Does any one else get every question answered on Shepherd's Chapel?




        I was curious to know if any one else out there gets, well, so far every single question answered on the SC ? I don't mean I have wrote in and have had all written questions answered, I mean you have a question, and sure enough someone will either ask the same question, or Pastor Arnold will just out of the blue say something during a teaching session and it will be the exact answer to my question that I have been thinking. Such as when I introduced myself I asked"Is it normal to get tears in my eyes when I talk to God?" or to cry when he teaches about the Crucifixion.(Every time I can't help but boo hoo when I think about the suffering Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior went through just for us and to destroy death to save our souls!!) 

     Well, sure enough PA had that question asked on the show this morning!!! It makes me feel so, so blessed that God takes the time to answer every single question I have for Him !! I love you, God !!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

              God Bless Your Little Hearts,


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Being absent from the body is not what is being taught in 1Thess 4.

My Lord Jesus and God my Father are pleased when I exercise faith in the word of God and obey in studying it.

The gathering together is not something that should end ours or anyone's fellowship with each other. 

So many people are cutting off fellowship because of non-essential doctrines such as tithing and "rapture".

Can you describe to me what the Bible is in your own words?


"Can you describe what the Bible is in your own words? "

Yes Chette I will. 

THE BIBLE:  Is GODS letter to his children..



The Bible is not a letter.  Many of the parts of it are not even written to you or I.

Here is my description.

The Bible is the inerrant, inspired, whole, complete and preserved words of God which I can hold in my hand and read, learn, trust and believe.

more so I can base all my practice on it and to that which pertains to me I can obey it.

Tithing for anyone who has ever read their Bible through more than 3 times is revealed to be for Israel not Gentiles.  It is part of the Commandments of the Law for Israel and it is enforced upon Israel.

But I have been commanded in a letter written to an individual of which you and I are individuals, to study and RIGHTLY Divide the word of truth. 

We are never commanded to follow men.

BTW, Joseph, to discern is to make a judgement.  That is what discernment is for.

Dear Chette,

The Bible is indeed Gods word intended to be read as a

letter would be ,so to speak to all of his children leading

guiding, directing and teaching us.

Where did you ever come up with, some parts of the bible were not

meant for us ?

But than again, your interpretation on certain sections of 

the Bible have led you to believe you will fly away,

You should read Ezekiel where God states "I hate those who

teach my people to fly away".

Please don't take this as an attack on you personally. 



If the Bible were intended to be read as a letter then there would need no need for God to Inspire the verse for us to study it 2Tim 2:15.

The epistles are indeed letters. While all forms of literature in the Bible are found in letters that does not make the Bible a letter or mean it should be read as one.

To read it as a letter would put you in a position to read someone else's mail per se. 

For examples Tithing is never commanded to the gentiles only Israel.  Paul taught the church about giving according to what a person desires to give in their heart and then to bring it on the first day of the week. 2Cor 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

In the letters of Paul he restates 9 of the ten commandments, the one not restated is Sabbath Day observance.  But he gives liberty for those to observe it but also says not to let any one judge you as to a holy day or a Sabbath in Col 2.  He further states that some treat one day above another and others all days the same.

Look here Mal 4:4 ¶ Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.  see the law, commandments, statues and Judgements are for ALL ISRAEL I and you are not Blood born Israeli's.

There many things for us but not everything is written to us.  If you took Noah's commission to build an Ark and began building an Ark to gather animals in and await the flood.  you would be outside the will of God because in Genesis he promised that no more would a flood come upon the earth to destroy every living creature.

I never said anything about my "flying away"  You very much have a craw in your sock about a rapture.  Here is what God's inerrant word says, 1Th 4:13 ¶ But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words. Very interesting you would deny this section of scripture to the obedience to vs 18.  The word says those who are asleep Christ will bring with him and it says also of those that sleep that they will rise first.  so the souls of those who had Physically died Jesus brings with him and their bodies will arise (you included if you die before the return of Christ for this event), and at that moment those of us (you included) shall Join them.  Why is that so hard to believe?

Where will we join them?

 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  

So what does caught up mean?  well Caught up plain and simple.  what of in the clouds, what does that mean well in the clouds.  or meet the lord in the air?  what does that mean simple to meet in the air.  How does one get into the air?  We will see when he comes I tend to think it is instantaneously not flying.

Now you either believe God's word or you don't that is the real question.  I don't understand everything in God's word and neither does Brother Murray. But this I know, God's word is true, pure, powerful and I don't have to have all the answers to believe what God says.

Now I didn't add or take away.  and this whole section of verses was inspired for a reason.  To comfort one another.  If you deny that this gathering together as it is called in 2Th 2:1 ¶ Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him then you cannot comfort one another then you are in disobedient to God's word plain and simple.

It is not up to us to believe some things and deny others. But we are to RIGHTLY DIVIDED the word of God.

Remember there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of God giveth them understanding.  and that ALL scriptures are given by inspiration of God and they are profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction.  The word of God gives us understanding via the Holy Ghost.

If you have ended relationships with people because of their understanding of 1 Thess 4 then you are one who forsakes fellowship with one another as the manner of some do.

As far as the Ezekiel "fly away" verse you supposedly quoted where is that found?

Ezekiel is written to Israel while it may have some learning for us Ezekiel speaks mainly to JEWS under the law of Moses not Gentiles saved by grace through faith on the cross work of Jesus.  It is like reading someone else's mail.

Do you truly believe that you can hold God's inspired, complete, inerrant and infallible words in your hand and that they are all True, whole, complete and without error?


Hello and blessings to one and all who read these words.  Pastor Arnold used those words referring to the Holy Bible as a "Letter to his children" so we will believe and study hard on Gods word. 

I am curious about 1Thessalonians 4 also. I was raised on these verses so I am curious , very curious about when Jesus comes in the clouds and the dead rise first then the living go up with Jesus. I'm no bible expert but want to know the TRUTH!! 




I am not going to argue with you, it's obvious you have your mind made up.

However, who comes first at the 6th trump ?. (PLEASE ANSWER THIS)


Ezekiel Chapter 13 Comments
Oct 25, 2010 – Comments on the book of Ezekiel chapter 13 from the King James Bible Online. ... over my saving hands and teach MY childeren to fly to save there souls. ...the 1830s it is satans lieing message so people wont study the bible. ... So the fly away teachers pay for all the sins of them that learn it. ... He hates it.

who comes first a the sixth Trump?

It would be an error to put all trumps in scripture together then lay then in an order that God does not or over lap them to fit some teaching.  That would not be RIGHTLY DIVIDING that would be WRONGLY JOINING the word of truth.

You will need to learn to just stick to the word of God and leave men's teachings out.

It seems you are quoting some guys comments.  I don't do that I quote scriptures Gray could very well be wrong.  I learned long ago to stick only to the scriptures and not fallible man.  Just from what I can tell is that the term fly there has nothing to do with 1Thess 4.  That would be a very big mistake to start with.

Second, my opinions were not in anything I shared about 1Thess 4 it simply laid out the scriptures just as they were inspired and preserved.  It has nothing to do with my mind but the mind of Christ. 

I will read Ezekiel 13 and post the whole chapter and I will answer Who, What, Where, When Why, Which and How so that we can see what God is saying with no interpretation just some inductive questions that will be answered from the text with no comments yet from me.


I don't see anything wrong with the question asked of you.

The Bible makes it very clear what and who come at the 6th trump.

At the 6th trump the 6th vial will be poured out on the earth and Satan

will be kicked out of Heaven.

He will than proclaim himself as Christ (the anti Christ) and deceive many.

You will find this written in the great book of Revelations. 

I suggest you study the PARABLE OF THE FIG TREE.

It is called the Revelation (singular) of St John the Divine.  It has never been called the Great book of Revelations (Plural).

You still after three times have not answered my question about the Bible.

I just finished teaching through the book of the Revelation and through most of it the church is not even there. 

You have a tendency to make statements that are not Biblical and you quote men more than the Bible.  There are trumpets throughout the bible  You were quoting and talking about Ezekiel and ask questions about trumps without even saying the book of Revelation.  You are very confusing.

have a blessed evening.



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