hey ladys Pictures, Images and Photos

Peace be unto those who seek it!

I am not much into social status but feel its appropriate that i introduce myself here and invite you to do the same. I started FriendsNChrist  to help me document study and Grow in The Word. I hope this site helps you as much as it helps me. Identify as a nazarene (of the Vine) Forever after the order of Melchizedek, Of  the talmudim of Moshiach / Adon Yeshua (Jesus)  A friend and brother. 

Born to a blessed family, grew up in a humble home, Baptized around the age of 13, determined the way is non denominational, had seasons of worldly rebellion, rededicated my faith, drawn to the “messianic” movement, found myself in harmony with both candlesticks.

Truth is undefeated and should be absorbed regardless of the instrument used. I like a comfortable atmosphere with good company and aim for this site to be that for others. I am thankful for honest fellowship in truth and spirit. I believe real Jews and real Christians are both in covenant with HaShem. 

My cannon is Tanakh (ot) and The NT (Brit Chadashah).

I believe there is a generation among us that will be here unto the redemption day and unto that instant there is a spiritual battle going on between the good and evil inclinations within the soul (nephesh) and that the spirit’s (neshama ruach) character is being defined in its relation with The Almighty.

The time of trouble, Great Apostacy, False Peace is upon us and now is the time for the sealed of G-D to resist unto the blood like a good solider. Society is in need of someone who believes. Blessed be the martyrs and those to come.

Everyone has a gift and I believe we create world’s when we seek out the good in others no matter how dark they may seem and stress their good qualities and growth. When we bless or curse one person that effect echos through creation. 

Repentance unto Atonement = Yeshua (Salvation) 

This site is dedicated to the edification of The Body. Feel free to invite others!

I will be online often. Feel free to say what’s up! I enjoy invites to other chats, honest debates, services, and instagrams. 

If you have ANY CONCERNS please contact me. I have two profiles here both link to the other in the “HERE” option at top of each profile. Weather it be Technical issues with the site or social issues.

 1 Love - Will


Shot out to congregations I am thankful for (but may not agree with All they say)

Lion and Lamb ministries (Messianic),

Nazarene Space (Nazarene),

Shepherds Chapel (Christian),

Emunah.com (Hassid  Jewish),

Lighthouse Project (Seph. Jewish),.....

My instagram b.trill

paltalk His_WILL

His are blessed with what it takes to decipher the truth. GBU

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Hello all, I study by watching Shepherd's Chapel TV lectures, and by reading on my own time. I was part of the Electforum, which was run by SC students. Suddenly it went down, and I cannot find it anymore. Sad. Anyone know what happened?

This is how I found this place. trying to find info on electforum's demise. Hope it's temporary that site has a wealth of study material and good people.
welcome I agree, I take it you now hav access to electforum. I like that site as well, havent used it in some time though. The link is in the chapel group here and here it is again:
http://www.electforum.com/ seems to be working. Thanks for contributing to this site and Good Day.
Hi, I'm Nate (Formerly Christman Mano'Christ on FB). I am a Biblical scholar. 20 years ago I was studying with WWCOG (Worl wide church of God) but since the split (restored COG and Philedelphia Trumpet (or COG)) it seams they are more interested in attacking each other. About 13 years ago I found Shepherd's Chapel and have been studying ever since. I have 100's of books and study tools, and I am constantly digging into them. Predominantly I use the Green's interlinear along with Bullinger's companion Bible, and the Strong's concordance. I also use a small handful of other tools, but the for-mentioned are the best for newer students wishing to dive deep. I enjoy helping people with their Biblical questions via my own research that I heavily document. I am open to helping however I can, just drop me a note. Thanks for having me as a part of this group!
Hi everyone. Dave here and happy to be here at this site. Looks like a great place to fellowship with like minded folks about what is near and dear to our hearts. Thank you Brock for providing this place.


I'm new to this site. Obviously! Studying with SCN since 1996.


I'm here because my wife and I are LOOKING for fellow SCN studiers in our area to fellowship with. We've had little to no connection with believers since we moved up here to north west lower Michigan in 1999. It is getting rough for my wife especially.  Does any one know of a good way to meet up with fellow believers with out going to the local "synagogue of Satan"??? I mean church?


Please reply positive or negative, Pro and Cons on this subject!!!!!

We want...NO! need fellowship!!!!


Thanks for reading,

God Bess,



Welcome Jon, hope you find the fruitful fellowship you seek locally! Chances are seeing as you have studied The WORD of The LORD for sometime (with the Chapel since 1996) you maybe useful in fellowships that arent only "Chapel" students! Reguardless Father shall provide a way for use to be fruitful when we put Him first! (Blooming where we are planted :D)

I too am always looking to fellowship with those in the meat of God's WORD (in more and more ways).

While i enjoy the small local fellowship gatherings i have here in Georgia, I also like to study with others over Microphone (cam), Blog Comments, and Forum (chat) formates on the internet!

Will look to cross paths in truth!


Hi! Where are you in north west lower Michigan? We live in northwest Indiana, not too far from the Michigan state line.



Hello all.

Ive been studying with the Chapel since 1994 and it has been a blessing as far as understanding our Father's Word.


One thing I still have problems calculating the exact time for Passover, Pentacost and Sukkot. I know the O.T. mentions counting the months according to new moons (no moon) but do we still do this? Or start counting by the spring equinox 14 days to Passover beginning at sundown. Confused, please help.

Hi and welcome Hagiazo. As I understand it, when determining all calendar calculations we are children of the day and children of the light and as such we calculate all from the solar reference. The year begins at the spring equinox (a solar reference point) and all feasts etc. are determined from that day.



Col.2:16-17/ Rom.14:5-6

I agree with Dave, we are to be children of The LIGHT (Eph.5:8/ 1 Thess.5:5)! I also agree that the spiring equinox is the beginning of the Biblical year (according to oral traditions found within Rabbinical Judaism Rosh Hashanah is observed as 1 of "the jewish new years"/ while Karaite Jews -those who strictly seperate traditions of men from the WORD of the LORD... "The Day of atonement" (Yom Kippur) takes place in the 7th month. Pesach (Passover) happens in the first month. Rosh Hashanah means, literally, "head of the year" or "first of the year." Rosh Hashanah is commonly known as a "Jewish New Year". Nissan 1 is the new year for the purpose of counting the reign of kings and months on the calendar, Elul 1 (in August) is the new year for the tithing of animals, Shevat 15 (in February) is the new year for trees (determining when first fruits can be eaten, etc.), and Tishri 1 (Rosh Hashanah) is the new year for years (when we increase the year number. Sabbatical and Jubilee years begin at this time).) observe the spring equniox Or 1st of Nissan as the New Year.

Passover has no need of the lunar calendar seeing as its starting point is the Spring equinox and then you count forward in days. If one doesnt make the Spring equinox the starting point some will look to the moon instead seeing as Nissan is the first month of The Jewish year and thus some would use the Rosh Codesh (1st sliver of moon/1st of the month) over the Spring equinox (this again would be traditions of man).

Pentecost steems from Passover thus also only considers the solar. Leviticus 21:15-16


There are still calculations in which Israel was told to take notice of the moons (months/ lunar) when determining set aside days. Examples:

Leviticus 23:34

On the fifteenth day (15= rest) of this seventh (7= spiritual completeness)month is the Festival of Sukkot (dwelling/ Emmanuel), seven days for the LORD (Sukkot)


Leviticus 16:29-30

In the seventh (7= spiritual completeness) month, on the tenth (10= Testimony; Law and responsiblity) day of the month, you shall afflict your souls, and you shall not do any work ... For on that day he shall provide atonement for you to cleanse you from all your sins before the LORD. (Day of Atonement)


Leviticus 16:24

In the seventh (7= Spiritual completeness) month, on the first (1= unity) of the month, there shall be a sabbath for you, a remembrance with shofar blasts, a holy convocation. (Rosh Hashanah) Leviticus 23:24-25


We are told that both the Greater and lesser lights are to be for signs and seasons (Gen.1:14-18). The Light overcomes the darkness when the two meet. The moon is disguised as a source of light when it actually reflects light from the true source of Light.

The Pillar of Enoch (the one who when asked of all things what he wanted he asked for and recieved Wisdom) documents the use of 3 differ calendars! So in Our Father knows where our hearts are during these observances and even He uses more than one calendar. So when we have Him as Our Light unto our path we shall praise him Day or night.

Shlosha Regalim

Hagiazo- In closing, I personally embrace the Solar calendar for Passover and Pentecost and I begin with the Hebrew month Tishrei and count 15 days for Sukkot but i wouldn't have anyone observe as i do because i do. May you find Peace in your set aside observances unto The LORD our God.

(notes Gen.8:13/ Matt.9:14)

The temple was placed behind the eastern gate and the sun would rise over the mount of olives and shine in toward the temple doors on the spring equinox leap year or not as an exact sgin of time.


I have noticed that the day that the Passover communion is aired on tv via the chapel isnt the same day the chapel observes it so i wanted to continue my responce and hope that it can be of some assistance.

Solar Passover is observed 14 days after the spring equinox, that is 15 days counting the spring equinox Or the 14th day after sunset of the spring equinox. Example: if the spring equinox falls on March *20th then Passover is on April 3rd / March 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31/ April 1,2,*3 -PASSOVER/ April 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,/ May 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,*23- PENTECOST

(Sukkot sunset Oct.13-19 or Tisheri 15-19 /Note: not sure what exact dates S.Chapel observes Sukkot)


Days, Years - solar/ Months -moons/ lunar

The Jewish calendar is actually a combination of various forms of calendars (Months are either 29 or 30 days, corresponding to the 29½-day lunar cycle. Years are either 12 or 13 months, corresponding to the 12.4 month solar cycle. MORE/ and More)

HERE is a converter from a "Chapel" student if interested. I will point out that the same individual made the claim that the Jewish calender doesnt keep the same date every year for observances and i cant see this as truthful for one and not the other cause leap years and decimals effect both and both are calendars of order that repeat their order. Anyway just sharing info and may you digest with Discernment.

Enoch's Pillar

Hi again. Knowing just enough to be a hazard to all bystanders I think somewhere I read the calendar of Israel consisted of 30 days in each month and 12 months in one year, the new year always starting on the spring equinox. Also as an explanation of what happens to the left over time it is ascribed a particular name of obscure Hebrew which I could not repeat even if I did remember how to spell it.


The point being each year is a little bit different and the simple and direct method to maintain order was to set the first 360 days according to the spring equinox and let the remainder be some manner of feast or observance which was approximately five days. Now then this makes perfect sense to me and this way the months are just as orderly as the days and the years all determined by the same agreeable solar marker each year and no confusions arising from the different lengths of each year. The leftovers are treated as such and are not forced to comply with an unyielding schedule which it cannot fit into.


A year then is 360 days plus whatever remains until the new year begins. Simple. Humble. Perfect congruance of man and nature. Perhaps someone here can attest to this and give us all the name of that leftover period of time at the end of each year. Thank you.







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Hebrew / English Matt. -George Howard (translates Shem Tov's)
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