And the Father is the Spirit of what? And Jesus was the spirit of what? The Spirit of HaShem is HaShem Himself and there is no other.
Now, you are right by saying that the unpardonable sin consists of knowing better and still transgressing and showing no sign of repentance.
What seems in me to go against the Gospels is that they were not written by Jews but by Hellenists probably former disciples of Paul's. Jews would not write against the Faith of Jesus which was Judaism.
Sometimes a person does not see any other option than to remove his/herself from the situation. Whether physical imbalance or psychic trauma they are not in their right condition of reason. Anyone who has actually been face to face with the black dog (as Churchill put it) really has no idea what they are talking about. It is not being blue, sometimes it is decades old. Depression by definition, is seeing no future to current existence. For all the words spoken on this topic I see no valid or valuable rescue to anyone in this condition from my or the commentors experience in such things. Outside looking in is speculation at best.
And you believe it. Well, you have all the right in the world to. I guarantee you as a member of the Faith of Jesus which was Judaism that's not so. The Logic is that there is no such a thing as unpardonable sin as long as one is alive. The truth is that the one who commits a sin, must either not care to seek forgiveness or is dead which is the same. He or she will never achieve forgiveness.
Let's make a test. Break the Law and you will find out if salvation is free or not. Obedience of the Law is the only thing to keep us all out of trouble. I guarantee you that. If one commits a crime, whether he is guilty or not, he will spend a lot of time with Court procedures to clear himself up or go to jail "without paying 200".
Jesus himself implied that if one goes into the Temple to pray for salvation and is suddenly reminded that he has an issue with his neighbor, he might as well not even enter the Temple and go first set things right with his neighbor and only then return for his prayers. (Mat. 5:24)
Probably, the guy who wrote the gospel of Mark was a Hellenist former disciple of Paul's who believed in a Trinity of three gods and distinguished a sin against the Holy Spirit as if it was different from a sin against the Father and the son. HaShem is absolutely One and the only Lord. (Deut. 6:4)
Jesus never had a disciple called Mark and, Matthew the apostle of Jesus never wrote the gospel attributed to him. If you read Mat. 9:9, the guy who wrote that gospel was reporting on how Matthew met Jesus. This is one reason. The Second is that Matthew the apostle was a Jewish man and, a Jew would not write against his own Faith which was Judaism. Mat. 1:18 for instance, is akin to a spear stabbing Judaism right in the heart. Probably the man who wrote that gospel was a Hellenist former disciple of Paul's. If you haven't read that text of Matthew, do now and tell me about it. It is about the Greek demigod which is a man born of God with an earthly woman.
That be up God,he is the judge.
Linda, I love what you wrote about the unpardonable sin and all the details you shared about true salvation being a gift and not a result of works. Excellently written.
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