I found this film interesting. It has much documenting in history. This movie is on the subject of the One World System (NWO). I know there are many conspiracy theories but this one seems to be a bit more supported! I can't say all of it is to be embraced cause I am still trying to find out if some quotes where perhaps taken out of context!

One thing I found interesting is that the U.S. treasury is under control of a private organization. The Federal Reserve Bank is far from federal but still uses the title. I think this movie can be a source of Discussion.
__________I suggest you watch______________

"The Obama Deception" *-->( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw&feature=fvw ) <--********************



From what I have been told, it has never been about presenting a "birth certificate". I am no legal exspert but i have been told that Hawaii goes by its on standards and only requires one to give basic info when Recieving citizenship which is then placed on a New LEGAL birth certificate. Such certificates being fruads are legal fruads.

If anyone can share the documentation in the law articles that relate to this, please do. Remember i am no exspert.

So why does Obama (BARRY) not have any character witnesses from (of) his youth??? Cause Barry before assuming citizenship lived a muslim life. When he was a college student he had ties to a well known anti american terrorist, and later an anti american "preacher".

(most recent updates to this forum are on later pages)

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the Liberal "TIME" magazine has shown they cant report real news, that they support new age morals, hate our constitutional rights, and are politically biased with their new "Person of the year "obama".

 Woe unto time magazine.

 Note the nobel peace prize went to the snake before he ever took the white house. Prior to taking the white house he was known for the simple vote of present rather than taking sides. Its clear to people with spiritual eyes what side he is on and its not that of the people or the four fathers or the bible. Woe to america

Can anyone give 3 real postive accomplishments of the obama administration? Washington monthly claims to have a list of 50 but i see this list to show how liberal and unqualified he is as president. 



1. Passed Health Care Reform (which the people and washington currently view as a FAILURE

2. Passed the Stimulus (nothing like spending to work ourself into (out of) our economic woes) 

3. Passed Wall Street Reform (basically covering washingtons tracks of helping the rich while waging war on the working middleclass) It continues

4. Ended the War in Iraq (when he pledged to do so far earlier and Bush stated mission accomplished when he was still in office)

5. Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan Cute way of saying we are still involved

6.Eliminated Osama bin laden one of the BIGGEST OF HIS FAILURES IN MY VIEW. the nation needed REAL closure and the administration couldnt give a single story of events rather they had three released versions of what took place and while the rest of the middle east had claimed osama had been dead we will never know cause all evidence that could be used to support (or deny) any of the three storys the administration gave was dumped in the bottom of the ocean which just happens to be unheard of. The whole while obama raised up his name over those who actually took on the mission one of which is quoted as saying the guy he shot didnt look like osama.....

must we continue? At this rate we can give obama credit for remodeling the benghazi consulate

Egyptian Foreign minister says Obama told him he is still a muslim.


Fake faint during Obama speech.


Mia Marie Pope claims she knew of obama in Hawaii and that it was understood that he was a pathological liar, prostituting homosexual, drug addicted, foreigner. http://youtu.be/pV6MG_QYf3A

Jan.14th/ 2015/Obama administration announces transfer/release of 5 Gitmo detainees; 4 to Oman (next to Yemen), 1 to Estonia /81 of remaining 127 prisoners are from Yemen (a major base of terror today). Former gitmo detainees that were also released led the Lybia attacks (that obama sat back and basically watched). Many of the former detainees also believed to have joined Isis. /You can research each one of these points through internet searches / We all also heard obama say "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam". (note the word "slander" which is still relative to a debate on "free speech"!) Recently in France he (the "prophet" of islam) was insulted/slandered and those who did this were murdered and the admisitration seemed to not want to vaidate those who slandered him or the victims of those who didnt approve.  Yet about 40 other leaders of other countries were there to show their stance against the Muslim terrorists. Obama wont even identify them as muslim or islamic even saying that Isis isnt islamic. Obama is a curse on the usa. I ask you to really pay attention who you support with your actions and words people.

Messianic Johnathan Cahn (author of "The Harbinger") reviews obama's state of the union address. http://www.wnd.com/2015/01/rabbi-jonathan-cahn-sees-biblical-warnin... 



Days, Hours,  Minutes & Seconds left until the Obama administration ends! 


We are currently in the midst of his second & final term in the white house

No one knows what will come of the nuclear peace treaty he has made with Iran. Marco Rubio highlighted a clause that state that the usa vows to protect irans facilities from any foreign threats. The usa got nothing out of the deal and basically paid Iran off. The same Iran that kill usa soilders daily in areas around the world where they are stationed by being one of the if not The largest state sponsor of terrorism (iran and usa run a race for that postion).

http://endtimeheadlines.org/2015/08/gog-n-magog-watch-russian-warsh... ... Following recent nuclear deal with international community ... "

Russian warships dock in Iran For “War Training”



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