Those that are watchmen know that Israel more spacifically the Holy City (Jerusalem) is the barometer of the times or "the gathering place of the crowd". This thread is here to discuss current events in relation to phrophecy  in the territory of Judah (or in modern terms, the state of Israel).


- fig tree restablished (taken place)

 Great Apostacy

______Not listed in any particular order____

Battle of Gog - peace treaty formed - wicked one stand in Jerusalem over a false order- (Apostasy) - two olive trees come -  -  -  the abomination of desolation set up (relates to son of perdition) - two olive tress killed


- Return of the (True) Messiah


Feel free to list any other events you look for in the area and perhaps in relation to current events!

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NO, Naturally Jews look forward to a eturnal kingdom of messiah! There are different interpretations amoung the Jewish sects of how G-D is going to bring this about. The Majority of todays Jews seek to build a man made temple that will aquire the favor of G-d. Today Jews dont worship on the holy mount, the most sacrid place on earth in Judaism mainly because of a sensative relationship with muslims (who have a mosque on the mount). So how would man (Jewish) through politics reach a place where Jews can go forward with building a thrid temple without worldwide backlash. Such men would have use of a international one world system supporting such agendas in some round about way while molding minds to be accepting of it. Jews, Christians and Muslims proclaim relation to Israel and certian highlight areas of the state. Israel as a Jewish influenced political system would have to see reason in allowing any kind of possession to and holy sites to an organization. The main agenda would be forward "peace" and support of jewish religious freedom and practice. The Vatican has often stated they want to hold certain areas in relation to their religion. Recently much talk has been taking place about such talks. Is it possible man (Israeli politics) is willing to allow Christians to play a role within the Jewish agenda as a buffer between Jews and Muslims when it comes to the temple mount? If the Vatican were given certian access to holy sites that could possibly turn muslim aggression towards catholicism ("Christianity") and if it Got too inflamed would give Israel reason to step in and perhaps make needed alterations to building structures and public access!  Are we curently seeing the tip of whats taking place behind closed doors in the forward progress of setting up the temple mount for what is to come in relation to the Great Apostacy? Currently Netanyahu says temple mount status will not change dispite recent debates in the knesset and talks with the roman catholics!

Temple mount institute:

"1000s of rioting Arabs broke through police barriers last night, making their way to the Temple Mount, where they proceeded to set the Temple Mount police station on fire. These photos show the police station in flames and masked Muslim rioters posing with police anti-riot gear.

Violent Arab rioting is not confined to the Temple Mount alone. The entire Old City of Jerusalem is under attack by rock throwing Muslims. Jewish neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem are also under attack. Many Jewish residents are reporting that there is no police presence and they have been left on their own to fend for themselves.

We call on the Prime Minister of Israel to send in the troops to restore order in Jerusalem and retake the Temple Mount at once"

Al-Aqsa Flood” was Hamas' name for the October 7th attack.


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