*To define "Acrostic" is to speak of a bible code (pattern). There are ways to Properly divide The WORD, however one that embraces "bible codes" in the context of fortelling events of the future, adding to or taking away of the scriptures,... is in a dark practice. Man can justify anything within his own mind and some are known to attempt to support their ideologies, imaginations, and perversions by making them into codes. Codes are NOT to be the bases (root) of any knowledge, a true acrostic looks at scriptures in a certain Code(pattern) to confirm what is Already written (revealed) for a certain layer (conformation).
Just a link i want to study on the subject of "hidden texts" http://www.math.toronto.edu/drorbn/Codes/Nations/WRR2/index.html
Acrostic of Amein (Amen): http://friendsnchrist.ning.com/photo/amein-acrostic?context=user
Message within the Hebrew Mashiach (Messiah/ Christ)!
Read from right to left <-- cHet Yod Shin Mem/ when related to the pictograps(aramaic/early Hebrew) symbols, describes the 1st Advent of Mashiach!
Examples: * Chaos/ sin destroys the hand of life (Is.53:4-5) *The people destroy the right hand of power (rebellion/crusifixtion) *Blood destroys the hand of seperation (Heb.2:14/ Lev.17:11) *Blood destroys power of the wall (Eph.2:14) *Blood presses sharply against the handoutside the wall (Heb.13:12)* Water/ teachings that destroy the power of seperation.
(While the wall kept the unclean out of the kingdom Messiah is The Way/wall)
Read from left to right -->when related to the pictographic symbols, describes the 2nd Advent (return) of Messiah! HARVEST/ Judgement
Mashiach is spelled: Mem-Shin-Yod-Chet
Examples: *The Seperation/ Life/wall that Works to Destroy/consume Chaos/sin/ nations/people against God)-thus establishing real Peace and Rest (Shabbat Shalom!) *Dividing (according to ) works (by) applying the blood/ water (word/sword) Matt.10:34 Rev.22:12(Rev.2:6) Jas.2:14-17 *Cut off the works/arm/power of destruction (the destroyer/satan)according to the blood/water/teachings * Divids/seperates the power /effect of two (the opposition/2 denotes opposition)/destruction/ knowledge of good and Evil/death/bondage of Chaos/nations/ the unclean.
Yod to the right of Chet is a scriptural title of Messiah- "The Right Handof Power"
Extras: http://koti.phnet.fi/petripaavola/Messiahcode.html
Torah/ Mashiach (Messiah/Christ) / Comfort!
♥- חמש "Chamesh" (khaw-maysh) #2568 Is the Hebrew word for the number five. Its an idiom for Torah (the first 5 books of the Tanach) which is also known as the Pentateuch.
Chumash is made up of the shin (ש) the mem (מ) and the het (ח). If you take these three Hebrew letters and switch them around you come up with other interesting terms in Hebrew.
משׁח Het, shin, mem- is the Hebrew Word "mashach" (Anoint) #4886 which is the root of משׁיח #4899 "mashiyach" (Messiah)mem, shin, yod, het /The Annointed one.
שׂמח het,mem, shin makes up the Word śâmêach -"joyful"/ glad/ merry # 8056 which comes from the root # 8055 which means to brighten, to cheer up.
The three go together. True Peace is in the combination of Torah and Yeshua HaMashiyach! Those who are sealed in the last days (and stand against the dragon) embrace both Torah and Messiah - Rev.12:17
5 also meaning GRACE! There would be no grace if there were no law (Grace = unmerited / undeserving/ favor) Therefore we can be Thankful for the Messiah's fulfillment of Torah.
Ps.96:11 Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof
יִשְׂמְחוּ הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְתָגֵל הָאָרֶץ; יִרְעַם הַיָּם, וּמְלֹאוֹ.
The initials of the four Hebrew words (Yismehu Hashshamayim Vethagel Haarez) making up this sentance form and acrostic (companion bible appendixes 6,60 and 63 VII), giving the four letters of the sacrid name.
This is One place where The Father says his sacrid name in the Messorah. The sacrid name meaning I am That I Am, I Will Be (What/ Where/ Who) I Will Be,( I Am All & All to u).
The Messorah (Ap.30 of Companion Bible) has a special rubric calling attention to this acrostic.
Note: C.Bible appendixes can be located in the "Assistance" margin on the Right ---->
Names of the bible relay messages http://friendsnchrist.ning.com/group/shepherdschapelstudies/forum/t...
Melchizedec -Yeshua/
My Blog on Melchizedec
Bible codes- rabbinic presentation http://youtu.be/Kj2fQRXbLsk
The names of those buried at the Tomb of the Patriarchs (Machpelah) spell out Israel.
Isaac Sarah Rebkah Abraham Leah /Jacob- Israel
Ps.37 acrostic (Ps.37:7,20,34)
Don't think for a minute that the wicked get ahead.
Torah Portion (Lech-Lecha, לֶךְ-לְךָ 12:1-17:27) Bible code mentions Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin !
Gen.15:17 http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0115.htm
Starting at Deut.2:33-Yitzhak Rabin is crossed by Assassin will assassinate!
Other bible codes:
http://www.grantjeffrey.com/article/article6.htm /Example: starting with Gen.1:1 with the 5th (grace) letter Yod, counting forward every 521st (added together makes 8/new beginnings) letter spells out "Yeshua Yakhol" (Jesus is able)!
"Every seventh letter in the book of Leviticus spells out "Yud" "Heh" "Vav" "Heh" .
There is more to it than just this: In Genesis and Exodus, every 50th letter spells "TORAH" from left to right --> (toward the book of Leviticus). In Numbers, every 49th letter and in Deuteronomy every 50th also spell "TORAH" from right to left <--(toward the book of Leviticus).
To summarize: Genesis, Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy all use the word "TORAH" to point toward Leviticus, the central book of the Torah. In Leviticus, we see YHVH."
more by Chuck http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/chuck-missler-goes-extraterrestrial-in-s...
(KJV) Companion Bible
1 Companion bible special studies (Appendixes) Website currently DOWN
2 * C. Bible with Books /side margins (turn page), Appendixes,...
3 More on C.B. / :)
extra link
Other study tools:
1 Smiths bible dictionary
5 Blueletter
6 https://biblos.com/
7 E-Sword download is full of good tools and sources.
8 combo of tools
☧ Other helpful links in the groups.
9 Numbers In Scripture (Bullinger)
- Hebrew "Old Testament"
- Hebrew / English Matt. -George Howard (translates Shem Tov's)
- Even Bohan/ Shem Tov's
- Word study tools
- Jewish . Encyclopedia- Septuagint /Sep.
-Hebrew/English dictionary
-Hebrew Interlinear
-Greek Interlinear
- ><> library
- Jasher
- Didache
- netbible
- Josephus
- nexus
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