Israel is a type of barometer. It alone can often tell you the current signs of the times(IMV).

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There is a Physical and a Spiritual Israel.

Gal.3:24-29/ Genesis 12:3/ Exodus 19:6/ Deut. 7:6/ Zec 12:3


Share current events in the area (of Israeli territory /old and new) here! 


_________________March 5,2010______________________


Today there was a skermish between Palistinians and Jews. according to reports Palistinians casted rocks at Jews worshiping at the wall so the military stepped in an the muslims trouble makers ran a baracaded themselves in the nearby mosque. as reported on alJazera: and many other places.
 Civil/ Jewish date converter (Israel 7 hrs ahead of U.S. eastern

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One rabbi's perspective of Gog and Magog compared to current events! (nice intro but sermon shows much deception)
Peace talks in progress.

Concessions and Advantages may include such quarters: West Jerusalem (primarly Jews residences and so on will be aprat of Israel)/ Other areas that have a good number of "Palistinians" Arab neiborhoods will be considered Palistian./ The Old City, City of David, and The Mount of Olives will be goverened by a special regime and will reflect international hands on. Of course leading up to the talks and during there are acts of violence Yet Abbas has publicly condemned the attacks of the Jewish civilians however this does seem to be the senaments of the Arabs in Gaza "The Palestinian Arabs of the Gaza Strip came out en masse Tuesday night to
celebrate the brutal slaying of four Jewish civilians in Judea (the so-called "West Bank") earlier in the evening." The ideologies of islam are clear to those who studu islam. The same people celebrated 911.

And we know that the anti will stand in the holy place claiming to be Christ, and that all those of the World will embrace him. There is a false peace coming and a VERY violent war. the temple institute is even perparing for the false one as documented in another thread here. You need to ask yourself : Are you looking seeking the erection of a third temple by man? What would this mean to you? What role does it play in end time prophacy!!!

Israel May Divide Jerusalem, Internationalize Holy Basin "Defense Minister Ehud Barak says it is likely that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will agree to divide Jerusalem with the Palestinian Authority." "Barak envisions a “special regime” with “agreed-upon arrangements” to administer the Old City, the Mount of Olives and the City of David. " Israeltoday



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