Hi Brock. The Cop treaty was an attempt to impose a carbon tax on the nations and peoples of the world to fund the new world order. It failed because the third world nations who were promised a great benefits package for their participation were shown by some Danes that the real agenda included a nearly doubling of their tax obligations over what was promised. The corruption is in high places, the highest of this world. The international bankers are trying to destroy the bulk of humanity. It is their religion as you can well understand. The Rothschild family is at or near the top of this and it is hundreds if not thousands of years in the making. Back to the days of Cain no doubt this agenda to destroy humanity is very near to the point where they can bring it about in large sweeping moves. Of course praise be to God we need not fear tomorrow. We know what tomorrow will bring and thank God we have been blessed with the knowledge of the ages.
If you want to know the particulars of the kenites/globalists including the Copenhagen Treaty agenda and every other nefarious monstrosity coming out of their vast worldly power structure just tune in to Alex Jones at infowars . com. If there ever was a secular John the Baptist or Elijah type of person boldly revealing and denouncing the deep and ubiquitous corruption of the political beast system you need not look any farther.
Too bad he doesn't know what a Kenite is. Praise Father we do.
Like water under great pressure the evil mechanisms seek with relentless persistence to seep into every crack and crevice free people will by inaction allow. This creeping corruption will continue but few recognize those at the top who orchestrate the great devices of crime and and the unfettered grab for total world power. In the smallest ways and the most brazen the efforts to undo our Christian nation persist against an increasingly unfaithful people who have long forgotten their heritage of liberty in Christ.
Liberty is the keystone of justice and by no other basis can governments of men build a better tomorrow. Yet today we see liberty under universal assault even by those who claim to worship He who sets us free for freedom's sake. Look clearly at the "right" and "left" today and understand they are two wings of the same duplicitous vulture, not the eagle signifying wisdom according to the grace of the Almighty but two wings of a bird searching relentlessly for the craven bounty of our fallen ideals.
When liberty is sacrificed on the altar of security tyranny is the god thus worshiped. Are the right godly? Really? Why then do they in general support overseas imperialism based on the outrageous lie of 9/11? Do we believe the lie for the sake of belonging to the "right"? I hope our motivations can rise above the spoon fed corruptions of which most habitually partake without a second thought. I speak of the main stream media and their unrecognized homogeneity against the principles of freedom. Whether from the "right" or the "left" one universal lie is upheld as truth. That lie is the lie of 9/11 and the aftermath has been an unleashing of the globalist agenda against the greatest bastion of liberty the world has ever been blessed to know. America.
Most Americans are duped to a degree even watchful Christians evidently refuse to see. Nevertheless God our Father is in control and the truth will out in due time. At the appointed time.
I was somewhat worried over the debt deal Obama and Congress were debating over. Wouldn't that be something if the government defaulted and the federal reserve or the imf came in and said they'd bail us out? I wonder what rules and regulations they'd secretly make the government follow without any american citizen knowing? All religions consumated into a one world religion? Just wondering out loud.
As for alex jones. Id be very careful who you listen to. This man claims to have infiltrated the bohemian grove and taken a video? And he's still alive to talk about it??? A word to the wise is sufficient: an apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I apologize if that offends any one. I've seen this man discussing various things on t.v. and some are factual, but my spiritual discernment keeps seeing a goat leading the sheeple.
You all have a good day. Every day in the Lord is a good day!
It's funny how the Holy Spirit guides. The last couple weeks I've had an undying urge to really delve into the stutus of our nation as from it's beginnings until today. Somewhat of which I can attribute to the recent presidential debates and so forth, which lead to a more in-depth search for the origins of all the argueing and turmoil within our own governing entities. Of course we know that any true wisdom comes from YHVH, but to lay out my adventure I tell you.
I've found Ron Paul is someone who in the big scheme of things holds a very interesting position to our society and the seperation (or designation) of like-thinking minds therein, and even the "sub-sects" (or divisions) thereof. I've been trying to medidate on the connection between the position of our gov't (concerning both native and foriegn) and the Word of God. Though I began seeking the truth about the "underworld" of our gov't and the nations abroad a few years ago I also at times have had to basically take breaks from keeping up with the news simply for my own sanity in seeing how blind people seem to be WILLING to be, I suppose in my "youth" as a christian (going on a few years now) emotions still sometimes become an issue for me. I'm not the type that's too passionate about pursuing conspiracy theories and so forth, though I acknowledge the purpose of some of those that do, but even I, a stupid redneck hillbilly from Kentucky, who doesn't even know every element of the current under and over-taking of our country and the world, am able to at least take account for current events and their origins, (at least as a whole, taking into consideration written history and that which is passed down from generation to generation, along with current events) and even I am able to see that we as a people are OPENLY being duped. It's without question that our constitution and our God-given rights are absolutley being molested by the very same gov't that is suppose to uphold them, and that the corruption thereof spans from sea to shining sea (globally.) And therefore yes, the U.S. as defined by it's origins and principalities is at the end stages of life if not already dead. Sometimes it seems a sad majority of people would rather live blindly.
The point I'm wanting to get at is that though I do consider myself a Ron Paul supporter, I don't necessarily think that he is going to fix everything or that he's all that, but rather, I could see how he could possibly play a part in fulfilling the prophesy of the whole world crying "peace, peace!" in that if his policies came to pass we would probably have a lot better standing with a lot of countries or at least the desire thereof within them. And even if he doesn't become president, there is a great capita of people within our borders that, even if they don't agree with every specific of Ron Pauls positions, still question the basis and constitutionality of the current U.S gov't, which is Ron pauls message. All I'm saying is, I believe a lot of people are having seeds planted in them though they may not even know it until the elect are delivered up or the 2 witnesses are slain and ressurected.. This may even mean they accept this same righteous message of constitutionality and have it used against them (or to persuade them) by the anti-christ. I suppose I could just say, the spiritual tension is building it seems. I guess I'm always looking forward to the true teachings in the millinium and feel this could be used as a great teaching tool and example.
"The USA will have successfully been conquered without a shot fired".
Amen to that!
Daniel 11
20 Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.
21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
22 And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.
23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
Disturbing to me how ever since the President took office (pretty much from day one) he's engaged in these 'behind closed doors' meetings with leaders of the rest of the world like Putin and China ect... and we're informed about it 'after the fact'. I feel....as a natural born citizen of the USA kind of railroaded by this fellow. Do you'all ever feel like that? I know it didn't take him long to send Cairo 1.5 billion $ (which only served to start a war) Egypt 450 million recently (they are now in chaos) and just the other day learned now Somalia 1.3 billion. I just really feel like it's not a good idea to try and BUY friends. I know we are supposed to love our neighbors as ourselves. I really prefer one not decide for me who my neighbor is because my neighbor may not be the same as anothers. I'am still SO greatly to our Heavenly Father for His Word and His promise to us....this very small remnant....that will stand on that day AGAINST this OTHER small people that has now become so strong....and have that ability through the Holy Spirit striking the deadly blow that will take that wicked one and all of cronys down.
Praise YHVH
Heya Priscilla glad you have joined our merry band :) About Obama he is nothing different than Romney would have been in any substantive matter. They are both owned by the globalists and you know what family is behind them pulling the strings.. the Kenites of course. The United States government has been totally taken over by the globalist crime syndicate. Our military does not fight for freedom it fights according to the will of the international bankers. Confusion of faces abounds as we draw ever nearer to that great flood of lies.
But we know our King of kings and Lord of lords will rule with righteousness in the end and the end of this tired old world is quickly coming upon us. Pray to God we make Him proud and that we stand tall without any hint of reservation about our loyalty. Lucifer is a clever fellow and we do well to learn above all and to relearn who is our Rock and Redeemer for the storms will get very rough about us before our job is completed.
Trust in our Savior Jesus Christ and when all is said against us we, by His grace will prevail.
The United States government has been totally taken over by the globalist crime syndicate.
Be careful with that.K?
We will continue to fight for freedom....as we always have.
It is God's will.
yes....we are basically under the lash of the Egyptions. We can take it. Yes, wars produce money.
However, we will continue to be free....even unto the end. As it is written.
Let's not be a 'burden of the Lorder" or we can find ourselves into trouble for that as well.
Jeremiah 23
33 And when this people, or the prophet, or a priest, shall ask thee, saying, What is the burden of the Lord? thou shalt then say unto them, What burden? I will even forsake you, saith the Lord.
34 And as for the prophet, and the priest, and the people, that shall say, The burden of the Lord, I will even punish that man and his house.
Our people still work...still fight....regardless!
And that will not change until Christ's return.
Thank our Father.
God bless
I do understand your thoughts. I mean about the "crime syndicate". I do not consider my family under a crime syndocate. They have worked they're tails off all of there lives building bombs......my nephew is a fighter pilot....my niece is about to retire from a military base and my Mother worked in a factory back in the depression to build bombs or we would all be speeking Chinese right now.
Be careful.
We did not work for a "crime syndicate" okay?
That's all I'am saying.
I do not wish to talk about myself....
But I too.....worked in a factory that built military machinary 10 hours a day 6 days a week when I was a teenager.....and not for a crime syndicate.
Be careful please what you say.
I know you ment well.
Thank you and God bless
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