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Donald Trump = 666, He's the current Antichrist 28 Replies

Started by Brad Watson, Miami in Q&A. Last reply by Brad Watson, Miami Jun 18.

How do you start over after losing your spouse? 14 Replies

Started by LuLu Comer in Q&A. Last reply by Moshe Mayim Mar 8.

Upcoming Global Christian Persecution

Started by Ed in Q&A Mar 2.

At what instant does (physical) life begin? 8 Replies

Started by William H. in Q&A. Last reply by Matthieu Simard Nov 29, 2023.

Phinehas? (Jewish mysticism) 7 Replies

Started by William H. in Q&A. Last reply by Brad Watson, Miami Jun 26, 2023.

Familar Spirits 7 Replies

Started by Clayton W.Guice in Bible study (discussions and studies). Last reply by Brad Watson, Miami Apr 3, 2023.

Trees in the Bible 8 Replies

Started by Godownsmysoul in Bible study (discussions and studies). Last reply by William H. Nov 22, 2022.

666: Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) & United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) 1 Reply

Started by Brad Watson, Miami in Q&A. Last reply by Brad Watson, Miami Jun 6, 2022.

Are you a wise Virgin worthy for Jesus' Return?

Started by Mel in Q&A Jul 16, 2021.

Will you have Faith? Stubborn as a stone. 1 Reply

Started by Ed in Uncategorized (General). Last reply by Ed May 3, 2021.

The Fall of America 19 Replies

Started by Ed in Q&A. Last reply by Ed Mar 29, 2021.

"All Things Are Lawful"? 1 Reply

Started by William H. in Q&A. Last reply by Ed Feb 24, 2021.

Scriptures to Meditate on - Assurance from the Lord 1 Reply

Started by Savi Abraham in Q&A. Last reply by Moshe Mayim Apr 11, 2020.

Prophecy Fulfilled - "7 Seals" revealed as 'Beyond Einstein Theories 1 Reply

Started by Brad Watson, Miami in Q&A. Last reply by Brad Watson, Miami Jan 8, 2020.

The Pale Horse, 666 and the Chip 4 Replies

Started by Ears2Hear in Bible study (discussions and studies). Last reply by Brad Watson, Miami Jan 8, 2020.


Started by Linda in Q&A May 7, 2019.

Music? 7 Replies

Started by William H. in Games. Last reply by Gerard Perry Mar 8, 2019.

Who will be "left"/ "taken"? 57 Replies

Started by William H. in Q&A. Last reply by His_Will Sep 2, 2018.



Welcome to FriendsNChrist


Everyday in GOD's Word is a good day! This website is made up of members with simular & different beliefs and viewpoints. Please keep discussions respectful.

Blog Posts

At Ease

# At Ease 

Job/ Iyov 12:...5 .. "of him that is AT EASE" - Shah-an-awn : in a bad sense, haughty:--that is at ease, quiet, tumult.

  1. adj 1) at ease, quiet, secure 1a) at ease, secure 1b) at ease, careless, wanton, arrogant subst
  1. 2) security, pride, arrogance 2a) one at ease 2b) arrogance…

Posted by William H. on April 28, 2023 at 12:00am

"Pre-existence" Part 2 Bible study

Pre-Existence Part 2 Bible study

Posted by RoseThistle on December 10, 2021 at 8:00am

"Thanksgiving" The Shepherd's Chapel Bible study with Pastor Arnold Murray

"Thanksgiving" The Shepherd's Chapel Bible study with Pastor Arnold Murray - Part 1 ;

"Thanksgiving" The Shepherd's Chapel Bible study with Pastor Arnold Murray - Part 2 ;

Revelation 4:11 KJV Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast…


Posted by RoseThistle on November 25, 2021 at 3:44am

"Health and Common Sense" from God's Word - by CR Dickey written decades ago for DESTINY Magazine

"Health and Common Sense" from God's Word - by CR Dickey

Exodus 15:26 KJV And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none…


Posted by RoseThistle on November 24, 2021 at 11:00pm

Smith's Bible Dictionary online

Smith's Bible Dictionary online ;

Posted by RoseThistle on November 24, 2021 at 2:24pm

The Companion Bible - E. W. Bullinger pdf

The Companion Bible - E. W. Bullinger pdf ;

Posted by RoseThistle on November 24, 2021 at 2:23pm

The Companion Bible - E. W. Bullinger Appendixes

The Companion Bible - E. W. Bullinger Appendixes, (as well as some other books he compiled) ;

Posted by RoseThistle on November 24, 2021 at 2:22pm

Three World Ages The Shepherd's Chapel Bible study with Pastor Arnold Murray

"Three World Ages" Part 1

"Three World Ages" Part 2

2 Peter 3:9 KJV The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is…


Posted by RoseThistle on November 24, 2021 at 2:00pm

Smoke over the temple mount 8/15/21

Said to be from a nearby forest fire set by hamas.…


Posted by Linda on August 15, 2021 at 2:30pm

The Finale Of Grace?

In the bible, the end of each dispensation is always a very hard time. They each end in a frightening finale of some kind which tests faith and hope.

The dispensation of promise ended with 10 dreadful plagues upon Egypt which set the nation of Israel free after they were pursued to the death through the Red Sea resulting in their captors mass death.

The dispensation of the law ended with the brutal crucifixion of Christ and the horrific persecution of his believing little flock…


Posted by Linda on July 14, 2020 at 7:53am



The Russian Bear (Dan.7)

Edom (#123) are the descendants of Esau (* Gen.36:1)

Eze.38 addresses the desendants of Esau.

1And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

 2Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the…


Created by William H. Jul 13, 2011 at 9:07pm. Last updated by His_Will on Thursday.


Jerusalem is the barometer of the times for a watchman.

Many prophacies were fulfilled in May of 1948 (& following) in relation to Israel's independance (reinstatement). It was the will of The Father that this came to pass as it did when it did. This does not mean this political state is the eturnal kingdom or spiritual Israel.…


Created by William H. Feb 5, 2013 at 4:15am. Last updated by William H. Sep 1.


 Joseph was a Type of Savior. The simularities between him and Yeshua are very strong. Same character (shem)


1) Hated without reason

2) Rejected by His own people

3) Betrayed for a price 

Then we hear Judah’s suggestion:

“Come, let us sell him to the Ishmaelites”.(37:27)

4) Parted From his garment

5) Went…


Created by William H. Nov 18, 2011 at 4:18pm. Last updated by William H. Dec 8, 2023.


An Unclean thing can't cleanse its self we have need of Yah (the source and completion of all things. Where we are weak he is strong


***** TYPES: Prayer, Biblical Repentance…


Created by William H. May 23, 2012 at 12:16am. Last updated by William H. Nov 18, 2023.


A marriage is to be a bond between two (a male and female) that become one (Spiritually and Physically), and thus between them and The LORD. It is better not to make a vow than to make one and break it according to the WORD


And I say unto…


Created by William H. Mar 10, 2011 at 2:24pm. Last updated by William H. Nov 5, 2023.


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    "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in hishand. (Is.53)"
    Oct 6
    William H. replied to William H.'s discussion Tishri 2010 in the group Current Events
    "Moses assembled the entire community of Israel and said to them, “These are the words that G‑d has commanded for you to do. You may engage in work during the first six days of the week, but Saturday must be kept holy…"
    Oct 4
    William H. replied to William H.'s discussion Tishri 2010 in the group Current Events
    "when Yom Kippur falls on weekly shabbat"
    Oct 4
    William H. commented on William H.'s blog post UNDER the Law
    "Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all that has been written in the book of the (Law) Torah, to do them.” Paul wrote that. (Gal.3:10)"
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    "The protocols of the "elders of Zion" is an antisemitic work used to demonize Zionism and Jews "
    Sep 27
    William H. commented on William H.'s group Natural Herbal Meds
    "mulberry leaves works better than metphorman in reducing a1c (blood glucose)"
    Jul 27

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