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Levitical Marriage?

Lev.21:14 required Levitical Priests to take a woman "of his own people" (H#'s 4480 and 5971-'am). Is this requiring that the priests take from (the tribes of) Israel in general or from the spacific tribe of Levi (or maybe the house of Judah)? I see All of Isreal told not to marry outside of the people of Israel (Deut.7:3-4) in a seperate context so when it comes to the Lev. Priests would this need to be repeated in context just in relation to them, or is something more detailed being said? 
I see a few terms that are used to mention "tribe": 'am (#5971), shebet (#7626), Matteh (H#4294- "figurative").
Num.1:47 But the Levites after the tribe of their fathers were not numbered among "them" (Israel). Mentions Levi in relation to "tribe"/branch of their fathers but goes on to say they are not to be counted among "them" (Ben- the sons/ tribes of Israel) IN RELATION TO INHERITANCE/ Territories (Deut.18:1-2) of Levi. So when it says they are required to take a wife of their own "people" what is being said? Is the "tribe" of Levi its "own" distinct "people"? Or in this case Is Israel the "people" being mentioned?


While physically being considered as a member of Israel (from birth) you are required to have a Mother that is of the decendants of Jacob, Tribal identity it through the Father (Num.1:18) Ab (H#1). so while Mary related to both Levi (through Mother) and Judah (through Father)  she and her seed would be considered as being of the tribe of Judah.



 I recall -Dr. Michael Brown debateing -"Rabbi" Shmuley Boteach ("Is Jesus the Jewish Messiah?"). (link to debate pt 1, pt2)


....."The Scriptures went on to say he (Messiah) would have a priestly ministry, which is one of atonement ....." ..... "We see the theme of the son of David, and the anointed one, and as we read the scriptures, we see that he is priestly and he is royal. Zec.6 plainly says that he will sit as a priest on his throne, the one that is called the branch"...... "so first he came as a royal priest to make sacrifice and atonement for the nations of the world and his own people"

-Shmuley responded:

"When Mike Brown says that the Messiah will be a priest (btw Zech. 6:13 says), The Messiah must be from the house of David, a priest is from the house of Levi and David is from the house of Judah"


-Shmuley goes on to say:

"The Messiah must be a son of Jesse a son of David period"


Mashiach- HighEST Priest (LORD of Lords) and KING of Kings

Ps.110/ Zech 6:13


-King (Royal) Line:

Gen.49:10 Of Judah- Lk.3:33 by Mary/ Matt.1:2 by Joseph- legal father (inlaw)

Is.9:7 Of Jesse and David- Lk.1:32-33/ Lk.3:31-32 by Mary

Matt.1:6 by Joseph (legal)


-Priest (Annointed) Line:

Ps.110:4 /Heb.7 Forever after the order of Melchizedek (of which even the Levitical order paid tithes to). Heb.5:5-6 (NO need to relate Yeshua to tribe of Levi according to Heb.7!)


Ps.45:6,7 "scepter of righteousness" Messiah must be a "Righteous" (holy) king.



(suggested material: Biblical Christmas?,  Names within the line, Who is a Jew....)

Mixing disturbs the line /in relation to the lieniage/ but no ones birth is ever a sin.

Mixing/ Divorce/ Premarital sex?/ (personal studies: Yo’ash & Yehoyada 2 Sam.24:2-3/ Samuel's father 1 Sam.1:2/ Ruth / Rachab )

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    William H.

    Rabbi Aha bar Jacob told that the breastplate of the High Priest (or Kohen Gadol) contained the words "The tribes of Jeshurun," thus supplying the otherwise missing Hebrew letter tet in the word "tribes." (Babylonian Talmud Yoma 73b; see also Exodus Rabbah 38:9.)

    In the Zohar, Rabbi Hiya explains that "Jeshurun suggests the word shur [row, side] and indicates that he [Jacob] has his rank on this side and on the other." (Zohar 1:177b.)

    In the Chassidic discourses of the Baal Shem Tov and his students, it is suggested that the word Yeshurun comes from the root "shir", meaning song or ring, suggesting the circular nature of melodies, i.e. that Jacob's descendants will sing mystical melodies in the coming redemption.

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      William H.

      1 Cor.7 …

      If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.

      13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.

      14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.

      15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.

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        William H.

        Erusin (אירוסין‎) is the Hebrew term for betrothal. In modern Hebrew, "erusin" means engagement, but this is not the historical meaning of the term, which is the first part of marriage (the second part being nissuin).

        Jewish encyclopedia 
        Hebrew: Marriage (ceremony) marry