Joseph was a Type of Savior. The simularities between him and Yeshua are very strong. Same character (shem)
1) Hated without reason
2) Rejected by His own people
3) Betrayed for a price
Then we hear Judah’s suggestion:
“Come, let us sell him to the Ishmaelites”.(37:27)
4) Parted From his garment
5) Went to Egypt
6) Accused by false witness
7) Went to "prison" (where by Word freed prisioners/ symbol within the dream was a Cup of Wine)
8) Overcame prison to sit at the right hand of The Lord (earthly pharaoh/ Spiritual Father)
9) Prepared the Way
10) Used a cup (with Benjamin) to bring forth atonement confession, deliverance, repentance and to show Grace
Mashiach Ben Yoseph carries the shem of the patriarch Yoseph Son of Jacob (Israel)!
Yoseph means Yah will increase. Yoseph inheritance and tribe(s) were increased. When Yeshua (Son in Law to another “Yoseph” but Son of David) concluded his ministry and walk (life) in Israel he sent his Disciples unto the nations with the Gospel (Light of Israel). These talmudim of Yeshua had what it took to understand and apply Torah to the nations As the nations (for who they were).
Yeshua separates the role of his first advent (Ben Yoseph by shem) from that if his 2nd coming (Ben David /Judah) in his reading of Is.61.
Yeshua’s father (in *law) Yoseph was Yehudi (Matt.1) tribe of Judah / Ben David
Yeshua’s Mother Mary (daughter of Eli) was also of Judah, David... (Lk.3)
Heli’s zera is the only male zera (phy.*seed) present in Yeshua that being of Judah and David (by male zera/*tribal identity).
- Yoseph's Body was Brought Back to The Land of Israel from Egypt (As Israel returned)
The coming of Messiah Ben David (Adon Moshiach) is the return of the one who took on the iniquity of the people. The one who will return in the role of Moshiach (Ben David)
Will compel all of Israel to walk in the way of Torah,
Will Repair the breaches in observance,
Will Fight the wars of G-d,
Will Build the Beis Hamikdash in its place, and Gather in the dispersed exiles of Israel.
While the nation rejects mashiach Ben Yoseph as a whole, those in covenant and carrying the concept of Moshiach will come to Moshiach (Ben David) and even acquire of his wounds and honestly mourn when they realize he was wounded in the house of his friends. Blessed is he
It was Judah that interposed in behalf of Joseph, so that his life was spared ( Genesis 37:26 Genesis 37:27 ). He took a lead in the affairs of the family, and "prevailed above his brethren" ( Genesis 43:3-10 ; Genesis 44:14 Genesis 44:16-34 ; 46:28 ; 1 Chronicles 5:2 ).
messiah benYoseph
Last updated by William H. Dec 8, 2023.
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