I quickly skimmed through the replies and I was a little surprised that Samson was not mentioned since he committed suicide when he made his last prayer while he was on Earth; and yes I believe he was forgiven. Samson went through heart aches, sadness & depression (being blind causes severe sadness & depression, I know, I have been there)
God knows our hearts, God knows the circumstances; if someone seeks to end their life due to malicious intent (such as making themselves an offering to satan or any idol) then God will know why and will most likely give them a chance to learn from their mistake before passing any judgement, though depression and results from trauma are the main reasons for suicide, which God will forgive.
Life can be looked at as a rubber band, flexible & resilient when new, brittle when old; as we age our hearts will gather regret, guilt & sadness from things we lived through in the past, and the sadness of not being able to go back or change things; this will give the feeling of not wanting to live any longer, maybe it was a blessing that God shortened our lifespan after the fall of Adam & Eve. Let this be a lesson to you younger folk to do what is right no matter how bad you think the outcome will be.
Us older Americans have depression & sadness because so many hoards of gross mongrel heathens have migrated here and made our beautiful country into a Godless ghetto and brought in their heathen idols which have ruined our land, made it difficult for us Christians to live and have become a thorn in our side.
I would give my life for Jesus in a heartbeat, I will fight & die for Jesus because it is what is right; would God consider that suicide? ...of course not.
Now when it does come to that point where we are brought up at the moment where satan will give us the choice to choose him or else; this is when we must be still before God, have the faith & patience of the saints to do or say what the Holy Spirits wants us to do and not follow our own judgement; if we disobey the Holy Spirit at that moment, that is what the unforgivable sin is.
~ As I was skimming through some of the replies; I saw some things about jews, judism, etc., In order to know the key to the Word, then knowing that Jesus is not hebrew, jewish or judean or israelite, He is the Son of God, and has been long before any human existed, don't label him just because the pride in your heart may deceive you.
It's very simple: the hebrews are the descendants of Adam, Judeans & Isralites are hebrews; yet some intermingled with the line of Cain and those who were mixed with the line of Cain were called jews. The real meaning of this was lost; one of satan's schemes is to change definitions so that it will cause deception & confusion.
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5 Blueletter
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