“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”– President J. Edgar Hoover
- This thread is here so that we can discuss the power structures of this world (physical and spiritual), secret societies, and deceptions that are at work. The enemy throughout time has always been mentioned as being in the midst or among the good. This spiritual war has been on but we know that in the last days things are turned up dramatically.
- The enemy is known to use the same symbols as believers (God's sheep) and slightly twist its meaning and purpose. One Great example of this is The antichrist (anti means instead of). The enemy infultrates the fellowship of the many memberd body in order to spread confussion (bable).
- The enemy has seeked to infest Adamic Bloodlines, Churchs, Governments, Inspired sources..(these are among the enemys best tools of deception)
* Rev.2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
* Rev.3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
* 2 Cor.11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (transformed here is disguised)
* Eph.6:10-20 / Matt.24:24
- The seeds the enemy sows closely resemble our own unless one has the gift of discernment. We have been warned about the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. By their fruits ye shall know them. The Spirit is like unto the wind, you cant see the wind but you can see the effects of it. Whats in our hearts (spirits) comes out in our actions) Faith without works is dead. This is of great importance when it comes to discernment. It is clear that those who are of this world bare the mark of the beast. (They embrace the ideologies of the devil /spiritually rebelious of YHVH/, They do the works of the enemy / Spirit and works/ in this way they embrace being a comodity of the NWO and reap that which is of the world). The Mark is evident today, as is the Seal of God for those with spiritual eyes and ears.
- THE N.W.O. is mentioned in Dan.7/ Rev.13
Man sets up the One World System, it recieves a death blow, it is revived and serves the agendas of the antichrist, this will gather many out of season. The enemy is both a spiritual army and it also has need for physical warriors as well. While the spiritual enemy is know for their disreguard of God's commands their is one they are very slow to cross, that is that they are not to touch God's anointed, wicked men are far more likly to carry out this act (the main reason being that for the spiritual to interact with the physical in a physical way it has need of oa vechile /example flesh/).
- The government is not "We the People". The only options at the ballot box are not choosen by you. Even if it appeared that a independant achevied a high office, somewhere it was okayed by the system. At best people could attempt to vote for the lesser of the two evils but thats just it, the powers structures of today are made to play both sides of the story! One major symbol of deception is the Owl. The Owl is a ancient symbol of death, deception, lunar (of the night - lunatic), perception, knowledge, evil, and monsters...... biblically owls are mentioned in relation to desolation, surprise, loneliness,...The term "night-monster" is a hypothetical translation of the Hebrew term lilith, used once only, in Isaiah 34:14. The word is translated in the King James Version "screech-owl," margin "night monster,"... This is a major tactic of the enemy- Create a false alarm, boogieman, in return you already have the solution. This helps win hearts and minds (souls).
- Those who have been watching knows our (U.S) treasury is not even federal (ours) yet the private bank uses the name The Federal Reserve Bank. Long ago There was a force called the Crusaders who set up the first banking systems. Much was revealed to them through their crusades even facts about the Catholic church of which they served. When they realized what the Catholic church realy stood for they started concealing things from the vatican. In return the vatican had them killed and surpressed. The enemy uses trade (money) to support a system of owning what is not yours. The Great pyramid (pillar of Enoch is not only mentioned in scripture but bares record of knowledge handed down from YHVH to Enoch as I document in the other group. But again the enemy uses the same symbolizim.
- The enemy isn't concerned about those of the World cause the masses already bare the mark of the beast. They are concerned about the elect and seek to ware down the saints as an attempt to keep the elect from doing their job.
" Your either with us or against us" - G. Bush
Very interesting quote. Note either side of the spiritual war can make this statement and mean it. I know that we the people are not the same as the U.S. government.I consider this quote perhaps the best thing Bush did in the public eye. Yet I thought he didnt live up to it (but then again who is "U.S."????) Yeah when it came to persueing those who took credit for the attacks of 9-11 what happened? Bush later remarked he doesnt see Osama as a threat and not all that concerned about him.
- Remember Torah Borah? We knew we had Osama inclosed and yet we did not have the ground troops in the area instead we depended on native people to serve as those ground troops and evidence has shown these same people helped Osama to get out and go into Pakistan (and it would even fit the agendas of Bush) Notice we did not persue him into Pakistan! Instead we again depended on Pakistan to take over! The reason was obvious when Bush and his people sold a false alarm: "weapons of mass destruction" and false ties to Al Quada with Saddom. Bush was determined to continue in his fathers footsteps in Iraq (sure Sadom was a bad guy but that has nothing to do with not correctly protecting "we the people" from who ever had a role in 911.) what happened to " Your either with us or against us"? We should have persued Osama and his officers into Pakistan.
- Denomination - seperation/division
Traditions of men, Politics, Religion, Education, Media, Translations, propaganda...
Here you can see Reagan and Nixion and others in front of the owl at bohemian grove where it is said there are blood rituals and its said to be a gathering place for those who commune with evil spirits.
- Many presidents have been members of a number of secret societies. Skull and bones, masons,... There are also organizations within the Government now that hold closed door meetings now more than ever. Obama put heads of the Federal Reserve throughout his cabinet. Many braches seem to make up the tree of knowledge of good and Evil that many today generaly call the illuminati.
- Feel free to document practices, plans, ranks, and so on of such secret societies. I don't support all mainstream "conspiracy theories" yet this is the place to bring up such possiblities.
Personally I find one tactic of the enemy is to present the masses with so many concerns that the cant bond together to form any type of revolution. I keep in mind that we dont take comfort in numbers but rather in the Almighty, and that we shouldnt allow physical concerns overcome spiritual alligance to Our Father.
(check page 2 of comments to see some examples of NANOSENSORS!
(more on nano tech) Small Drones
"Is this a mosquito? No. It's an insect spy drone for urban areas, already in production, funded by the US Government. It can be remotely controlled and is equipped with a camera and a microphone. It can land on you, and it may have the poten...tial to take a DNA sample or leave RFID tracking nanotechnology on your skin. It can fly through an open window, or it can attach to your clothing until you take it in your home. " Quoted from - thefactsbook.com / Old version in flight http://youtu.be/6EYkA8UyYx8 (cool unrelated but loud humming bird)
What in the world happened to the uss liberty ? I am NO fan of alex jones and just by him being the voice of the claims i tend to be Very cautious. If the "documentation he calims exsists then i would have to say I condemn the us government sacrificing its people for political agendas. I acknowledge the state of Israel as fulfilment and Love the people and land but IF these Claims are true its government was wrong too. Until I See the evidence of the claims this is nothing more than a well put together conspiracy documentary.
Its been my understanding that Israel was under attack by a Number of forces when it attacked the liberity and it was a honest mistake. If anyone has details or thoughts on this event in history feel free to share.
(KJV) Companion Bible
1 Companion bible special studies (Appendixes) Website currently DOWN
2 * C. Bible with Books /side margins (turn page), Appendixes,...
3 More on C.B. / :)
extra link
Other study tools:
1 Smiths bible dictionary
5 Blueletter
6 https://biblos.com/
7 E-Sword download is full of good tools and sources.
8 combo of tools
☧ Other helpful links in the groups.
9 Numbers In Scripture (Bullinger)
- Hebrew "Old Testament"
- Hebrew / English Matt. -George Howard (translates Shem Tov's)
- Even Bohan/ Shem Tov's
- Word study tools
- Jewish . Encyclopedia- Septuagint /Sep.
-Hebrew/English dictionary
-Hebrew Interlinear
-Greek Interlinear
- ><> library
- Jasher
- Didache
- netbible
- Josephus
- nexus
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