Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six (666)" using the Evil=48 Code of A=49, B50...Z74. He's the current Antichrist whose actions are the opposite of the Christ, e.g. he's a compulsive/pathological liar, extremely greedy and boastful, assists the uber-rich, doesn't help the poor, sick, and needy. He  wants to torture, etc. 

D52+O63+N62+A49+L60+D52 + T68+R66+U69+M61+P64 = 666

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you need to bible 666 is a mark in right or forehead it is a mark no one person  carry's mark you must be a biden fan hes bring down the USA

I read the private message you sent to me "please change your name please asking you"

The word "fan" is short for "fanatic". No, I am not a "fan" of any politician because my mind is not set upon the world, like yours clearly is. I have no regard for the satanic political system which encompasses all sides. I have no regard for any Earthly nation, they will all burn and pass away. The only things that will survive into the next age are spiritual things regarding the Kingdom of God, not the flags in your avatar. The true identify of Israel is spiritual. God bless.

You may want to read 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV and Revelation 21:24 KJV And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.  

While you're at it, take a look at James 4:12 KJV. 

Wrong and I AM thee expert on the prophecy of The Revelation/Apocalypse. Rev 13:18, "Here is wisdom, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man." Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the prophesied "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist. United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the Beast that everyone must have to buy or sell".

See - only the returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated could produce that. It's triggered The Apocalypse/Revelation which is NOT the 'end of the world'.   

Albert Einstein's math was wrong.  The speed of light is NOT constant.  Tesla tried to warn him about building a math foundation on faulty information, but I guess he and everyone else were too stubborn to listen.  NOW, all these years later, a boson is "threatening the foundations of physics", as the slow catch up to Tesla. 

Rose Thistle/Anonymous Coward: Wrong, Einstein's math was correct and Tesla did NOT try to correct him. 

11/11/22 is your Judgment Day: you FAIL

Brad, physicists in 2015 knew that the speed of light is not constant. 

You are only the judge of you.  God did not ask for you to take His place or His Day, that's what satan's trying to do.

Wrong, that hypothesis was floatby a couple of physicists - less than .1% of all physicists.

You are now in contmept-of-court, therefore...

BY the power(77) vested in me by GOD as the Reincarnated Christ(77=C3+H8+R18+I9+S19+T20), I hereby rule that 6/18/24 is your latst Judgment Day: you FAIL.

Sentence: Really awful luck for the rest of your life, then your eternal soul won't be reincaranated for 7.400 years with 666 years incommutable. When you're born-again as human, it'll be under really hellish circumstances.

Note: You can repent...

- Richard 'Brad'shaw Watson II - GOD's Judge of All Humanity 

Study your Bible more, it is already calculated by God in Revelations that satan is antichrist, look up sixth vile, sixth trumpet, etc.

Political ideologies are of no concern to real Christians that see through the deception of politics. Keep your eyes on Jesus instead of being of the world. You will find in Revelations that 666 is a revelation to when satan returns as antichrist (instead of Christ), it will be not man, it is satan that comes to deceive just as you've been deceived. Study to show thyself approved.


Hi, this is just more deception around Trump. It's like he hired a sect leader as his P.R. guy... Or a super huge fan of Warhammer 40 000.

I can tell you for sure that Trump is not the antichrist, nor is Obama nor Bush nor Biden nor his son, nor is it Raj Patel and y'all got it all wrong.

A.C. is dead.



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