His_Will's Comments

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At 3:29pm on December 7, 2016, His_Will said…

Eph.2: vs. 1-3 "And you hath he quickened, who were *dead in *trespasses and *sins; Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this ******world***, according to the >prince of the power of the air<, the ***spirit that now *worketh in the children of *****disobedience Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the ***lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the ***desires of the **flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others."... Prince points to inheritance of a dominion and this dominon or "power" is The Spirit Of THE WORD. Those in covenant are NOT "OF" the World they are ENEMIES of it. 1 John 2:15-171 John 3:131 John 4:2-6;John 15:18-19John 16:33John 17:14Matthew 5:10-12Matthew 10:22Ephesians 6:12Jn.18:36, (Heb.11/ 1 Cor.4/ Matt.5:39). / Gen.3:14 

Prince shows authority that is Given to one. The enemy only recieves power that G-d himself first allows for the enemy to have. "The COURSE" of this world- Course is Aion in the greek pointing to this aion (age) in which we live. An age where the fruit of the knowledge of good and Evil carry an impact. THat fruit is Sin. Sin is the transgression of the law and the Fruit of the knowledge of good & Evil. The law is our school master of the righteous standard (good) and evil is the knowledge of transgressing whats good. THe fruit thereof is sin. (1 Jn.3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil)... In Daniel 9 Messiah is called Prince with a capital P and the wicked one is called prince with a lower case p.

At 7:38pm on November 21, 2016, His_Will said…

At 1:30am on September 25, 2015, His_Will said…

Sacrifice has Always been a part of G-d's standard for Atonement. From the garden, to Abraham and Isaac, to the circumcision, to the first Passover (exodus), to the cleansing of the temple, to the cleansing of the priests (and the people). The fulfillment in Yeshua was a part of the Word since the beginning. To say sacrifice isn't needed for the sinner to be justified is to say G-d is lawless that there is No effect for transgressing him (a price that must be paid).With nothing more than carnal knowledge you dont even grasp the concept of G-D or that of Messiah or atonement. 1 Pet.1 "But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 20 Who verily was foreordained *before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.... "Life is of the blood". Its the sinless life (righteousness) of Yeshua that allows a sinner to be counted as justified in mercy and Grace of G-D. 

At 1:13am on September 17, 2015, His_Will said…

Beautiful Aramaic orthadox song! 

At 12:50pm on September 7, 2015, His_Will said…

At 3:29pm on August 21, 2015, His_Will said…
Jn.18:10 (Matt.26/ Mk.14/ Jn.18/ Lk.22) "Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus"./ "cut off" - apokopto (G#609)- From G575 and G2875; to amputate; reflexively (by irony) to mutilate (the privy parts): - cut off. Compare G2699.
Thus actually Yeshua Has healed an amputee./ Lk.22:51 And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him.
At 1:50am on August 20, 2015, His_Will said…
G-D is righteous and his judgments are pure. When he says dont do or do he isnt just talking to hear himself speak. There is a effect for transgressing Him. A price that must be paid or you serve a lawless god that has no authority. The wage of sin is death. There are many forms of atonement (Flour, Money, Repentance, Blood) and they were all fulfilled in Mashiach. Lev.17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul./ The covenant has Always been in blood. From G-d covering Adam and Eve with animals skins to the sacrifices they and their children made to the sacrifices Abraham made to the first Exodus (Passover) to the cleansing of the temple,..... "Life is of the blood" and the life of Yeshua was sinless (guiltless). He is the Only one to always be about the will of HaShem (only true "muslim"). The sins of the people were put on him who knew no sin and he recieved an unjust sentance from men in sin. He being innocent overcame death (Heb.2:14) thus fulfilling the sacrifice that has been since the foundations of the world for whosoever shall turn to G-d in their sin can know partake of atonement and their repentance be accepted by the righteousness of Messiah. Thats the only way your truly gonna fulfill the law & live otherwise your Under the Law rather than fulfilling it (with Grace). Otherwise your death (both phy. and spiritually) shall be Torah being fulfilled on you. Messiahs name simply means salvation of Yah. Seek and ye shall find.


At 3:43pm on May 20, 2015, His_Will said…

The Word Pastor relates to pasture in both Hebrew and Latin. In Hebrew the word for pastor is ra'ah (רעה). This word is also the word for shepherd. A Pastor (shepherd) leads the sheep to Pasture. (Feeds the sheep) The root used here means to feed. The Hebrew word for pasture is mire'eh (מרעה). The heart of this word is ra'ah. There is a clear cognate relationship between 'pastor' and 'pasture' because there is a clear theological relationship. According to the Word of God, a shepherd (pastor) is called to feed the sheep from the pasture, the Word of God. The true food of the sheep is to be fed to them by a true shepherd. This is why there is much prophetic condemnation in the Scriptures for those false shepherds who are not feeding the sheep. 

Ezekiel 34:1-17/ John 10:1-18

At 5:44pm on March 29, 2015, Robin said…
Good evening! So excited to be a part of this Blessed Familyy
At 9:31pm on March 28, 2015, His_Will said…
At 3:36pm on January 9, 2015, William H. said…
At 12:24pm on September 9, 2014, Amanda Williams said…

Thank you so much for adding me to your group, and also for the warm welcome. With raising my 2 year old nephew I don't have much time to get online, but I look forward to a chance to truly interact with you all. May God bless you!

At 12:12pm on August 22, 2014, CB_Nashville said…

thank you and god bless you

At 6:47am on August 20, 2014, Laura Marie said…

Thank you for your kind welcome :)

At 4:54pm on August 16, 2014, His_Will said…

The derivation of Sebring is from the two compounds 'sae' meaning 'sea' and 'beorht' - bright, a warriors name

At 3:23pm on August 15, 2014, His_Will said…
Everytime I hear this song (Follow You Follow Me- Phil Collins) I automatically think of Yeshua HaMashiach! One with the Lord make a Majority! In this life we can surround ourselves with people that really dont care for us (and still feel alone) But none has demonstrated the Love of G-D like Yeshua!
At 8:35am on August 8, 2014, His_Will said…
At 10:45am on July 21, 2014, Yadin said…

thank you very much and GOD bless us all!!

At 5:21am on July 11, 2014, William H. said…

quick run through seeing how many bases i touch


 Not a single word that is translated as G-d relates to the physical flesh. To speak of G-D is to speak of a Spiritual authority. Yeshua (Jesus) like all men have both a physical body and a Spiritual body. To mention his physical being is Not to mention The Almighty G-D but rather a Temple Of G-D or ("son of man") To mention his Spiritual authority (anointing of the Father) you can apply Two of the many terms that are translated to "G-d" they are Elohim (Hebrew) and Theos (Greek) which in lamemans terms means instrument of divine authority and judgement / messenger of G-D. Its a common stumbling block for simple minds of all Judaism, Christianity and islam not to be able to seperate Spirit from flesh when it comes to RECOGNIZING messiah. Christ himself asked his disciples who do men say that i am.. thay started listing prophets then he said but who do YOU say that I Am. They said the Messiah (son of G-d meaning one who carries the name and character of G-D) and his responce was this is not carnal (based in the physical) knowledge but it revealed to you by my Father. ZWe are told throught the bible that G-d is Spirit and Not man in Many ways. Christ said he came not to do his own will (that of his flesh) but that rather the will of G-d. THAT will is divine and is the essence of Elohim (Theos). Christ said of my self I can do Nothing. He said he that believeth upon me believeth not in me but he who sent me and he who seeth me seeth not me but he who sent me... he went on to make it clear he was speaking about observing his fruits NOt his physical body (flesh/ image)and again his fruits were that of the will of G-d. He said my fruits testify of me)Christ is the ONLy ONE to Alway submit to the will of G-d. It is said in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with G-D and the Word was G-d Jn 1:1 then it goes on to say Jn1:14 that The Word was "made" flesh. If you simpley look at the greek word for made you see it means to come to pass and rendared as such 82 times in the kjv. That is the context of "made" so why did G-d use (need) flesh for his Word to come to pass? Its called atonement of the blood which ws fulfilled in Yeshua and was the reason he came in the flesh (heb.2:14) and thus you see how all scripture agress. Yeshua is also called Emmanuel which means G-D (divine authority) with us. How can this be? (stay Spiritual with me!) well messiah means annointed! Yeshua (the Hebrew name of "Jesus" means salvation OF Yah. Adon is Hebrew for Lord as IN the earth and in relation to creation but we know Hashem himself isnt limited to being within his own creation thus you have Gen.1:27 which mentions THE Man (1st and 2nd man) we are told the 2nd man is the Lord from Heaven (Messiah). Heb.1:1-4 makes it clear that there is ONE "person" (not 3) to the Godhead and the word translated to "person" is essence Thus to claim 3 would be to say G-d has split personality and or is three seperate beings/ That is blasphemy). You also have Is.9:6 which speaks of Messiah and it says there (which many people fail to understand) that his SHEM- na

At 11:36am on June 28, 2014, His_Will said…

Posting to review the responce that came through me:

Someone (no need for names) asked



The responce:

In this Physical word we are subjected to (the knowledge of/ a War between) Good and Evil. Tribulation isnt all bad it shows who really puts G-D first. Evil doesnt occur "in His Name". Your logic is flawed. The Hebrew for "name" is "Shem" and it also means CHARACTER. Your basically calling the character of G-D Evil. G-D does reveal himself to those who embrace a Relationship with him. He knocks at... the door of everyones heart yet many choose to resist. Mankind has brought the "attrocities" of this world upon ourselves. If G-D were to manifest himself to everyone to do a side show (" a wicked generation seeketh after a sign") as you suggest that wouldnt cause people to embrace him full heartedly. Their alligance would be based on something other than Faith ("Faith is the substance of things hoped for the Evidence of things unseen"- Heb.11:1). The Spiritual attribute of Thomas is said to be that of understanding and to him it was said (Jn.20:29) "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."/ He has told us not to act "naughty" throughout his Word. G-D unlike you isnt interested in MAKING PEOPLE believe. Hell devils "believe" in him and the Messiah and the result isnt what you claim it should be cause they Dont "behave" nor are they "peaceful". He gave us Free Will and in that we CHOOSE to either embrace a relationship with him or reject him. Throughout the bible we are told G-D wants our LOVE and Love cant be forced it has to come from within. Love is only truely known through experiance and Like G-d it can Not be seen physically other than by its effects (actions). Such things (which exsist but cant be seen other than by their effects) are SPIRIT (wind)- Love (hate),Faith, Intelect, ....**&%# (&%#& personally I'm glad G-D isnt subjected to your standards If he wants to Make us believe he could have simpley pre- programed us to submit to him but truth is he is interested in Our Love (His Love returning unto him through you). Take care. If you are truely interested in Evidence of G-D try to have a relationship with him and he Will reveal himself to you But know that trying to have a relationship with him isnt based in your standards (rationalizations), He calls us to die of self and be echad With Him. Then you will have peace in the midst of "attrocities" (tribulation) that cant be taken away! GBU"

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