Though I guess I'm obligated not to discuss any particular religion or "branch" of christian faiths, I was wondering if this topic made anyone elses ears perk up? I make no assumptions about whether or not this could be the beginning of a "one-world" monetary system, but I have always wondered how the world would transition to a "faith-based" government worldwide (in which one would be required to worship someone in order to buy or sell) considering how important it is to most western societies to be "p.c." these days, and yet apparently all of Europe agreed with the vaticans proposal for economic reconstruction, any thoughts? 

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When it comes to one having to bare the mark of the beast to buy sell or trade i think that is relavent always. I personally see the caution of the verse being on the beast of that time. The beasts in the Word in this context are to speak of systems in place. And to partake of such a system (soiciety) you showing alligance to it. Just like today the system views everyone as a commodity and in effect is what makes up the system and keeps it going! Example say one isnt doing their part of the system and yet asks the system for help (welfare) then your activity goes to fuel their needs.

Lk.20:24 Shew me a penny. Whose image and superscription hath it? They answered and said, Caesar's.

Lk.20:25 And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's.

Man sets up the one world system, it recieves a death blow and is revived and serves the anti. At this time all the systems of the world will serve his agenda and the focuss will be spiritual desolation in the name of peace and prosperity (Apostacy). This system will be very advanced and aware weather individuals are embracing rebellion or embrace of the beast via their foreheads (Spirit/ideologies) and hands (works).

So while today we accept the logical fact that if we want physical bread, shelter, and so forth we have to take part in the system thats in place for any given society. We also know that he day will come when the ways of the World will embrace rebellion of God's blueprint like never before(making good bad and bad good)

We know Bable as confussion, and Babylon as the office of confussion. The vatican is only a pawn in the world stage. Alone I cant see it setting up or controling the 4 hidden Dynasties. Great TYPE of babylon though! The vatican (Rome) has had its hand in the banking systems of the world even in the days of Yeshua and is never a bad system to keep an eye on. I have noticed that many presidents show alot of reverance towards the vatican and one of the canidates exspected to end strong in upcoming race for Pres. is a confessing Catholic.

Eph. 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickness in high places.

i have heard that the age of sexual consent within the borders of the vatican is the age of twelve.....which disallows 98 pct of any legal right to sue or jail child moleters.

i thought it was all priests and nuns at the vatican?

lots of kids study there as well.....and so its a protected hayday for all the homo priets and lesbian open house for child molesters of all types.....and they know it.....which is why so many child molestors seek to be preiests or nuns.....because they know theres almost nothing anyone can do about it.



I don´t know if this could tell you something but this is what I think:  The vatican has a lot to do with the economic reconstruction because it will gain more power in that one world system, which is already set.

Thanks for all of the input!

check out PMs study on the Church of Pergamos...from it and by reason of common has no choice but to come to the conclusion that Pergamos is the Catholic Church.

by RE ductive reasoning.....meaning that we take the 7 end times Churches.....we take away every Church that Pergamos is most definitely not.....and then we consider the remaining Churches as possible candidates for Pergamos.

when we do this.....we are left with literally only one Church that Pergamos could possibly be.


there just is no other answer to this question.


once we know that Pergamos is the catholic Church all of History and current events begin to line up perfectly.


the catholic Church is Pergamos

the whore of babylon are the kenites


satan sits on the his throne within the catholic then.....


the kenites are sitting atop this church controlling it and dragging it along through the mud as they go.....waiting for thier arrive.


its quite plain to see really and its amazing that so many SC students miss this plain fact.


this is why so much evil is eminating from its ranks.....child molestors...etc.


this is also why the catholic Church has such an incredible control over the worlds ecomomies and schools and media and banks.....because the kenites control the world through the control of this church.


catholic hospitals catholic social newsagencies.....all run by highly educated jesuit orders who take their orders from the kenite elite at the top of the catholic pyramid of power.


the kenites use the ancient pagan bloodlust of the romans and their own greed against them.


they turn them into greedy envious doineering, non thinking, ignorant, bloodthirsty. inbreds whose IQs are startlingly lower than that of Protestants.....and one can see those differences simply be reading catholic/public school studies in education forums.


stupid people are controlled easier because they tend not to question their authority figures nearly as much.

Thank you I will certainly deepen my studies on this!

I'm studying SC's cover of revelation (the daily bible study) and though i just began watchig it a few minutes ago and it hasn't gotten to the churches yet it just came to mind that the catholic church teaches "purgatory", which is quite similar to the term pergamos... but that's just a thought.

in Revelation.....the statement is made directly that satans throne is found in the Church of Pergamos.

this means that the antichrist is not pretending to be a muslim when he comes to earth at the 6th trump.

it also means that the kenites elitists.....those in the know.....have understood for a very long time that satan will take his throne within this Church.

this is why kenites like nostradamus converted to Catholicism and then pretended to be a mystical prophet from its ranks.

this is also why the catholic church has enjoyed so much power gain over the past 150 years.....the kenites are working feverishly to infect this Church.....and why at times they seem to be pushing it in the media.....and protecting it.....and helping to destroy Protestants at every turn.

the kenites ensure that catholics are fed fear propaganda against Protestants and the King James Bible.


both groups have sought to destroy Protestantism for hundreds of years.....but the Catholics have a new enemy as of late,,,,,and after 500 years they finally have no choice but to concentrate their efforts on this new threat.


many wars are being fought across the world between Catholics and many countries.....but notice romes subversionary tactics.....notice the word Christians is always used in these the Protestants dont catch on and begin to complain that it isnt their fight and that the Catholics should fund their own war on the muslims and stop making the Protestant tax payers pay for a war that isnt theirs.

but 911 ensured that Protestants would always have an interest in going after the muslims.

Catholics and muslims have been fighting since persiaian days.....and then into the crusades.....where the muslims took over the Dome of the Rock.....which is where satan will sit on his throne (perhaps only spiritually? ) when he arrives back on earth.....but this means that satan will take his throne in Pergamos and will take his throne in the Dome of the Rock as well.....which means that the Church of Pergamos will have to secure the Dome from present muslim leadership and hand it over to the whore of babylon so that the whore (kenites) can give that system and all its power to satan when he gets here. 

Thanks Scott :) So in explanation of Catholic=Purgamos, is it because of the reference to balaam and balac who cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel (which Christ is described to be a stumbling block in Peter I and other places I think) in that they (catholics) basically teach a doctrine of babel but use Christs name to do so? That would make sense to me because of all their written prayers and "chant" type rituals as well as their whole concept of repentence (to a man, not to God) and that is only scratching the surface as far as their traditions as they contradict to the Living Word. I can't seem to find a lot about who the nicoliatans are either.. I assume documentation of this people was probably manipulated and/or destroyed by who else but the "great scribes" through the generations.. Perhaps the nicoliatans had something to do with the merging of the false doctrine of OT (law) with NT (grace) and the MISTEACHINGS that had to take place in order to make the false doctrines thereof "mesh"..? Like around the time of Christ or a little after, satan would have eventually had to start taking part in converting people from the law to grace as well to "stay in the game" for lack of a better phrase, only it obviously would've been twisted to fit his agenda. I'm not so good with words so I hope my question makes sense but if not I'll try to think of a better way to phrase it in case someone asks... Thanx again to everybody for your time and input!

well we must keep in mind the good news for Catholics,,,,,and that is that their Church is deemed Christian by Christ.

the Catholics also held the Word for 2 thousand years which is highly commendable.

the nicolatians were into sexually pervrse stuff (no big shocker there)

and the doctrine of baalam..... baalam was very greedy and loved money.....and as for Pergamos.....we are told that these people are highly stubborn,,,,,so to sum up.....this Church is greedy, has severe sexual perversion within it.....and its people are incredibly stubborn.


having lived amoung Catholics for a very long time i can say almost without exception that these three traits make up the mindset of a huge percentage of Catholics.


you will find a whole bunch more traits listed in the Book of Romans.

Paul is speaking directly to them and warning them of specific activities to be careful not to do.....and its pretty evident as to why he has seperated them and spoken to them directly on these matters.

they need the help.


it breaks my heart to see the Catholic Church and its good Christian people controlled and manipulated by the kenite elitists who run the Church.....but then again.....its just as heartbreaking to see it happen to the Protestants and just to be clear.....Protestantism has its share of negative attributes within many of its Churches.....the first being stupidity.

most Protestants arent in your face sexually perverse aggressive domineering psychopaths.....but they are many times just dumb and to lazy to check out the Word for themselves.

they have allowed themselves to be turned into a bunch of submissive wallowing dimwits.....and im sure they will pay the price for their actions.

Yeah I definately don't want this to come off as a catholic hate-fest, I know plenty of christians who identify themselves as such and I know that there's a big difference between the "heads" of the establishment and the believers therein. Not to say that I agree with it, i'm aware of the possibe deception that could unfold due to false/manipulated teachings, but I also don't protest other people's free will to do as they please and "whatever works" I guess you could say, it's up to them, you know? God gave people free will for a reason, and as I understand it He gave certain lineages (through which Christ would come) to deliver the people through His Word. Therefore it's imperative that those who know the ways of God to pass those inheritances of knowledge on to other generations/lineages and to stick to their guns even if shown through patience and understanding for other denominations/so forth.. only my thoughts though

if you look at the whole thing from a political point of veiew.....the system was never built on freedom of the was built on dictator type gouvernments (czars).

this is look at catholic controlled countries of today to see what the political situation is.....lets start with canada (highly socialist) is mexico ( 3rd world dictatorship type),,,,,lets try every country in central america.....working south as we go,,,,,well just to save space we can say that these are catholic countries and that their all pretty much theird world dictatorships,,,,,then lets head into south america,,,,,whish is almost totally catholic.....and youll find 3rd world socialism communism dictatorships and what have you.
well then lets try cuba.....we know whats happened there.
the point is.....rome has never enjoyed American democratic didnt create it and it doesnt like it. catholics love dog eat dog jobs and dog eat dog politics.....just like they did thousands of years ago.
Protestants came to America and started freedom because they were being murdered by catholics in europe by the millions.
freedom was a reaction to roman politics.
rome will not allow freedom of thought because it endangers romes power over the minds of the world.
american Protestants created democratic freedom and rome has worked feverishly to destroy it and once again enslave the minds of the world to romes domineering ways and systems.
rome had a huge influence in the starting and the outcome of the civil war but u wont find this written in any kids textbook.
there were 2 controlling groups in america at that time.....Southern Protestants and northern catholics.
if someone was making war against the southern Protestants.....and theres only 2 groups in control at the time.....who would have been the group fighting the southerners>
ahhhh the north.....we always read of how the north and the south fought which is subversive language.....just as how we always read about how the english and the french fought.....when in reality.....rome controlled the it was catholic controlled.....and the Protestants controlled the south (no big suprize there).
we are always told the term "southern Protestants".....notice the media never ever ever uses the term "northern catholics"?
more subversion.
ever wonder why the modern media hates the south so much to this very day?
ever wonder why they produce hate propaganda against southern Protestants to such a degree?
catholics didnt create freedom. they prefer a czar (ceazar) in control.
100 years of british presidents ruled america before the civil war.....notice how the mainstream media and all the kids textbooks make almost no mention of this fact?
notice how almost every person in america including university history professors will tell you that george washington was the first president.....when 100 years of americas british political history has been wiped from the books and the minds of the people?
naw.....theres no subversion happening,,,,,i must just be a coincidence that 100 years of british Protestant history has been erased from the face of the earth.....or.....the side that won the civil war has purposely erased that history.....and remember.....there were only 2 controlling groups in america at that time.....and the southern Protestants lost.



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