- Jasher

- apocrypha

- DeadSea /DSS

- Didache 



- nexus

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