Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six (666)" using the Evil=48 Code of A=49, B50...Z74. He's the current Antichrist whose actions are the opposite of the Christ, e.g. he's a compulsive/pathological liar, extremely greedy and boastful, assists the uber-rich, doesn't help the poor, sick, and needy. He  wants to torture, etc. 

D52+O63+N62+A49+L60+D52 + T68+R66+U69+M61+P64 = 666

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The anti christ means in place of Christ, or instead of Christ, or in the stead of Christ. He will come in an "angelic" spirit body because the anti christ is Satan himself, it's another one of his titles, and he will deceive most of the world when he falsely proclaims to the world that he is Christ Jesus returned, and he won't appear in a regular flesh body.

Trump is most likely a part of a satanic secret society and practices their symbolism, which explains most of what's on your list. Also he has said some very revealing spiritual things in television interviews, such as calling God the enemy and saying that "we" are waiting for God to be out of the way. Secret societies study these things and get things revealed to them by the evil spirits that they serve. Our government is completely captured on all sides, trust in Christ alone and forsake this life.

You can find that interview mentioned by searching on YT "this particular enemy is god"

Known of Christ/Anonymous: Wrong. 'anti' means against, i.e. anti-gun. Heaven is a frame-of-mind to be experienced here-and-now. 

I AM the returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated; see . That has triggered The Apocalypse/Revelation

i dont know for sure all the things you report as occuring but would not be a bit surprised.....i cannot beoecome engulfed by Trump issues....i know in beginning Dr Brown went along that most of the attacks on Trump were hoaxes along with Fox media....i had big problem with Dr Brown saying that and i dont know if he has since on air apologized?....but i still love Dr Brown so much as teacher...this i know maybe we can find in OT where the "ends justified the means"...but in new covenant "the ends for beleiver already guaranteed" so it is the "means" of everyday life and witness we are held accountable at the bema seat...see 2 Cor 5:10...1 Cor just because Trump was in office when they stacked supreme court and Roe vs Wade overturned on Federal level which makes me so so was not the man Trump....he does not read nor understand sometimes even basic history....he learned how to manipulate from the mob attorney Cohn and not the Cohen that went to jail and now has podcast against him....Trump only cares about relieving his grievances against him and has no idea and should not have any leadership position over any people let alone everything is chaos with those pitiful Trump-a-lites in republican congress and senate....and that only shows their own desire for personal power afraid he may tweet against them which is so sickening....i cannot go on....he may very well become the Anti-christ and not just spirit of antichrist that many people may have

As God instructs, he does not go out on the news and brag about the good deeds he does.  Though, some of the recipients of his kindness do leak out stories of what he has done when they were destitute.  Anti-christ will not be born through a flesh woman into a flesh body.  God instructs for His family to leave the tares alone.  So, even if you think he is the king of the tares, why are you focusing so much energy on that?  

Rose Thistle/Anonymous: "Antichrist will not be born through a flesh woman into a flesh body." Wrong and that's NOT Biblical. Rabbi Jesus son of Joseph was certainly born through his Mother Mary. 

Please be logical especially when going away from Scripture.


Are you calling Jesus the Antichrist?  

Jesus' words in John 3:5 KJV were clear and satan and the fallen angels' actions in Genesis 6 are clear.  They weren't born through flesh women, they mated with them and the women had children.  

How about YOU be logical and go through the step of asking if something is Scriptural before you hit the caps key?  

Of course God did exactly what He asked all of us to do and He did it perfectly.  He was born through Mary into the tribes of Levi and Judah of her lineage.  Judah of the king line, Levi of the priest line/righteous ones.  So, that makes Jesus The King of kings and The Lord of lords, which is what Melchizedek translated means. Melchi = King  zedek = righteousness/righteous ones.

I don't have Word so I can't see your attachment. 

Also, it was due to the daughters of Zelophehad's request to God that He agree with, that Mary, legally, carried God's promises and blessings to the only Righteous Heir, Jesus Christ.

I don't know why I just got notice of your reply written on 11/11/22.  That's odd that I got it today on 7/17/2023. 

he's not the AC prove what you are saying we should pray for our leader's always 

Donald Trump 666 is a pathological liar whose actions are the opposite of the Christ. You're a supporter of his - you are an antichrist. 

BY the power(77) vested in me by GOD as the reincarnated Christ(77=C3+H8+R18+I9+S19+T20), I hereby rule that 6.6.22 is your Judgment Day: you FAIL.

Sentence: Postponed while I review your case.




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