Moshe Mayim's Comments

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At 1:04am on October 9, 2024, Sabrina Nance said…

Thank you for letting me know about Felicia I just got her email today. I am not responding. I think it is a scam as well.

God bless


At 9:16am on June 4, 2024, Robert Lane Bass said…
Moshe Mayim---here is my dilemna....i found a cool christian chat room....and i met a bunch of dear people....but then they made me 2nd in command and before they do believe on can forfeit their salvation?...i said i believe in OSAS....but for me its not a super big deal to disfellowship over....they asked do you believe you must endure to the end and i said yes.....i dont believe you can just believe intellectually and live in sin and call that they made me 2nd in command...and i have to do bible studies but i think i got myself into a big bind.....James 3 teachers of His Word are under stricter judgment....and right now life is as difficult as it seems i can get through......but i dont like to argue...many people get so offended so easily.....i realize...butler just go tell them thanks but no thanks....but i sense i would lose many dear new i feel stuck....since my wife left me life has been very difficult because i dont have any good care-givers but i dont want to be put in assisted living and lose autonomy.....i think if i am going to lead a bible wont be topical...we just start in a book and go verse by verse?....and i will pray a lot and hope for the best
At 9:02am on June 4, 2024, Robert Lane Bass said…
dear Moshe Mayim on June 4, 2024 i attempted to get into chat room but the room did not appear as usual....some of the wording was gone and when i tried to post..."Hello Moshe" would not Post?????
At 5:08am on May 28, 2024, Ronald Morris said…

Good day,

Could you please get back to me on (  i have something important to disclose to you.
Best regards,
Ronald Morris.
At 12:26pm on December 22, 2023, Toto said…
Hey Mosche, sorry to hear the computer. It can put a damper on things for sure. Hope all goes smoothly over the holidays! Shalom peace 🙏
At 5:12pm on December 14, 2023, Kathleen said…
Thank you, Moshe, for the welcome. Hopefully in the next few weeks I can get used to my new schedule and I can have some more time to browse the content of your channel.
My oldest has moved in with me until he starts school in the Spring. Takes awhile to get used to another adult in the house again.
At 9:12am on July 12, 2023, Beloved said…

Hey Moshe,  I'm not really sure what I'm dong but thought I'd accepted the membership a few weeks back! :-)

At 7:27am on May 16, 2020, Donna B Armon said…

Yes, It seems they are going to believe whatever they wish, and not believe what GOD says. It sounds like your sister may be having something else going on, We can only pray for them, My niece is in her early 50's and old enough to read GOD's word to seek the truth but still insist this is her mother's spirit, She says it does not feel like a demon because she is not afraid of it. Satan likes to use tricks such as this to make us believe it is possible to communicate with our dead loved ones.  But I told her nothing else just tell it to go to the light and she said she would do that. If it were me I would rebuke it and give it no more attention. I would not dwell on it whatsoever.  GOD's word says our spirit returns to GOD so I believe in that.

At 1:09pm on May 15, 2020, Donna B Armon said…

I also want to mention after Dennis has had his surgery he looks like he feels better. And is not in so much pain. I prayed for him in March for his surgery to go well and it looks like he did well. 

At 1:06pm on May 15, 2020, Donna B Armon said…

Thank you, Moshe, I tried giving her the scriptures but she is insisting it is her Mother's spirit so I can do no more for her other than just pray for her. I told her if nothing else send it to the light and give it to GOD. A person can only do so much and the other person will have to make up their own mind what they wish to believe. I want to thank you though for your quick response to my question. Sincerely Donna

At 1:23pm on May 12, 2020, Donna B Armon said…

Thank you My sister-in-law has died a couple of months ago and my niece says her mother is turning the light on out in their storage shed where she has stored her Mother's things and she believes that it is her Mother trying to communicate with her and I needed scripture to show her that this is not her Mother. Thank you I was going to use Ecc. but I'm glad you all gave me more verses

At 9:12am on May 11, 2020, Inky Spector said…

Moshe are u guys here? How  come i cannot see chat tab? Somethings wrong

At 1:09pm on March 27, 2020, Abba's Daughter said…
At 8:59am on December 7, 2018, Gustavo Cordoba said…

Thank You Moshe. God Bless You.

At 1:52pm on November 28, 2018, Ana collado said…

thank you so much moshe for accepting me as a friend God bless you

At 9:34am on September 14, 2018, Roderick D. Thorn said…
At 9:57am on September 11, 2018, Roderick D. Thorn said…
Some people are saying YOD HE WAW SHIN AYIN
Is pronounced YAHAWASH'A with the guttural AHH , or YAHAWASHI with the strong " I " sound based on the original Ancient Hebrew without the vowel pointing. Still others believe it is pronounced YAHUSHA. Who comes the closest ?
At 10:39am on May 16, 2018, IlovemyNoodle said…

Sorry for the typos I got a new phone and the screen does not always let me see what I'm typing when I'm typing because the keyboard comes up And covers the rest of what's on the screen

At 10:37am on May 16, 2018, IlovemyNoodle said…

When I read your comment today on the other chat about the river I got empower from the Holy Ghost, endued with Gods Spirit and the Holy Ghost came upon me strong and I started praying for you in tongues even stronger!! God revealed to me and broufht to remeberance to me about tjat river you speak og. It is real!!! Even more real than me typing tjis message to you.

At 10:32am on May 16, 2018, IlovemyNoodle said…

 you left the other chat before I could get a chance to tell you this :but that River you were speaking of is REAL!! I was at a prayer meeting years ago and tongues and interpretation came and this is what the Lord God Jesus Christ himself said: that is a real River in heaven as real as we were at that prayer meeting that's how real the river is. At the time,I did not know too much but it was certainly amazing because that was told to a man that was going through some health issues himself at the time. I didn't think too much of it I just thought that it was amazing because that's what tongues and interpretation came and this man was crying and praying to the Lord but nobody heard what he was saying because he wasn't praying out loud


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