"Demons" are rebellious and seducing (possessive) spirits. An individual that caters to such a spirit often carries out hardcore actions that may be hard for others to comprehend or make sense of.

The terminology and concept is primarily given in the Greek texts G#1139,1140,1141,1142/

..The Hebrew Tanakh doesn't go as much into this concept but you can find relative terminology such as H#7700, 8163,... "demon" Greek: daímōn, daimonizomai, daimónion, daimoniṓdēs/

Hebrew:  shed, sa'iyr

(Rashi and others say the magicians used real shedim)

Some of the material found here can be DISTURBING.

Today we see spiritual wickedness all around. Its only natural to want to recognise the root of the school shootings that seem to be a plague here in the states. Its obvious to me its the same root of the locust army in the middle east, the same wickedness that drives currupt politicians, and modern day conspiracy theorists.

We have some people who ignorantly want to just point at Washington (ignoring The Real Enemy). Such people are Blind to the big picture and end up working to further the agenda of HaSatan. The scriptures tell us that the masses (all those OF the world) will be decieved Rev.13:14 (Rev.12:9 Rev.20:8 Rev.18:23)and that they will show it (their alligance) in their works and ideologies (Rev.13:16/ Gal.5:19-21).

The wicked all serve the same agenda in All their Offices. Wicked spirits seek out soft targets. I will be documenting how those who Did carry out these school shootings where magnets (open doors/ soft targets) for demonic spirits. In return they are used to attack other soft targets (innocent women and children,...).

Those in office didnt sit around a table & plan out the school shootings BUT The Enemy has its instruments in Washington as well and they Do use these events to further the agenda of the beast system that will serve the wicked One (4th beast) when he comes to set up shop.  

The army of darkness is working overtime these days. The devil has been warned not to touch God's annointed. He often uses men (soft targets) to carry out attacks against God's people and their standards. A possessive spirit doesn’t care for its host or those effected by their hosts).Look at the locust army in the middle east. We were told this is a army led of dark spirits..... demonic spirits manefest in all cultures.


I think most people have heard of the columbine school shooting by two suicidal attackers. Demons have been known to ultimately have an agenda of Death both in the Actions of the one possessed and for the one possessed (death is one of the names attributes of the devil Heb.2:14) The evil inclination (yetzer-rah) leads to destruction. Demons are basically posessive spirits They have no human (phy) concept of death. They are rebellious, godless attributes, sinful, unclean...  Some are posessed by lust, violence, deception,... Nothing edifying.  A minor example of this is "legion" in the bible. The person possessed would inflict harm upon himself and yet even the swine would rather die than to be constantly in the realization of being overcome by this filth.

Average people can't make sense of the fruits of devils. I know I personally use to think that no one was basically wicked to the core until i witnessed some things i couldnt describe any other way. One has to let a rebel spirit have authority over them in order to be 'possessed'. So I have no interest in thoughts about the attackers being victims (even though some are mentally challenged). Familure spirits seek open channels (soft targets) to possess and then seek soft targets to attack via the host. But anyway, what do we see in the lifestyles of these attackers?


Not too long ago we had The Columbine school shooters dylan klebold and eric harris. The two shooters where known to have constantly fed into a dark fantasy of shooting up masses of people (often times joking about it)   .  They constantly made remarks to this effect and their internet activity showed a fasination with murder and the game called "Doom"  .  eric once wrote a paper on gun's in schools. So he knew that people were somewhat concerned about safety in this field. (there had been school shootings prior to columbine) 

In some of the writtings of dylan and eric we see they mention Others with identifications like "the human race", "human scum", "stupid and weak organisms", while dylan refers to himself and eric as "god's" and their actions as god like. The spirit that gives these messages dont see themselves as weak, stupid, organizims, or include its self as a part of the "human race" but by goal and acts does see their hosts as all these things (this is clear evidence of Demon possession). This is a sign of demonic possession to me. These are ideologies of devils that see themselves set apart from mankind while yet possessing members of mankind.

eric (eric's demon) had his own concept of "natural selection". It was his theme for the shootings and he even wore a shirt with that written across the front During the shootings. This is interesting cause it contradicts the fact that their plans resulted in a suicide mission unless that ideology was not concerned about its host. This again tells me they were instruments of demon possession cause the spirits saw themselves as greater than everyone else including their (physical) hosts.

_________claims that cant be supported__________

I have seen claims that eric harris had involvement with "mind control" exsperimentation and even claims that he was a mind control project. Of course i cant varify these claims cause the info supposably comes from a source that claimed to have once played a part in carrying out these programs of mind control.

Many have claimed they were projects of the MK-Ultra/Montauk operations centered at Plattsburgh AFB (an area in which eric had once lived/a government related organization that carries out classified programs). eric harris's Father being a member of the Air Force himself. The same site that listed these things claimed a childhood friend of harris said that he recalled before eric moved to Littleton he had said he couldn't wait to leave Plattsburgh , that he hated the place, "BECAUSE OF THE CONSTANT, BIZARRE EXPERIMENTATION".



jared loughner (the shooter of a political event in Tucson was also obsessed with mind control according to his youtube posts that often focussed on this. "Loughner’s vulnerable and psychotic profile, combined with his interest in mind control, mirrors other famous assassins such as Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, as well as Columbine killers Harris & Klebold."

A youtube from his channel
Jared Loughner Mind Control Manifesto by TECHNOLOGOS

he had other examples of his messed up mind and fasination of mind control http://youtu.be/nHoaZaLbqB4 Anyway...

james holmes (aka:the joker)- converted to islam in prison- should fit right in.

The joker- “Do you ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light?”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2012/12/satan-worship-motivated-sandy-hook-kille...

the Movie Theater Shooter was a student in Neuroscience, He had much interest in what is called "Subjective Experience", even giving a speech on it at the age of 18. Seems this guy was exsperianced in channeling demons.

*Subjective Experience- Study and or practice of a being (subject) that has subjective experiances. Subjective consciences or a relationship with another enitity (or subject)- Wikipedia

This sounds like a good discription of demonic possession to me.

This shooter (James Holmes) was located in the same General area as the school shooters of Columbine (within 20 miles). Strangely enough a trailer prior to the batman movie that james shot up consisted of footage of a man shhoting up a movie theater. I saw a clip of it ("Gangster Squad")on youtube before it was taken down (Perhaps that portion was subtracted from the movie as it was taken from playing as a trailer as well as off youtube). It was of a mobster shooting through the screen while people sat watching a movies in a theater. The events where clearly premeditated but very strange that a possible trigger was placed in such a postion!


CNL -Computational Neurobiology Lab

james's presentation (linked at highlighted "student" above/the video posted above) shows how james himself came up with a use of altering the frames of a movie, games,...(anything w/ flashplayers/or flash frameing screens) to present subjective exsperiances to others. SO its real strange this trigger was placed before the shooting. james in his studies had contact with the organization DARPA which does indepth studies for the government (mind control). james being totally into these subjective experiances he may have had a harder time distinguising between reality and subjective exsperiance (cause subjective experiance was a reality to james). So according to james's claims u can present an effect before or after an event through frame manipulation Thus tricking the brain through subjective experiance to be traveling through time (causing a responce that others may be unable to rationalize). Oddly enough the trailer consisted of shooting up a theater and james did the same thing. james could have considered this as a reality that already happened and that now he was playing out what took place prior to it (which would be going to the car and getting his guns out of the car). Reports claim that someone was seen going out the back door towards his car before the shooting leaving the door cracked for re entry. Upon returning he would now be able to play out what he already considered a reality.

Simularities to Columbine?

 (recall the claims of eric above? How he too had contact with a classified government organization? So if he had become a instrument of subjective experiance (as a childhood associate said eric had commented on experiments on him), what about his friend dylan, what  what caused him to embrace terror? Well they played video games together in which could have been a method /according to james/ to present a subjective experiance among others.eric was also in a class on " video production"! Together eric and dylan used school production equipment to produce disturbing home videos. Interestingly enough, there is still some classified evidence. The Jefferson county sheriff's department concluded and released its offical report in May 2000, which reported that eric and dylan acted alone. Among the Classified Documents are the video productions made by both eric and dylan which are reffered to as the "Basement Types", in which eric and dylan reportedly discuss their motives. Officals claim copy cat crimes for reason for not releaseing these documents.)

(The root is evil spirits not the government. However a government(or individuals within) that serves evil spirits are instruments of darkness as well and can be used to open doors evil spirits may have interest in. One of these attackers even documented technology being used to possess people- Hello)

I have never been one to blame video games, music, or movies, For evil but like james i agree they can be instruments of subjective experiance (demonic channeling).

When james showed up for court he looked totally under the influence.


Sandy Hook shooter adam lanza,

was described by a former classmate (Trevor L. Todd) as having a devil worship page on the web.

Seems all these individuals were open to possession. Seems they all shared the same spiritual fruits. Eph.6:12 says that we struggle against spiritual wickedness in high places and the political officals seem to be using these events to further come against your rights (freedoms). I wont go as far as to say the government is responcible for these events but i can say that there are people who serve the same master in all classes of socieity (teenagers, gamers, hollywood stars, washington politicians, musicians, crooked cops, judges, false prophets,....).

___conspiracy theories of sandy hook_________

We have some people quick to say there were other shooters at these locations without indepth study of the details or any evidence. At the movie shooting these views are based on the comments of a a "witnesses" that by his own admission wasnt postive of the events but thought it seemed there was another person based on the actions of the canister thrown coming from a differ location than the shootings. We have another witness say the canister bounced around in the crowd.

As for the sandy hook events many saw a helicopter reporting a man running around the building and they allowed this to spark consperacy theories when in fact the only man placed in cuffs on the outside of the building was one of the concerned parents on the scene as a report clearly states:

Chris Manfredonia, whose 6-year-old daughter attends the school, was heading there Friday morning to help make gingerbread houses with first-graders when he heard popping sounds and smelled sulfur.

He ran around the school trying to reach his daughter and was briefly handcuffed by police. He later found his child, who had been locked in a small room with a teacher.

"The whole reason we moved here a year ago is because when you drive down the subdivision, it's a happy place," said his wife, Georgeann Manfredonia. "There's a ton of children here and the families are very kind and supportive."

Both parents were volunteers at the school. The brief time Chris spent in cuffs was nothing more than regular procedure.


NOTE: no one is being chased in this footage ( http://youtu.be/3smLQ1nnZV4 ) VIDEO BELOW. This footage is of police securing the scene, with dogs in case a trail could be picked up. (regular procedure)

Judge for yourself. You have been presented with the evidence (and some claims that cant be supported) what you choose to do with it is your buisness, but know that in the end decieving people with un documented ideas cant be praise worthy and dis honors the victims and the truth. Always interested in evidence of further details but dont see any evidense of a "2nd shooter" at all.

In closing, The evidence seems to point to these events being the fruits of at least one devil and the one he possessed. I do think its note worthy that its not just one event. That many have shared the same agenda and to what end? (Jude 1:6 )

"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
May the physical victims of the recent school shooting rest in The Peace of The Lord. (physica...l death is NOT the end) Something the shooter obviously didnt consider. We are seeing the fruits of wicked hearts all over. Liberals see this and accept the attacks on our rights You can attempt to take our guns but you will NEVER have victory over YHVH.
2 Cor.10:4 "(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)".
1 Tim.4:1-2
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
The physical area deemed to the the location representing the "conscience" is the frontal lobe. The frontal lobes of killers and suicidal people show disformation and or activity (more in comment section).
Conspiracy Theorists, worldly politicians, and instruments of mass killing are no different in this concept. (Eph 6) Its the conspiracy theorists that are pointing everywhere but to the ROOT of wickedness. They will confuse you about who THE enemy is. They have no answers, they thrive off loose ends, imaginations, bad reporting (media), adding to the facts, gossip,.... The enemy Loves the division they cause. The elect shall be given relavation over their tactics! Watchmen watch.
You can outlaw guns, knives, box cutters,... But no earthly force can disarm Evil. That is only done in The LORD our God (Eph.6/ Proverbs 18:10) 1 Cor.15:57
We have the victory of the spiritually wicked. Yeshua, Yoseph, & Job were great examples of what it takes to stand in times of great tribulation.
LESSONS: To recognize evil is just part of the battle (Discernment is a gift). One has to allow a demon in. This is why demons look for soft targets. Once you let one in its only by The Holy spirit they they are cast away. Thus demons use certain methods in seeking hosts.
Jas.1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Jas.4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Gal.5:17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 
So THE Lesson is that as Soon as you recognize temptation (the enemy) you stand against (rebuke) it in the Name(Character) of Yeshua and not entertain it (or let it entertain you). This way you dont allow it in. 
Is.55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
1 Cor.10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.(ye being his sheep)
2 Cor.11:3 (,14,15) But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. (2Pet.2)
Note Eve was told not to even touch the fruit. "Beguiled" (G#1818)above is to say to seduce wholly (1 Tim.4) One can allow themselves to be seduced using many formats: teachings, TV, Movies, porn, video games, physical contact,.... Be Careful What Doors You Open.
2 Pet.2:18,19,20,21,22

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Leila Fowler (a 8yr. old girl) was murdered by 12 yr. old "brother". It seems to me that this boy is a psychopath (lacks compasion and remorse). In this thread i have stated that i dont view these mental disorders as an excuse but rather a sign of the spirit of an individual. Anyway, this brother was at the localized vigil held in the community. As the close knit community showed concern and mourned for Leila her brother showed No emotion and appeared to just view the events as some activity. Later when he was arrested neighbors exspressed how strange they felt that he could carry out such an act and then take part in a vigil for her. In some pics of him you can even see a smirk.

Can you spot the psychopath? Without remorse there is no repentance thus the individual is just a Threat.  1 Jn.4:7-8  Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

Aaron Alexis- The "Navy Yard Gunman", had "my ELF weapon" etched into his gun. The media is saying elf here means "Extremely low frequency (ELF) waves". If you look up ELF (aka: alp,trud, mar, mart, mahr, schrat, and walrider, drude, hag, ) you will see how its discription is simular if not that of a demon. Elves are described as bringing nightmares, afflicting people and animals health, sleep, and liked unto a vampire,& incubus.

Aaron had once told police (in Rhode Island) that three people were following him and using "some sort of microwave machine" to send vibrations through the ceiling and into his body, keeping him from sleeping (This is why he used the term elf). He also claimed that voices were speaking to him through "the walls, floor, and ceiling.".

Aaron worked close to the twin towers during 911. He had a history of random gun use.

1 John 4:1 (KJV)
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance

Why was Thomas Matthews Crooks (Trump shooter) seen with CEO of BlackRock and in a commercial? BlackRock has since taken the commercial off of public platforms. Also RFK has connected Trump to blackrock (through Larry Director of BlackRock who he intends to put Over treasury) UPDATE after RFK speech Trump denies considering Larry Fink for treasury/ Notice BlackRock's CEO preaching and supporting "Force behaviors" (subjective experience):


911 hijackers



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