These are Basics that I define as foundational to My Faith In YHVH. The following does NOT reflect the beliefs or views of the members of FriendsnChrist in general. This does apply to two user names: HisWill and Brock. I dont exspect to agree with anyone on all things all the time nor do i think that two people are always at the same stage of their walk. But i do believe that some type of fundamental standards to The Faith are to be exspected. Its upon having certian basics that we are called to base fellowship and disfellowship upon.
1) Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. (Almighty God is Holy/ His judgements are Righteousness) The Father is Self Exsistant and All & All. (monotheistic)
2) Messiah is The Right Hand (power & works) of YHVH in relation to creation. (For the spirit to interact with the physical in a physical way, a vehicel is used/ example: flesh) Yeshua (Jesus) is God with us (IN the flesh). Christ is The Rock of The Church. The Son of God. King and High Priest. Yeshua is not to be divided from the Father. (You cant seperate the Father from his works)
3) The Holy Spirit (Spirit of truth) is the intelect of the devine and IT comforts strengthens and connects the many members of Christ (The Faith). Spirit- unseen yet exsists: Faith, Love, Intelect,.. We are not to divide the Father from truth, love, faith,...(Ruach HaKodesh)
4) Yeshua (Jesus) HaMashiach (The Christ) has made Atonement(s) for one and all times by which Salvation has been open to All. Our Passover (1 Cor.5:6-11/ Heb.2:14) Yeshua- Salvation of Yah
5) Individuals are saved by GRACE (unmerited, undeserving favor) through FAITH (Heb.11:1) not of works (Eph.2:8-9) and "Perfect faith" is that which bares fruit (Jas.2:22/ Gal.5:16-17). Faith without works is dead. If You WALK in salvation you will have fruits. Its not by fruits which you are saved they are a reflection of the Spirit. Grace is unmerited (favor) because of The Torah. Thus Grace consists of and fulfills Torah (Rev.12:17/ Matt.5:17-18/ Mk.12:29-31).
6) One born from above (again) is to have an ongoing (positive) Relationship with YHVH, lest they be reprobates. Everything pertaining to The Faith is based upon a Personal relationship with YHVH.
7) I trust all books included in the Tanach (OT) and the "New Testament" (The Bible) are inspired by the Holy Spirit and that there are no contradictions. (Study to show thyself approved) The Father uses many instruments to communicate. He can speak through nature, the written word, another person, an event, ...... Those in the spirit are given the gift of discernment.
8) I believe that apostels of Christ are called to share the (basics of the) good news (gospel) of salvation. Not to condemn anyone of being hopeless of salvation. (So i have a real issue with people who share a perverted concept of the unpardonable sin).(And encourage people to dig into the meat of God's Word, and to encourage people to bare fruit) To help others.
I may question someone who doesnt agree with some sense of these basics (listed Above) as being in The Faith. Yet I leave the judging up to the heart knower.
First off when it comes to endtimes and the harvest I trust that if you be in Christ and Christ in you that you will be an overcomer Period. So I dont always consider someone a non Christian brother or sister if they dont understand the details of the harvest but i urge everyone to know certain basics for the simple fact that the subject is that there is another Jesus so everything that you believe and worship you could associate with the antichrist (instead of Christ) when he comes then you would be found wanting cause you didnt arm yourself with truth in understanding.
1) A one world system (the 4th beast/"nwo") Will play its part, from wars and rumors of wars to kingdom against kingdom to false peace and the set up for the son of perdition. Economic/ Educational/ Religious/ Political
2) There will be a remnant (2 candelsticks/ & 2 olive trees) upon the earth During the "Great Tribulation" and they have a calling at that time.
3) The Great Apostacy will attempt to try even the elect. The Great Apostacy will present itself to those OF the world as "peace". All those OF the world will be decieved. The Great Apostacy will present itself to the people of God as persecution.
4) The Antichrist comes Before the return of Yeshua (Jesus). He comes with the same doctrine as "pre trib rapture". He calls the nations (people) to come to him and he will provide for them and deliver them (yet we dont seek such a one cause we have The Christ and the kingdom is in the midst of his people Today). This anti will set up the abomination of desolation and cause the daily oblation to cease.
I will say that i find those that teach pre trib to have the mark of the beast in their hand (doing the work of the devil) weather it be in ignorance or willful perversion of scripture Lord knows but there is ussually a relation to both when ever one is present!
5) Yeshua HaMashiach comes (at the 7th trumpet/ last trump) for harvest. He establishes the kingdom of YHVH and reigns for 1000yrs in which his election are priests. This ends with the great white throne (Final) judgement in which all wickedness ceases to exsist and the hosts of the heavens Live Eturnally in harmony.
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