My name is Mark,have been learning the Bible with help of shepherd chapel.Does anyone own a good church in upstate,NY?I went to church most of my life,that they did not teach the Bible,and found
Shepherd's chapel one day and learned I was being lied to.I am married to a wonderful wife Helen.I have
Lyme Disease now,and need some verses in the Bible to help me endure pain.Furthermore,I have brain problems and if I don't make sense sometimes,I am sorry.God Bless Mark
Thank you for your comments,please keep me in your prayers.I try to stick with the health laws in leviticus.I know now YHVH is the best doctor,if it's will for a healing.The world is full of many toxic,because of men and women.God Bless you all.Mark
just a good health study that happened across my youtube page, not about lyme specifically, but bone/joint pain and diet in general. darla made some very good suggestions as well (funny that's my mom's name seems weird saying that about someone else lol) but anyway, hope you're feeling better. praise YHVH
Welcome Mark,
So happy you have joined the forum, I suffer from a lot of pain and wanted to post this information because I believe it really may help you, I know it has helped my situation. I found it quite a while back and started implementing a lot of the info because my doctor just wasn't able to help, kept wanting to prescribe hard core pain meds. I have been going the natural route and where I could hardly walk because of the pain in my legs when I would sit or overall pain throughout my body the natural has helped me so much I am now going for walks again. God Bless You and may this give you the healing help it has given me.
The anti-inflammatory diet
You may want to investigate the comprehensive anti-inflammation diet outlined in my book, The Core Balance Diet. But here are three ways to deliberately counter inflammation in your diet today:
Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and wild seafood. Add generous portions of deeply-pigmented vegetables to every meal and snack for their fiber and natural anti-inflammatory compounds. Many herbs and foods such as turmeric, oregano, garlic, green tea, blueberries, and ginger contain bioflavonoids and polyphenols that limit free-radical production in the body.
As for fish, while its health benefits were once beyond compare, many species today contain astronomically high levels of mercury, PCB’s, and other toxins. With that unfortunate reality, we suggest you significantly limit or avoid Atlantic varieties, and eat only wild Pacific or Alaskan salmon (unless organically farm-raised). Because toxins magnify as you go up the food chain, smaller species such as sardines, anchovies, and shellfish are still good choices.
Add essential fatty acids (EFA’s) to your diet. Because omega–3 fatty acids are in shortest supply in our modern diet, we recommend you take an omega–3 supplement daily to rebalance your diet. This is one of the simplest, safest, yet most effective steps you can take to quell chronic inflammation in your body. In our practice we have found fish oil EFA supplements to be most helpful, but if you are a vegetarian, algal sources can be used with good result. Just be sure your EFA supplement has been tested and proven free of mercury and other heavy metals — otherwise it might do you more harm than good.
We also encourage you to include a small handful of nuts and seeds in your diet daily, especially walnuts and freshly ground flaxseed, which are good sources of omega–3’s. Some practitioners also recommend adding an omega–6 supplement called gamma linolenic acid (GLA) if you have rheumatoid arthritis.Gamma-Linolenic Acid
Origin: A type of omega-6 fatty acid found in evening primrose oil, black currant oil and borage oil.
Dosage: Capsules or oil; 2 g to 3 g daily.
Claims: Lessens joint pain, stiffness and swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Eases symptoms of Raynaud’s phenomenon and Sjögren’s syndromes.
What we know: Several studies show GLA is an effective treatment for reducing inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis with few side effects. GLA only works if taken orally; there is no evidence that these oils applied topically are effective. It also may regulate the immune system.
For cooking purposes our oil of choice is grapeseed oil, and for dressings it’s olive oil, which is high in oleic acid, an omega–9 with anti-inflammatory polyphenols. You can even have the ratio of EFA’s in your blood measured with an EFA profile that evaluates omega–3 levels versus omega–6’s versus omega–9’s. Remember, when it comes to essential fats, it’s all about balance
sarsparilla root and teasel root. also i just wanna say, i'm not a doctor i'm just giving you info on what works for me against illnesses and recommendations that i've heard of. you'd obviously wanna investigate before trying any of these things and consider any other possible preexisting conditions/reactions.
as his will said, you make plenty of sense, no worries :) also, i've been reading up on lyme and other diseases with similar effects lately, have you tried detoxing your body with natural things? like clay? or charcoal? silver has awesome antibiotic/curing properties (tho pharm co.'s don't want ppl to know that) when i'm sick i simply put a silver coin in my drink or literally eat off a silver spoon.. that + olive oil and honey basically kept me alive when i had tetnis once.. that and the Lord, of course :) as for biblical, try to stick with the health laws in leviticus (tho i'm sure you know that) Father made the earth and all the plants/herbs within it, many with healing properties. i know i read about a certain root that's suppose to help, but the name escapes me right now.. if i find it i'll get back with you. God bless, i'll say a prayer for you friend
I have read a bit on lyme disease myself and learned that many doctors don't diagnose it properly. I live in the woods among many ticks, so sometimes i wonder if some of the issues i have could be forms of this.
I don't no which scripture i would document on the spacific subject of physical pain. We do know that Paul had an infirmity that he exspressed concern for towards The LORD and that he eventauly learned to glory in his infirmities for that they stress the Strength of Christ in our weakness (2 Cor.12:9-10)! Christ having bore our infirmities himself (Is.53:3-4).
I also think of those of God's elect throughout the Word and how they overcame much pain (Spiritual and phy) and such in their lives. Example: Job, Joseph, Sampson, Paul, Jesus,.... All those of his people showed faith in times of tribulation. May The LORD comfort you this day.
(I see no sign of you not making sense) God Bless
(KJV) Companion Bible
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2 * C. Bible with Books /side margins (turn page), Appendixes,...
3 More on C.B. / :)
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