Jewish mysticism..


I was interested if anyone would list details of why Jews tend to believe that Elijah was the incarnation of Phinehas ( Phinehas transfigured into Elijah then later Elijah transfigured ). I doubt it to be present but if you can document it in the Tanakh please do! I am not here preaching on this subject but rather interested in why some have drawn certain conclusions. I will always be leaning back on The Tanakh and the Gospels over any rabbinical studies but interested in collecting many view points.

 (I have noticed referances to the Haggadah (Aggadah), Rabbinic literature, and the Babylonian Talmud on the subject of Elijah) (Mishnah?)


 Why did early rabbis feel lead to claim that Phinehas was Transformed into Elijah? Shouldn't people be slow to make such strong claims? What was the evidence?  I have heard referances to this in discussion with Jews many times.

I have been told there are many commentaries on this and when I ask if its mostly got to do with symbolism I am told "its a belief that Elijah Is The Incarnation of Phinehas".??? (Heb.9:27)

Hope someone will come through and speak on this!



________just a few areas on the subject__(notes)__

And when Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose up from among the congregation, and took a javelin in his hand; 8 And he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel.


Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, hath turned my wrath away from the children of Israel, while he was zealous for my sake among them, that I consumed not the children of Israel in my jealousy.


And Eleazar Aaron's son took him one of the daughters of Putiel to wife; and she bare him Phinehas: these are the heads of the fathers of the Levites according to their families.



Then stood up Phinehas, and executed judgment: and so the plague was stayed.


Personal study notes:

Mal.4:5/ Numbers 25:12-13/ 1 Chron.8:27/

Life of Elijah 1 Kings 17-19, 21 2 Kings 1-2 (1 Kings 17:1-2)/

Ezra 10:21 / Ex.2:11-14 / Num.25:8/ Num.3:4 / 1 Sam.2:34-36 / 1 Sam.4:19

John the Baptist Luke 1:17/ Jn.1:21/ Christ Matt.16:14/ Mark 6:15 Mk.8:2/ Luke 9:8,19/ Matt.11:14/ Matt.17:11/ Mk.19:12/ Matt.17:3/ Mk/9:4/ Lk.9:30






 I know many of us embrace the message that John the Baptist came in the Spirit of Elijah (IF THEY WOULD RECIEVE HIM, which they didnt) and we (some of us) look for him (Elijah)

to return as One of The 2 Witnesses!


The following vid sparked my interest in the subject. The main reason I come up with, that rabbis of old would have embraced this claim is because Phinehas was lead of The Spirit to stand up and allow the Judgement of YHWH to issue forth through his actions before the congregation when all else were not so moved, 2 Kings 1:10 / I still see it as a rather strong claim to tie this directly to Elijah (even though I see some symbolism present).


I just find myself interested in why (some) Jews see Phinehas as Elijah so that I grasp all the significance of such a claim. 


Peace be to those of the circumcision (of the heart)




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From this will you understand in regards to all the reincarnations that there are in the world, it is not the first ones themselves who ar coming back, but rather the sparks within their souls that have not yet been rectified. Torat Natan, Pg. 19

__I had someone touch a small bit on the subject for me__

"Although there is great aggadic speculation about this including the belief that they are one and the same,the most thorough analysis seems to be by the Ari in the
Shaar HaGilgulim=portal of
reincarnation. there is a translation by
DovBer Pinson" (responce from a rabbi, I'm not sure if he want's to be recognized) ___________________ Seems the kabbalah has some stances on the subject of reincarnation. The mention of Kabbalah sets off yellow flashing lights for me honestly but i know little about it mainly by choice.
Ari (Num.24:9 2 Sam.17:10)- Lion (of God) (Gen.49:9) 'Ari' is also a common shortened version of the names Ariel, Aryeh, Arielle and Ariella (ARIZAL)
Sha'ar ha Gilgulim- "gate of reincarnations"? -is a
kabbalistic work on reincarnation. Based primarily on the Zohar (section Mishpatim), where gilgulim (reincarnations) are discussed, it also borrows heavily from the teachings of the prominent Kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria (1534-1572, otherwise known as the
Arizal). The book was composed by the Arizal's main disciple Rabbi Chaim Vital and his son Shmuel. As well as outlining principles of personal rectification and reincarnation, this work describes the spiritual roots of many of the great Torah scholars of the past. Furthermore, it often provides information about the future in terms of predicting challenges to be expected throughout Jewish history and particularly the "End of Days". I will be looking into this even though I see the kabbal as a mystical source. I remain interested in aggadic speculation. I knew when i started this subject that it wasnt something that would be based in scripture and would like to remind readers of this. I do not believe that a spirit ceases to exsist and then re-exsist, and I do not believe in Reincarnation (Again Heb.9:27) I do believe that man is made in the same image as the spiritual bodies that dwell within them and that even a spiritual body has a defacto form. (Heb.13:2)

I personally believe 1 of the 2 Enochs, and Elijah, Moses (after passing over) and Christ (..) were all transfigured.

(blogs that touch on transfiguration : Melchisedec, Where are the dead, 2 witnesses)

All Scriptures are inspired, [02:39]
Know that even though it is written in many places how the soul of one person is reincarnated into another, and then into another after that, do not make the mistake of thinking that it is the identical first soul itself that is reincarnating. For in reality it is like this, there are many Sources [souls], an infinite amount; these are divided up into the souls of human beings. Within one Source there are a number of Sparks (souls), an infinite amount. Within each and every reincarnation, a number of these Sparks are rectified. Yet, it is those Sparks that have not rectified that return and reincarnateso that they can be rectified. However, those Sparks that have been rectified to not reincarnate. They ascend above, and stand at the appropriate level destined for them. Rabbenu HaAri z”l, Sha’ar HaGilgulim, 14

Never heard of Phinehas. Most Rabbis teach the Oral Torah and Kaballa which include reincarnation.

I AM a scientist and have discovered 7 cutting-edge science/'Beyond Einstein Theories' that fulfill Rev 5:1 of "a book/scroll sealed with 7 seals"; . According to the end of the Bible, only the Returned Christ can produce this and it triggers The Apocalypse/Revelation. And according to the science discovered, only the reincarnated Albert Einstein (Seal #7) could compose this.

The Oral Torah teaches reincarnation. Maybe Phinehas was reincarnated as Elijah. Kaballists believe in reincarnation and that the soul of Moses was reincarnated in every generation. - Seal #7 of http://7seals.blogspot,com 



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