As a nation rebels a nation recieves effects for its rebellion. Individuals that stand with YHVH reguardless of the ways of the world shall be blessed. Those that enable sin partake of the sins they enable 2 Jn.1:10,11. Simple message. The beast systems shall be one and serve the apostacy. We were told such things shall come to pass. As in the days of Sodom/ & Noah shall be the days of the end.
Not sure what value there is in mourning for America when we know these things must come to pass for Messiah to return. It is a sad state of affairs, yet i dont see mourning as a fruitful Work. Sounding the shofar puts the responciblities on the individual. Those that embrace homosexuality must know that this sin goes against nature itself. If they want to justify it then that is their choice. This nation as a whole is already faceing judgement.